Chapter 560: National inspection and correction

Wei Sheng nodded, "And Manguda and the Anpa family had a grudge because of their hatred. Although this does not affect their mutual interest, this thorn has played a role at a critical moment. What's more, he knows that Di As soon as Yavin fell, the benefits he could get were very limited, and he would still be the weakest one by then. How could he really not worry that the enlarged Amp family would not join Smak to deal with him again?"

She put her hands on the side of the boat and leaned back. "In fact, they were successfully divided because they did not trust each other."

Kong Zhandong nodded in thought, "Then you don't worry about old Anpa discovering a flaw after this incident, and knowing the truth?"

Wei Sheng put up a finger and shook it towards him, "Even if Old Anpa sees the flaw now, I am 70 to 80% sure that he will choose to deal with Smak instead of Diavin."

Kong Zhandong suddenly became interested, "How do you say?"

"Think about it, he called the old Manguda, but he didn't know that it was because his call forced Manguda to think that the wind had changed and turned to help us, so even if he found out that the Smak family did not set up He will also think that the Manguda family has been successfully instigated by us if his plan is harmed."

"He believes that Manguda is already in alliance with the Chinese forces, so if he continues to deal with Di Yawen, he might as well choose to use the trick and join us to swallow the fat of Smak. Besides, he is not afraid that we will use this method to find it again. The Upper Smak family persuades the Alliance that he will really be attacked by the enemy."

Kong Zhandong pondered for a moment and nodded affirmatively, with some weird smiles on his face, "So that innocent Smarco family is now being pitted by you. It was a good alliance, and suddenly they have become persecuting Diavn and uniting Manguda. The family, the murderer who tried to deal with Old Ampa."

Wei Sheng shook the lollipop in his hand, "The evidence is solid, the ledger and Manguda's answer both work together. They are mud fell into the crotch, not shit, but shit."

Kong Zhandong smiled in shock, and suddenly flashed in his mind what Wei Sheng said to him outside the pavilion that day in the San Francisco manor: Only the godfather with great diplomatic genius can enjoy the luxury of dying in bed.

There is no doubt that Wei Sheng performed a very interesting black-door diplomacy today.


That night, the Ampa family lifted the blockade of Manila and retaliated fiercely against the Chinese forces in Diavon.

All the port goods seized by the authorities were released, and Wei Sheng and Kong Zhandong had just arrived in Manila on the front foot, and the cronies sent by Old Anpa on the back foot had arrived, with the purpose of discussing follow-up matters with Di Yawen.

At this point, whether they are reconciling or choosing an alliance, they have nothing to do with Wei Sheng and Kong Zhandong.

"Miss Wei! I don’t know Taishan! I don’t know Taishan! To thank you for your help this time! I will do it first! No matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, please remember that Di Yawen will always be Your friend!" Di Yawen stood up during the banquet holding a wine glass, waving his arms and laughing loudly.

Tonight Di Yawen held a grand thank-you banquet, and it was also a practice banquet for Wei Sheng and Kong Zhandong. Di Yawen’s children attended all of them. At this moment, he swept away all the frowns he had been frowning over the past few days. His face regained his vigor again, and the corners of his mouth couldn't be grinned as he laughed.

Not surprisingly, Di Yavin today has transformed from a prey to a hunter in this life-and-death competition, from a lonely family to a popular sweet and pastry. I heard that the Smak family is opening the banquet tonight. The news has been handed over before, and I hope to meet Di Yawen.

Not only that, the old Manguda also threw an olive branch to Di Yawen tonight, expressing his willingness to form a community of interests with him for a long time, and at the same time vaguely mentioned that he hoped that the Hongmen of Z country would fulfill the previous promise.

What Di Yawen loses is only US$2 million per year in tolls and the acquisition of 50 million dollars in uncompensated arms. But for him, the price-performance ratio of this transaction is far higher than expected, no matter whether it is resolved Regardless of the speed or the degree of turning over, as well as the alliance of interests with the Manguda family, the so-called value for money is nothing more than that.

Wei Sheng sat in the same position, held up the red wine in his hand, and said with a smile, "I hope Di Yawen can remember what he said today."

During the banquet, the host and the guest enjoyed themselves.

The warm evening breeze in the Philippines is fascinating, large swaths of banana leaves move with the wind, and the bright moon hanging diagonally in the sky exudes a quiet light.

The next day, Yina and Ned saw off in person, and this time facing Wei Sheng, Ned no longer had the contempt he had previously.

"Although Cruz almost made a big mistake with Ampa, his father only reprimanded him privately, and did not see any substantial punishment." Before getting on the plane, Ina grumbled.

Wei Sheng just smiled, "I am afraid that Cruz will still be used in the relationship with the Anpa family, but I believe Diavin knows it well. Come on, let's go, goodbye."

After that, she led Ning Dahai, Fang Liang and Zhao Ye to Kong Zhandong who was waiting in the distance.

About to bid farewell to this island full of killing, blood, contention and power struggle, Wei Sheng's heart is more comfortable.


"What? To the director of the Uyghur National Inspection and Rectification Office? What a joke! That is to be in the democratic party system. She is a child, and Mr. Huang promised. Can the country agree?"

"I disagree, Mr. Huang's decision is too hasty."

"Correcting the wind, what can she correct? Besides, she still has to take into account her identity when she is engaged in civil aviation. I don't think this is appropriate.

The conference room in San Francisco was already in chaos at this time. Huang Gezhang instructed Wei Sheng, who had made great contributions to the triumphant return, to be promoted. Now Yan Baiqing has just announced the matter, and unexpectedly met strong opposition.

Yan Baiqing suddenly smiled silently, and the old **** clicked on the table with his finger on the ground, "Everyone, please listen to me. First of all, this reward must be rewarded. In ancient times, Su and Qin lobbied the six countries to attack Qin, but Wei Sheng lobbied the Philippines. The local forces have won the annual toll fee of 2 million U.S. dollars and the fixed transaction amount of 50 million U.S. dollars for the Hongmen of our country Z. Based on this alone, do you think you should reward?"

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for a while, everyone looked at each other, and someone groaned, "But Mr. Liang is right, she is in the system at her age..."

Yan Baiqing waved his hand, "The position is just a fake, and she does not need her to enter the system, but the position does need her to seize it. Now that Cao Zuojin is fleeing, the situation in the domestic party and deputy parties is chaotic. I don't think any of you here are willing to interfere And Wei Sheng’s ability..."

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