Chapter 58: New beginning

Qian Chuang's wife, Zhang Yuhua, is already preparing meals. The kitchen was originally an open-air balcony that was sealed and used as a kitchen, while the original kitchen became a dining room. The small hall after the entrance was equipped with sofas and TV sets.

Wei Jiefang's family of three sat in the living room chatting with Qian Chuang.

The topic is nothing more than taking good care of Yang Lichun and Wei Sheng. He can help if there is any problem in Chaonan when he first came to Chaonan.

By the way, I would like to inquire about Wei Sheng's recent studies, and two complaints that my daughter is not doing business all day.

"No, Xiao Shuang said that he didn't finish studying in junior high school. He was absent from school all day long. In the end, he had to go to the nursing school. A while ago, she was arranged to transfer to school. As a dad, I don't expect her to rely on studying. I have come out ahead. Taking advantage of my ability to work hard for two more years, I will give her a good environment to work hard. In the future, at least don’t let people say that this girl has no education or a family background. Sister-in-law, are you right?"

Qian Chuang said helplessly that he was breaking his heart for his daughter who didn't like to learn.

Yang Lichun could only smile and nod, although she didn't seem to agree with Qian Chuang's idea very much.

"Oh, I'm going to make you a cup of coffee, you sit down first." Qian Chuang said and got up and left. After a short while, a few cups of coffee were placed in front of everyone.

Coffee is not instant. Watching him carefully put sugar and milk, Yang Lichun and Wei Jiefang became a little more restrained.

Because they have never had coffee. They have heard of this new thing, but they haven't seen anyone drink it before, and now there are only some people who have the face and identity or who will pay attention to life and have good conditions to do these tricks.

For Wei Jiefang and Yang Lichun, this thing is both upscale and trendy.

"Uncle, mine don't want sugar and milk." Wei Sheng raised his hand and refused the money that was about to put sugar and milk in her cup.

Qian Chuang was taken aback, then smiled, "It tastes bitter without sugar."

"It's okay." Wei Sheng took a sip from the cup, with a satisfied expression on his face. Because she stays abroad all the year round and prefers racing, a cup of American is a refreshing thing for her.

If possible, she is more willing to drink concentrated.

After coming back, Wei Sheng hadn't had coffee for a long time because of the double age and economic conditions.

Wei Jiefang and Yang Lichun looked at their daughter in surprise, and Qian Chuang was even more surprised. This thing was given to him by a friend, and he is also happy to entertain relatives and friends as a high-end thing.

He enjoys the little vanity that the stubborn and ignorant expressions on his relatives and friends first drink coffee.

He knows better how bitter this thing is without sugar and milk. To him, it's harder to drink than Chinese medicine.

It seemed that this girl wasn't drinking it for the first time. She didn't even react to something so bitter?

Qian Chuang laughed and sat down.

Yang Lichun also took a sip from the cup, feeling a little weird. I don't know how the foreigners drink it?

She turned her head to look at her daughter's expression, wondering if her cup was better? Thinking about this, she took Wei Sheng's cup and took a sip, her face turned black, and she took two big salivas.

At this moment, there was a sound of unlocking outside the door, and then a bright figure stepped into the house.

Yes, bright and bright.

The girl’s long hair was bleached and dyed yellow, and she wore two braids. She was wearing a golden shirt, red leggings, and white sneakers on her feet. As soon as she stepped into the house, she was accompanied by her tired voice, "Come home. People?"

Wei Sheng recognized that this girl was Qian Shuang, Qian Chuang's daughter.

Wei Sheng's personality is really not flattering in Wei Sheng's eyes. She has a lot of swear words for fighting, drinking, and skipping classes. She doesn't put her parents in the slightest. Qian Chuang and Zhang Yuhua are also spoiled by her, causing her to look higher The character of no one at all.

Just like now, when she saw someone from home, she just asked casually, then put on slippers and went back to the room, closing the door with a bang, and the ground under Wei Sheng's feet seemed to tremble a few times.

In the living room, it is not difficult to hear the sound of my daughter starting to make phone calls when she enters the room, but she doesn't hear it really well, and occasionally I can hear two loud swear words.

Qian Chuang even laughed dryly, "Look at Brother Wei, I envy you! Your girl looks honest and doesn't say anything, she's like my one. Oh!"

Wei Jiefang also accompanied him with a dry laugh, "It's better for the child to take care of it. Now he is still young, and he will be sensible if he is older."

"Speaking of sensible Xiaoshuang, it's okay. I also know that I feel sorry for me and her mother. I will give me and her mother the gloves two days ago." He pointed to the two pairs of gloves on the shoe cabinet, and his eyes became smug.

Wei Sheng smiled, thinking that asking you for money by buying gloves is true.

"By the way, I picked up your sister-in-law before unloading the cargo. What happened to the money?" Wei Jiefang changed the subject.

Qian Chuang waved his hand, "Don't worry, Lao Jin doesn't dare to fool me, but he will have to talk about the settlement tomorrow, and they will have a financial break on weekends."


After the meal, Wei Jiefang did not let the money go out to send him away, because the two were not far away, and both were in the same compound.

As soon as he went downstairs, Yang Lichun said with emotion, "Old Qian is a good person, but the girl is too naive. Xiao Sheng, you have to study hard when you reach the first middle school, and show your mom a little face."

Wei Jiefang also sighed and shook his head, "They are all spoilt for making money. I remember that kid was quite sensible when he was young."

"Her mother called her three times and was still calling people in the house. Let's just wait outside. How rude are you? Huh? Isn't this community our father's house?" Yang Lichun walked in the compound. These four look at it before reacting.

It is reasonable to say that she is not to be blamed for this. After all, apart from just getting married, Wei Jiefang also brought her here for the New Year. After a few troubles, she never came back.

"Yes, our dad is in this building." Wei Jiefang pointed to a small pink-painted building opposite Qian Chuang's house. Wei Sheng looked up at the house on the fourth floor, inside the aluminum alloy window. It's dark, it looks like no one has returned yet.

Yang Lichun was startled, "Then we should go up and have a look? I would have picked some fruit."

Wei Jiefang shook his head, "Dad is busy outside today. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Wei Sheng knew that because the old man was spoiled with the youngest son born in second marriage, he didn't care about his father Wei Jiefang.

In particular, the father had an honest personality and would not be greedy. He was not like the little son who could talk. After the stepmother's provocation, the old man felt that Wei Jiefang had nothing to do, and he gradually became alienated.

Wei Sheng walked behind with his hands in his pockets, and the autumn wind passed by, bringing the fallen leaves around on the ground.

Seeing her parents walking side by side in the yard chatting and whispering, with their straight backs and thick black hair, she smiled from the bottom of her heart. She knew that this moment, this life, had just begun.

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