Chapter 584: Public opinion pressure, our level

Wei Sheng was surprised, and hurriedly reached out and touched his forehead. He was relieved to see that there was no sign of fever.

And then, she met the boy's opened eyes.

What kind of eyes, calm, indifferent, with a little bit of resentment, just stared at her in this way, and then, those eyes slowly fell along her face, and the eyes were stained with a dark color, which flashed lightly. Wei Sheng was taken aback for a moment, looked down, and suddenly exclaimed, pulling over the quilt to cover himself tightly.

"Why are you taking my clothes off?" Wei Sheng's face flushed and glared, saying that this little Cui Xian was getting more and more excessive.

As she pulled the quilt vigorously, the corner of the quilt covering Cui Xian suddenly slipped off, and she closed her eyes in surprise, "Why don't you wear clothes."

After saying this, she felt why she had to close her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked up and down Cui Xian, only to see that the young man was seventeen or eighteen years old and was already very hardened. She was very strong. Suddenly, her eyes were stunned. , Fixed on the slightly hideous scar in front of him, subconsciously, Wei Sheng stretched out his thumb and rubbed gently on the scar, "Cui Xian..."

"You are not honest yet," he whispered calmly. Recalling that she wrapped her in a bath towel and threw her on the bed last night, she cried and said with tears that she was still a young child, pointing her nose and tears to his half-crippled old friend and crying that it was given to him by her. What can I do in the future?

In the end, Wei Sheng threw the pajamas prepared by Cui Xian in the corner and slipped into the quilt without letting him wear clothes, so he hugged him and slept like a dead pig without breathing for three seconds.

I can imagine how he stayed asleep last night at his youthful age.

What's not honest? Before Wei Sheng could react, he put his arms around her waist, held her tightly in his arms, and whispered to Shang Wei Sheng's surprised eyes, "What happened last night, you forget?"

Wei Sheng began to run as much as he could, vaguely remembering to come out of Mandijin. As for what happened in Mandijin, it was intermittent, as if he was still vomiting on the roadside, and then completely forgot.

"I drank fragments." She whispered, and she was shocked when she saw the boy's naked body. Did she give Little Cui Xian to that last night?


MOTT company, located in the suburbs of Chicago, M country, has always been a leader in global chip manufacturing and electronic communications manufacturing.

They are one of the greatest companies in Country M. They are innovative, constantly expanding new businesses, and creating huge wealth. Before most of the multinational companies now expand into the Z country market, they will invest in country Z with foresight.

At this moment, in this 14-acre office space——

On weekdays, few people can enter the chairman's office. MOTT Chairman and CEO LaPage is standing by the windowsill and reporting from his subordinates.

He was full of silver hair, dressed in a dark suit and a Silicon Valley-style open-collar shirt, his face was calm and dignified, looking out at the sunset in the distance.

After the report by his subordinates was over, he calmly thought, "Rebirth International cancelled the launch date of the new product, and publicly declared in the media to face foreign electronic communication manufacturers...Can they launch new products again in a short time?"

"The research and development of the other party's built-in antenna product has just come to an end, which means that they cannot launch a more gimmicky product in the first time." Marketing Director Job couldn't help flashing a trace of sarcasm on the face of the land where there are unlimited business opportunities. Obviously, he is still at a relatively backward stage. He does not believe that there are any people or groups in that land that can defeat MOTT in this field.

Even this idea is very absurd.

"Job, in order to achieve a better development in the Z country market, we have promised that the local government will establish 100 hope primary schools in the next ten years. So I don’t want you to be in this transnational market competition because you look down on the enemy Eat bitter fruit." LaPage's voice is low and calm, with a shocking force inexplicably.

However, in fact, based on all the information currently available, even LaPage does not believe that this sudden-emerging country Z communications manufacturing company can innovate in a shorter period of time and produce results that are sufficient to defeat its own.

What’s more interesting is that this company didn’t even know that after they launched the world’s first mobile phone with camera function last year, they have attracted the attention of most giants. As a result, they did not strictly control their trade secrets. At least for LaPage, the other party is not rigorous enough that they can easily investigate the research process of the other party's company.


"Have you heard that Rebirth International announced in the media that new products will compete with foreign brands? The speculation has been hot in the past two days."

"Hehe, they have only launched two models until now. I heard that MOTT has answered. They said they look forward to rebirth of new international products, and they also look forward to their contribution to the development of mobile phones. Look at other big companies. , I didn’t treat you as an opponent at all."

"I think they are mocking them."

"What people value is the global market. Whoever cares about your country Z market, to put it awkwardly, based on our country's consumption level, it is very good that people are willing to enter the Z country market for their MOTT phones."

"Huh, Rebirth International? Local small companies are eager to hype, using new products from other big companies to make gimmicks~ I guess it will be hot for a while, and then there will be no more."

"They still play the banner of national Z mobile phone brand winning glory for the country. Are they qualified to represent the Z national brand?" The person who spoke hummed and shook his head, his expression full of disdain.

These college students from Chaonan Normal University took advantage of the lunch stall to chat about recent hot topics in a small restaurant near the school, and their words fell into the ears of the next door Wei Sheng.

She put down her chopsticks and breathed a long sigh of relief. Sometimes she always found that once she paid attention to something, it was not difficult to find that there would often be conversations around her. At least, it was not the first time Wei Sheng heard such remarks in these two days.

Of course, there are also some expected praises, and even in magazines and newspapers, there is no lack of support for domestic brands, expecting new products to be launched and criticizing them.

The critics also shunned the main points, not talking about whether they support domestic brands, only talking about Rebirth International's unpredictable intentions and wanting to use MOTT's new products to stir things up. Regarding this, Rebirth International will not issue any response.

For Yu Weisheng, the smooth launch of the new product as expected is the most powerful counterattack to those voices of verbal criticism.

Ignoring the words of the group of students, Wei Sheng picked up the chopsticks and feasted on the inside of the bowl. He raised his eyelids and glanced at the face of Cui Xian who was opposite.

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