Chapter 519: Overflowing passion

The music was turned on by Nina Hayes in the car, and the music was very explosive, and the ding-ding-dong noise made Ning Dahai upset, especially when he saw the girl's movements, his heart even mentioned his throat and stared. While looking at the lane ahead, he subconsciously kept aiming his eyes in the inverted mirror.

In fact, Fang Liang was even more surprised at this moment. The foreign girl sat down on his lap with a smile, while her little white hands fumbled and began to unzip the zipper on his pants.

"Nina! No, no, no..." Fang Liang shook his head crappyly with the only words, and did not dare to amplify the voice for fear of causing Ning Dahai's gaze ahead.

"Fang, shhh." Nina Hayes smiled sweetly, her deep blue eyes were so beautiful, Fang Liang stared at these eyes dumbly, always thinking that they were cannibalistic eyes...

Taking a deep look at Fang Liang, Nina Hayes gently put her head close to his ear and gently bit Fang Liang's earlobe, "Fang, like a man."

As he spoke, he had already touched his sturdy biceps with his thin white palms, followed the muscles to his chest, and then slowly moved down.

Fang Liang was shocked all over, M country girls are so courageous? That's the case, but after all, he is a vigorous man, where he can withstand this kind of teasing, his body has already reacted.

Nina touched that piece, her eyes lit up. Before, Garnard always boasted on the bed that he was better than a tiger, and often ridiculed Oriental men on his lips, but now it seems that Garnard is not. A little insight.


Twenty minutes later, Wei Sheng went on King’s Avenue. This is a road with dense woods on both sides. After coming up from Redwood City, it has a tendency to go wider and wider. Now her car is almost in front of the convoy. There were three or four cars scattered on the left and right, and when driving fast, you could see a little light in the distance ahead, which was the tail light of the vanguard.

Looking back from the inverted mirror again, the densely packed car lights are like beasts lying in ambush under the night, with bright orange eyes chasing after them, waiting for an opportunity to ambush.

Zhao Ye sat in the back seat excitedly, for a while, kneeling on the sofa and looking back, and for a while, looking forward from the middle of the front seats, saying, "Mr. Wei, you are too good, we just paid In the back, they have all fallen so far now!"

"President Wei, do you think we can catch up with the front car?"

"President Wei, how can I get rid of these cars around? Wow, I saw Garnard's car. Isn't it Garnard? Just a car away from us, Ning Dahai's car should be behind."

Zhao Ye’s twittering is a bit more noisy than that music. Wei Sheng smiled helplessly. He glanced at her from the rearview mirror and replied, “If it’s a battle-style competition, the distance between cars will not be so far apart. It’s impossible to catch up so far apart. But the road race is obstructed, and the car in front of you shouldn’t be galloping all the time.”

When the voice fell, the car immediately behind Wei Sheng suddenly changed its headlights, and the bright lights shot into the Wei Sheng compartment, which would somewhat hinder Wei Sheng’s vision. At such high speeds, accidents could easily cause accidents. , The other party can be regarded as a rather indiscriminate means.

Especially when Wei Sheng's body moved closer to the side, the opponent's vehicle moved closely with her, and the headlights of that car must be driven into Wei Sheng's compartment accurately.

"There are roadblocks that will hinder our speed, right?" Zhao Ye asked after thinking about it.

At this moment, Wei Sheng’s speed has been raised to the highest point. He is hitting the near light and can only illuminate the obstacles in front of the road. This has advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantages are not conducive to illuminating whether there are obstacles on the road far away. I have already noticed this, and I want to speak out.

At this moment, the car lights hit the front of the car and the three roadblocks lay across the middle of the road, but Wei Sheng, who was driving, didn't seem to notice, and the car slammed forward.

Seeing getting closer and closer, the black face was horrified and uttered a warning, but she listened to Wei Sheng next to him, "Sit down." After speaking, she moved her eyes to the inverted mirror, checked the distance between the vehicles behind, and slowly hooked. Lip corners.

Just as the front of the car was about to hit the barrier of the roadblock, she suddenly slammed the steering wheel, and the car body almost rolled over, rubbing the roadblock, and the tires made a huge rubbing sound on the ground.

Zhao Ye and the black face changed dramatically before they could realize what was going on. They heard a loud noise from behind. Obviously, Wei Sheng's vehicle evaded before the roadblock, causing the car following her to have no time to evade. Hit the barricade in the middle of the road!

Zhao Ye hurriedly looked back, and saw that the car hit the three roadblocks and started to spin in a panic, and finally stopped in the middle of the road, and was stopped by the subsequent car for a long distance, so it was considered to be in the middle of the road. Caused an accident, causing the convoy behind to be careful to avoid.

Garnard’s car was still in shock at this moment. The car that followed Wei Sheng obliquely in front of him suddenly hit the roadblock and began to spin and skid on the road. He almost wiped the opponent's body to avoid the disaster, and then looked down. Looking into the mirror, the car has already caused an obstacle to the rear team.

The body of Wei Sheng's car was already stable, and continued to move steadily forward at high speed. The headlights of the vehicle that entered his side had disappeared, and the carriage was plunged into darkness again.

The black bodyguard touched his throat slowly, and looked at Wei Sheng in amazement. No wonder she didn't use the high beam. With this speed of reaction and precise control of the car, there was no need to worry about obstacles coming. This makes Jules a rare admiration.

"What's your name?" Wei Sheng asked, looking ahead.

The black man was taken aback, knowing that she was talking to himself, and he replied, "Jules." After speaking, he realized that his voice was tight because of the shock.

Wei Sheng tapped his chin, "Jules, who is Mr. Kong in front of him? What is his full name?"

Jules held the top handle of his head and replied sternly, "Mr. Kong is responsible for the affairs of the Hongmen church. It is said that he is one of the successors selected by Mr. Huang, his full name is Kong Zhandong." This is no secret.

Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly. It was no doubt that this man was reading the newspaper on the balcony on the second floor that day.

She asked without squinting, "One of them? Mr. Huang's successors?" Looking at Huang Gezhang's current body, I am afraid that it will not be long before, and I don't know who will take over such a huge gang. Still have to have a number.

A touch of embarrassment flashed on Jules’ dark face, and he said after a long while, “Mr. Huang’s successors were assassinated, and some were expelled from the inner eight halls if they broke the door rules. I said it."

In fact, this is not a secret. It stands to reason that there is nothing to know about the relationship between Wei Sheng and Mr. Yan. It's just that it's not good to be a subordinate to chew in secret.

Wei Sheng glanced at Jules in surprise, then nodded with a smile.

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