Chapter 471: The warmth in the cold winter, everyone lives

It was Cai Hu who answered the question, he thought, "Isn't it a full month soon? Xiaoqi, have you saved the rent for the two months at work?"

Li Qi's complexion was suddenly miserable, and he turned to look at Li Lin, who was even more stagnant.

Cai Hu seemed to see the embarrassment of the two, waved his hand and smiled, "Don't worry, brother will help if he can help."

At this time, the owner of the small shop who helped carry the wine into the house has already left, and Cai Hu has also laid out the wine and looked at the ready for dinner.

Wei Sheng smiled and stood up and said, "Brother Hu, Li Lin, Xiaoqi, I still have something to do with Cui Xian and can't sit too late. This is going to go, you guys eat."

After a few people were stunned, they managed to stay, but Wei Sheng didn't agree, and finally Li Qi was reluctant to leave her with a note with his number on it.

Cai Hu squinted at Xiaoya, and the scented woman smiled and got up to send Wei Sheng and Cui Xian out.

When going out, Xiaoya reached out and took out a PHS from her pocket, as if she was going to dial the number, and when she took out the phone, a small card fell out of her pocket.

Wei Sheng looked down subconsciously, only to see the naked beauty picture printed on it, and then Xiaoya quickly picked up the card and put it in her pocket. He did not ask Wei Sheng to read the words clearly, but it was obviously sold. The yin organization specializes in stuffing low-level hotel rooms.

Could it be that this woman is a young lady? It really looks alike.

On the way downstairs, Wei Sheng kept frowning. It wasn't that tonight's feeling of nonsense made her uncomfortable. In fact, she was not an old classmate or friend that she hadn't seen for a long time as an adult. Some people have achieved fame with unsuccessful studies, and some have entered the bottom of society with aspirations.

These are all commonplace, and there is a sense of drop, which is more regretful and wanting to help Li Qi.

But now people seem to be very contented in their own life circle.

What makes her feel uncomfortable today is that Cai Hu is obviously not like a good person. Li Qi also seems to be passive in his relationship with Li Lin. This kid is obviously not a beloved person, and his shoulders may soon be given to the big tank of society. Collapsed.

"Everyone has his own life." Cui Xianqing Qianzhong's slightly muffled voice sounded beside him.

Wei Sheng pursed his lips. "Don't you realize that Brother Hu has something to say to Li Lin. I don't think he looks like a good person. He is so kind to help without trying to do something?"

Li Lin Li Qi wants money but no money. If he wants to talk about sex, this tiger brother is really fascinated, but don't say that friends and wives can't be deceived, just say that he doesn't look like a lack of women.

At this moment, the two of them have walked out of the residential building and walked along the flowerbeds of the community to the gate. Cui Xian could not help but chuckle as she looked sideways at her with a thoughtful look, "Isn't there so many good people in this world? It's normal. Do you have the spirit of questioning every day when you encounter something?"

Wei Sheng couldn't help but glanced at him. This kid is more enlightened than himself, but why is the following words so wrong, "Are you sarcastic?"

A crescent moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight poured down. The treetops of the capital in winter were already bare. A cold wind blew by. The wind and shadows swayed and the branches groaned. The two walked under the tree, and Wei Sheng couldn't help but wrap himself tightly. Clothes.

Cui Xian continued to smile faintly, "It is said that people with outstanding abilities have the spirit of digging into the roots. From this perspective, I am not sarcasm."

"It's still sarcasm for me." Wei Sheng stretched out his hand to Cui Xian.

The latter smiled and grabbed her little hand, staring at her cold face with gleaming eyes, and couldn't help unwinding her scarf around her neck to expose her under the low collar of her cotton-padded jacket. With her neck and two red ears, she stretched out her hands and turned towards her cheeks, "Why do you wear so little?"

Wei Sheng did not wear a coat because he underestimated the cold winter night in Beijing. However, the beige cotton jacket was dressed thickly. Although he was cold at the moment, he was suddenly warmed in his heart.

Xindao sometimes the little enthusiasm between the two is really inhumane. Perhaps a word of care in winter and warm palms in the cold is enough to make people feel like they are overflowing with honey. Thinking like this, she started Hypocritically, "Why don't you think Beijing is so cold in winter."

Choi Hyun looked out of the courtyard, "Where is the car?"

Wei Sheng shrugged, "Do you think Wang Tao is fine all day long, and when people are so busy, I told him to go back first."

After saying that, I pulled the scarf down, looked down at my feet and continued hypocritically, "It is said that the boundary of the capital is great, and it is not something that ordinary people can eat. I honestly don't deceive me! It costs 200,000 yuan to open your mouth. The thirty-dollar snow boots won’t last for ten minutes on the road, so why don’t you notice when facing south? My feet are numb..."

Cui Xian looked at her for a while and suddenly smiled and shook her head. She made a big fuss in the hotel at night and beat a group of wealthy businessmen. The beaten were all in their 40s or 50s, and the total age was probably over two or three hundred. Now it seems as if she has been wronged.

With a smile on his face, Cui Xian was already short. Fang Weisheng grinned and jumped onto Cui Xian's back. While laughing warmly at the person's neck, he dangled his legs, and the two of them faced outside. Go.


Upstairs, Xiaoya, who watched the two walk out of the small courtyard, turned back into the house.

In the room, Li Qi has been drinking seven or eight cups because of Brother Tiger’s persistent persuasion of wine and things tonight. He is full of alcohol, and his stomach is rolling uncomfortable, knowing that he will take another sip. To be spit out.

When Cai Hu saw that she couldn’t drink, he turned his head and smiled at Li Lin, who was already flushed with a drink, “You guys can’t drink too much. You can’t accompany you when you drink with brother at halftime. I’ll see you before I start. Is it over?"

Li Lin shook his head and smiled, "Brother Tiger, I have had a few drinks with my brother just now, white wine, this time I came back to ease all the way, this does not mean that you have mixed up with alcohol! Top!"

"Hehe, I don't care if you mix with alcohol or not. What did you think about that last time I told you that? You said that Xiaoqi had a job before, and you two can hold on, but now she has no job... You know what your elder brother is doing, and it's the job to arrange it again. If you agree to..." Then, he took out a stack of money from his pocket.

"This is five thousand, you keep it. In the future, Xiaoqi can only work more than this, not less than this. If you don't agree, the house will expire in a few days and you two will get out, wherever you like to live, no If your elder brother doesn't help you, it's your elder brother who has to live. These days, you are forced to know whether you are a brother or not?" After Cai Hu said, he raised his head and drank a glass of drink.

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