Chapter 548: South

In the room, Wei Sheng stood on the balcony hugging his chest, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and looked at the motorcade gathering downstairs by the lake.

Under the night, the lights went out, and a group of men in black vests got into the car one after another.

Kong Zhandong stood by and talked in a low voice with Di Yawen.

She knew that the twenty men sent by Di Yawen were not for assassination, but for death.

In Kong Zhandong's strategy, these people will be responsible for attacking the west after the death of Old Ampa, attracting enemy firepower, and allowing Kong Zhandong and his party to evacuate safely.

In the eyes of Di Yawen and Kong Zhandong, this was a normal thing. Di Yawen had even informed everyone of this arrangement before departure, and there was no objection.

She raised her hand and put the coffee to her lips, the fragrant American-style entrance was full of bitterness.

Kong Zhandong formulated a battle plan based on the local situation and the relationship between the various alliances. He intended to assassinate the old Ampa to disrupt the local situation and allow the Philippine Hongmen to breathe from it. According to him, this operation is a strange word.

In the eyes of outsiders, Kong Zhandong and others have already bought the return ticket, and are now leaving for the airport. When the civet cat changes the prince, it will naturally not be Kong Zhandong himself who appears at the airport.

Perhaps Kong Zhandong and others are middle-aged and veterans, and the intelligence of Di Yawen and the Hongmen of the Z country can play a surprise attack.

But according to Wei Sheng, this matter should be reported to Huang Gezhang first.

But Kong Zhandong said that the reason why he called the shots without authorization was for Mr. Huang. Because of Mr. Huang’s caution, he will be recalled when he learns that this situation will give up the interests of the Philippines, but there is still a turning point in this matter. If he succeeds, he can gain benefits for the door, and if he fails, he will not be blamed.

Before he left, he even asked Di Yawen to remove the landline in Wei Sheng's room, and had two subordinates guard her door, in order not to disturb her.

Looking at Kong Zhandong, who was already bending into the car, Wei Sheng gently pressed his lips. He didn't know whether to judge him arrogant or selfless, perhaps selfless arrogance? Anyway, people who are not very arrogant can't make such a decision.

"President Wei." Ning Dahai stepped in from outside, holding a big man's collar in each hand, dragging two men who had fainted into the door and threw them to the ground.

Behind her was Ina, who was wearing a dark green bodysuit. With a confident smile on her dark face, she walked into the room and said, "You can go?"

Wei Sheng drank his cup of coffee, put the empty cup on the balcony coffee table, and walked out of the house. As for Zhao Ye, he stayed in the room and waited.

"Is the car ready?" Wei Sheng turned his head to look at the dark-skinned girl next to him. She was in her early twenties. At this moment, her eyes were more calm than her peers. It seems that the girl's living environment also made her different. The capable wisdom of ordinary women.

Yina nodded when she heard the words, "Get ready, just downstairs, but we have to go out through the back door. Take the shortest road, if you drive all the way, it will take after midnight to board the speedboat to your destination."

A few people walked all the way from the back door, and saw a dark jeep parked under the shed not far away. It was not shiny, but slightly old, and there were some stickers on the body, which were colorful.

Wei Sheng frowned upon seeing this, took the wallpaper knife from his pocket and scratched the sticker.

A thin and tall young man suddenly jumped out of the car and stepped forward to stop him, "Stop! What are you doing!"

Ning Dahai and Fang Liang stepped forward, holding the young man from left to right.

Ina hurriedly explained, "This is my brother Ned! Ned Diavin."

Diavin is the surname of Diavin’s family. In detail, their father should be called Old Diavin, while the eldest son Cruz Diavin should be called Little Diavin, and other children should be called first name. For example, Iina Diavin called Ina, and this name Ned Diavin called Ned.

It turns out this is another son of Di Yawen, who seems to be with Ina.

Wei Sheng waved his hand to signal Ning Dahai to release, but he turned around and still used the blade to scrape off the sticker. At the same time, he started to pull it. After a short while, he scraped it cleanly. "These things can be identified by others, I remember to remind. The car needs a deck, is it?"

Ned glanced at Ina with an ugly expression, and snorted coldly, "It's done. Ina, this is the helper you are talking about? Do you expect her to help us? Help you?"

Yina smiled soothingly, "You haven't seen her with Mr. Kong. From my point of view, even Kong Zhandong is a bit polite to her. I believe I am right, Ned."

Having said that, they had opened the back seat and sat on them. Fang Ning Dahai and Fang Lianghe got into the car one after another. Wei Sheng sat in the co-pilot, driving Ned.

Wei Sheng frowned, "He will go with us?"

"Trust me, even his father appreciates Ned's skills. He can drive all the way to the south." Ina smiled and poked her head out of the seat. "Now you can tell me about your plan. ?"

But he saw Wei Sheng leaning back to back, closing his eyes and resting.

Ina didn't get a response, she retracted her head angrily. Ned, who had already drove the car out of the hotel, sneered at the moment, "Ina, your choice is a mistake. No one except Kong Zhandong can solve the father's matter, because he Behind me represents the Hongmen of Country Z, and she? She is just Kong Zhandong's attendant. I now have a hunch that I will drive them for a few hours to take them to the south."

He didn't use Chinese or English, so he didn't want the other party to hear the meaning.

Ina also spoke in her native language to persuade, "Come on Ned, let's be a dead horse doctor, even if there is a little way, I don't want to marry Xiao Ampa. He already has four wives. Moreover, she takes the initiative. If you find me, maybe she has an idea."

"Don't you think it's weird, Kong has already taken someone away, why did you leave her here?"

"Sorry, I happen to be able to understand a little Tagalog." Wei Sheng, whose eyes were still closed, suddenly said.

The brother and sister stayed for a while.


Arriving in the south is 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. The family buildings of the Ampa family are located in the town of Mayfair. The town is different from the country, because it is located on the island, it looks desolate and backward.

Wei Sheng stepped on the reef and looked back, and saw that Ned had locked the speedboat. It is said that this is not a regular landing place, but it is relatively hidden.

Everyone climbed the reef all the way to the shore. Looking down from the shore, it was as high as a small cliff. The location of Ned’s docking ship happened to be under a raised reef, and it was difficult to see the ship below from the shore. Not to mention the dark night.

You can see two guards not far away. Ned easily warned everyone to bend and pass through on the right, "They can't see us."

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