Chapter 513: Redwood City, Port Race (ask monthly pass)

Wei Sheng was startled slightly, Teng Teng Caixiang in the restaurant pierced the tip of his nose, noisy conversations also entered his ears, smell and hearing seemed to return, Wei Sheng also smiled at the girl, "Hi."

"R national? H national? Or Z?" the girl asked with a smile. As Nina Hayes greeted Wei Sheng, several of her companions turned their eyes and looked at them with some curiosity.

"National Z." Wei Sheng responded in English.

Nina Heston exclaimed exaggeratedly, turning her head to look at her companion, as if she had heard something extraordinary, "Oh! The mysterious ancient country in the distant East!"

The crowd also looked at Wei Sheng again. This made Ning Dahai a little unhappy. Although today, no matter where he visited Redwood City, he would receive such surprised glances, but after all, no one wants to be like a monkey in a zoo. To be visited.

"I'm sorry, I'm so surprised. There are very few people from Country Z in Redwood City." Nina Hayes was as careful as he noticed the displeasure on Ning Dahai's face, and immediately smiled and apologized.

Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows and smiled and asked, "Are you a local?"

Nina Hayes nodded proudly, then knelt on the chair, with one elbow on the table, almost lying on the table in an extremely unnatural posture, stretched out her right hand towards Wei Sheng, "Recognize , I’m Nina Hayes."

Wei Sheng looked at the hand she stretched over, as if remembering that when he had just entered the international low-level team to get around, it was this smile and a similar conversation.

However, at that time Nina Hayes already had a high vanity and a sense of comparison, and she did not want to be left behind in everything, just as she had always introduced that she was from San Francisco, not Redwood City under the jurisdiction of San Francisco.

At that time, she still remembers her proud expression when she recognizes the locals now.

Wei Sheng flashed his eyes, stretched out his hand and smiled, "Wei Sheng."

The girl's hand was still a bit cold because it had just been frozen outside. The joints are not big in the M country, but they are not soft and boneless.

Wei Sheng held these hands with complicated thoughts, and Fang Nina Hayes wanted to withdraw her hands, but did not take them out all of a sudden, her face could not help but show some surprise.

"Hey?" She smiled and reminded Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng looked at her face and slowly released his hand.

"Are you here to travel? Or to visit relatives?" Nina Hayes didn't pay too much attention to this detail, she retracted her hand and sat upright, still smiling and asked.

And a black-haired female companion next to her gave her a nudge, and gave Wei Sheng a faintly contemptuous look, "Nina, these people are very strange, stop talking to them."

As he spoke, he could not help but glance at Ning Dahai and Fang Liang. Both men are a bit fierce men, while Wei Sheng and Zhao Ye are completely fragile looks of a country Z girl. Not surprising.

But the combination seems a little strange.

In particular, the eyes of these four people are red and swollen, bloodshot, and their complexions are a bit haggard. I heard that Country Z is a poor and backward country. If these people are not wearing clean clothes or their hair is a little more disheveled, they will look like The down and out drunks wandering all over the streets in Redwood City.

Nina Hayes stuck out her tongue at Wei Sheng and shrugged with a smile.

"Ms. Wei, do you know her?" Zhao Ye couldn't help asking. She was always attentive. Just now when Wei Sheng saw the girl coming in, his expression was wrong. Besides, he never saw Mr. Wei talking to people at dinner. She looked like she knew this girl. .

Wei Sheng smiled at the corners of her mouth, and continued to lower her head to stir the mushroom soup in the bowl. She always had a knot that was to clean up her grievances for herself in another world, but it was very difficult and the chance of success was small. She was small, and Nina Hayes might not be able to help herself.

Unless she follows the previous trajectory, enters the M country team again, enters the M country Zhiwei party again, and then meets herself again.

Among them, she has already broken away from the original track, which means that it is difficult for Nina Hayes to follow the same track as before.

"Why hasn't Charlie arrived yet? Didn't this kid borrow the car yet?" The young man who spoke was sitting across from Nina Hayes, where Wei Sheng is separated by an aisle. He has short brown hair and looks relatively good. Protruding, the deep eyes that are unique to the people of M country, the nose is straight and straight, the only thing that makes this face pale is the few freckles on the face.

Nina Hayes shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly, "Oh! Maybe he's going to pick up girls again. Lanny's has a swimsuit party tonight. According to me, we will go straight to the port after dinner and spend a small amount of money. I will always borrow a car."

"Oh my God! I'm so angry when it comes to Lanni's party, do you know? The Lanni family expanded the backyard in order to dig a swimming pool, and it took up the lawn of my aunt's house!" The woman next to Nina Hayes With anger on his face, the anger is out of the exaggeration characteristic of the M country when expressing emotions.

Nina Hayes also stretched out her hand to cover her lips, making a gesture of remorse, "Oh! God! I was still envious of hearing that the **** had dug a swimming pool at home for a while, sorry Jennifer! Dear, please forgive me!"

Immediately afterwards, several young men and women began to batch the girl named Lanny. Everyone seemed to be resentful of her, but when listening carefully, it was more like a kind of jealousy, jealous of Lanny in school. The scenery is the same, and they are surrounded by people everywhere, and a few of them belong to the marginal figures in the school, and have never accepted Lanny's party invitation.

At this time, Wei Sheng suddenly interjected, "Nina, you mentioned borrowing the car just now, do you want to participate in the race?" If Nina Hayes will become a racer in the future, in an open country like Country M, Participating in racing activities at a young age should not be uncommon, not to mention that Nina Hayes is two years older than her.

Jennifer looked at Wei Sheng contemptuously, stretched out her hand and gently stabbed Nina, "Just ignore her."

Nina winked at her companion, and then shrugged in the direction of Wei Sheng, "We are indeed planning to participate in the competition. I heard that this year’s port competition is rich in prize money. Oh, sorry, the port competition is our Redwood City every year. A unique racing festival, as you may know, the hometown of world-class racing driver Frodman is in Redwood City. He walked out of here ten years ago, so a full week of port racing is held every December. "

After all, maybe the companion around him stabbed a little bit fiercely, Nina Hayes turned angrily and shouted, "Oh! Jennifer, I'm introducing the traditions of Redwood City to friends from other countries, can you always think about it? Point to me!"

Except for Zhao Ye, Ning Dahai and Fang Liang couldn't understand what the other was talking about, while Wei Sheng smiled slowly, "It seems that you are missing a car."

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