Chapter 681: Criminal boss

As night fell, there was steaming steam in the oven.

The steaming thin-sided cheese baked shrimp pizza is freshly baked, and the hot cheese is accompanied by a few slices of bacon. Just looking at it is enough to make people salivate.

Using the limited materials on the market to make authentic and delicious pizzas, she learned from a famous teacher in the past. Wearing gloves with one hand, he took the tray out of the oven, turned back and turned off the gas fire. The steak that had just been turned over had changed color, and the smell of butter filled the room.

She clamped the steak to the plate, turned back to the pan and took out a spoonful of spaghetti bolognese that she had fried. She looked at the minced onions, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, and meat in the sauce, and poured it over with a smile. The other side fished out the drained spaghetti earlier.

The steak only contains salt and ground black pepper to maintain the purest taste, and it is unevenly sprinkled on the steak surface, so that you will never know the taste of the next bite. This is her favorite all the time.

The Western-style simple meal enough for his own digestion has been out. Wei Sheng humming a small song in his apron, put the plate on the dining table, turned around and looked at the empty room, finally decided to put it on the coffee table, poured another glass of red wine, and was about to go out. While throwing out the garbage, he also received a reply from Cui Xian.

[Just got home. 】

Wei Sheng puffed out his mouth unhappily, and he was so stingy when sending messages at a young age.

In this way, she replied with a mobile phone in one hand, and the garbage in the kitchen with the other hand ready to put it on the corridor.

Just opening the door, Wei Sheng, who only looked down at the phone screen, suddenly heard a surprised female voice in front of him, "Why are you here?"


Li Lu swayed in Wei Sheng's room, screaming in surprise, "I think I'm a dignified student of Beijing University, who is over double ten, and there is not a 16-year-old girl who is smart, Wei Sheng, here is your place. What floor is it? Is it enough for me to jump?"

On the sofa, Wei Sheng held a pizza in his mouth and raised three fingers, "I will protect you from being half disabled."

Li Lu shook her head, "Yes, on the third floor, my aunt's house is on the third floor, so return my house."

Speaking of this issue, Wei Sheng couldn’t help but leaned back in despair. The house was bought right across from Cui Yongzhen’s house. She just went out to take out the trash when she happened to ran into Cui Xian who opened the door with the key on the opposite side. And Li Lu standing behind Cui Xian.

Wei Sheng was returning to the information room, and the two had already seen her.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Cui Xian, who was sitting on the sofa facing him on one side. He was holding the teacup to his lips, staring at himself happily.

"What the **** do you think?" He asked with a smile, but he was still surprised now.

Cui Xian naturally did not receive the news of Wei Sheng’s arrival in the capital, and even now he still doesn’t know that Wei Sheng will spend the next semester of the next sophomore year in Beijing, so Wei Sheng suddenly bought the house opposite his home. It's really puzzling that people become neighbors.

Thinking of seeing Wei Sheng just now, he and Li Lu turned around and got into Wei Sheng’s house, causing Cui Yongzhen, who had heard the unlocking sound, to open the door and check. Seeing that no one outside the door was shocked, he quickly called Cui Xian. Made a call.

And Cui Xian had to say that people were outside on the phone, which told Cui Yongzhen to hang up in a daze.

Wei Sheng couldn't help sighing, "I didn't think of something." Thinking of going out and entering the door and beware of Cui Yongzhen in the future, Wei Sheng couldn't help laughing bitterly. Today, he even swaggered open the door to deflate, and walked back and forth in front of Cui Yongzhen's house. Two or three times, really courageous.

After all, she basically had torn her face with Cui Yongzhen at the beginning. At that time, she was suggesting and threatening, and even went to the house to speak bluntly. Now, what is the matter of moving to the opposite of their house? If he is Cui Yongzhen, I am afraid that he would have to vomit three times of blood to ascend to heaven.

Thinking of how to get along again in the future, Wei Sheng secretly decided not to tell Cui Yongzhen to know that he lives on the opposite side. Although he has no impression for a long time, he can't make people feel completely lost.

Li Lu jumped onto the coffee table again and looked at the table top to eat, "Where did you buy it? Is there a pizza nearby?" After saying that, he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, and couldn't help but thumb up.

"Do it yourself." Wei Sheng lowered his head and cut the steak open, inserted a piece and raised his hand to Cui Xian, who was taken aback for a moment before leaning forward and opening his mouth to take it.

Li Lu was shocked, pointing to the desktop and exclaimed, "You did it?"

Wei Sheng was full of thoughts, holding a plate and rolling a large mouthful of spaghetti into his mouth. Seeing Li Lu reaching out to take it again, he immediately slapped her small hand away with the back of a knife, "Don't move, it's for one person."

"My God, can you eat so much by yourself? I'll help you digest it. We didn't eat anything at the dinner table just now." Li Lu quickly reached out to take it again, and then said unhurriedly. "You came to Beijing for work, right? Stay a few days? You entertained me in Chaonan. Now I am entertaining you. How about going out for a drink after eating?"

Although Wei Sheng is a classmate of his younger brother, Li Luke does not underestimate her at all, and even treats her like a peer in words.

Not thinking of his hospitality, Fang Weisheng waved his hand, "I'm tired today, let's go another day."

Then Li Lu winked at Cui Xian, "You accompany me to the kitchen to see what's delicious."

Seeing her face frowned slightly, the latter slowly got up from the sofa, followed Li Lu to the departure, and listened to her whispering in a low voice while flipping the empty refrigerator for cover, "Okay, you kid, I took it early. right?"

Cui Xian was taken aback by this question, and Li Lu grinned slantingly, revealing the dimples on the doll's face, "I can look at the things in your closet while facing south, don't pretend to me..."

"Don't talk nonsense." His face was stagnant, and his face was turned aside.

Li Lu was shocked when she saw this, she opened her mouth to cover her body with the refrigerator door, and her voice was extremely low, "Don't tell me that nothing has happened so far? You said where to look for someone like Wei Sheng, your brain is bright. It’s beautiful, it doesn’t look bad, and the key is such a big company! Rebirth International! Just kidding! Take it while you are young! Listen to me and finish!"

Seeing Cui Xian turned to leave, she stretched out her hand and took him by the arm to carry the person back, "It must be early! Later, when you grow up, you will not necessarily follow you with more knowledge. People are so good, let alone out of society in the future. When you get to the university, you have to go to the back door of your experimental middle school to the Normal University High School. A woman’s heart needle will change because of something. You can’t control it, but it’s different when you sleep.”

After saying this, she blushed. "When I was in high school, I had to live with people for a lifetime. When I was in college, I didn't like him anymore, so I just kicked him when I turned around? It's the same, you see, I see him so tight now, not because... Oh, you know! The first time it's important to women!

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