Chapter 463: Entrepreneur Society

It's like the ridicule from the inferior music movement, running through the entire box, with the gentle local music in the middle of the room, making it even more ridiculous.

Lin Lei raised his eyebrows suddenly, leaned back with his chest folded, and looked at Li Lu in disbelief.

Originally, it was said that Li Lu could bring a meal, and also took the initiative to bring gifts, even if this box is a bit surprising, the bread in it should at least be a handmade object, and what is this? Do elementary students give gifts?

Don't think about it, because of Zhu's small temperament, he will definitely feel that he has been greatly insulted.

Sure enough, the next moment Zhu Xiaoxiao had a cold face, closed the lid of the music box without saying a word, put away the harsh and unpleasant birthday song, and then dropped the thing in the box with no weight and placed it on the side seat. Chair.

"Everyone, let's eat." Zhu Xiaoxiao said coldly, reluctantly smiling back on his face.

Everyone started to move their chopsticks.

It stands to reason that Wei Sheng should be the most embarrassing person in the audience at this moment. In any case, he seems to have come to eat a meal, and he is also rejected by others.

But in fact, apart from the slight embarrassment that Wei Sheng had earlier, seeing Zhu Xiaoxiao's attitude was a little more calm. He thought that Zhu Xiaoxiao seemed to be delicate and lacked the courtesy and education he should have. Even snobs don't need to be so obvious in front of everyone.

By this time, Wei Sheng's belly also began to play drums. Based on the principle of peace wherever she came, she picked up her chopsticks to prepare for the meal. The weight of this gift is all about her mind. Although she hadn't made clear what kind of meal it was before, and the gift had been prepared a little cheaper, she had already brought her own mind. As for others, she could not control it.

But he didn't want this side to pick up the chopsticks, there was a piece of fish in the bowl, and he raised his eyes to meet Cui Xian's calm eyes as before.

There was no expression in Cui Xian's eyes, as if he ignored the secret contests and comparisons of other people on the table from beginning to end, and didn't feel the need to comfort Wei Sheng. The two seemed to have a tacit understanding. Later, the two of them ate themselves

On the side, Li Lu looked over at her in surprise. She thought that the little girl would be embarrassed to move the chopsticks in a hypocritical manner, and she needed to explain a few words, but she didn't think that she would not take it seriously.

She smiled lightly and looked at Fang Cui Xian, only to find that her cousin didn't take the attitude of others seriously, so she felt a little relieved. Don't look at her carelessly, it seems that everything can't be a brain, but she knows better than anyone else. With her understanding of Zhu Xiaoxiao, she really should have stopped when Wei Sheng was buying gifts.

But at that time, she became playful, not to mention that she didn't know Wei Sheng. Her cousin was going against him because of this little girl. She also deliberately tried to fix Wei Sheng to see what she was like.

However, it was precisely because Wei Sheng came over to eat with him this time. Hearing that it was a birthday party, he actually wanted to buy a gift. It really made Li Lu feel good about it. She felt that this little girl was still so good.

Seeing Wei Sheng's attitude right now makes her appetite even more.

It’s not like others who saw Wei Sheng as embarrassed to use chopsticks to eat at the moment, but Li Lu picked up a pair of public chopsticks and picked up a few pieces of fish for Wei Sheng that she could not reach at the moment, and then put a few chopsticks in her own bowl. Pannian babbled, “If you don’t eat white, don’t eat, if you eat it, you can eat it for free. Who doesn’t eat for free?”

A few people on the table were cheering.

Seeing her attitude, Fang Linlei suddenly smiled, "Lulu, is this little girl your brother's classmate? Or is it your girlfriend?"

Li Lu ignored him at all, Lin Lei smiled and looked at the young man sitting beside Li Lu, "Zhang Cheng, how is your software company doing? It's been half a year, right?"

"It's okay. Just after I upgraded the WPSOffice office software, a section chief of the municipal government office contacted me. The first batch was more than 60 sets. Later, I signed several large orders from several companies, which are no bigger than yours. But the prospects are promising, does Kingsoft know that it will cost three million to buy out my copyright, and I didn't agree."

A young man named Zhang Cheng was sitting next to Li Lu, wearing a set of Versace, which is now very high-end in China, wearing glasses, and a quiet face. He had never spoken before sitting in the position with a smile, but now he opened his mouth, but he was obviously attracted Stopped the attention of the whole table.

"Okay, you kid, don't sell for three million? So what are you waiting for?" The young man opposite Wei Sheng said in surprise and continued with a smile, "Kingsoft? I know that this company is headquartered in Beijing, 1988. It was established in 1999 and was reorganized by Lenovo Group last year. Their main product is desktop office. A dictionary software called Kingsoft PowerWord released WPS97 running on the Windows95 platform. This transaction has a very high credibility."

Wei Sheng turned his head to look at Zhang Cheng, saying that he was really unfamiliar, and there was still a software expert sitting on this desktop.

And Jinshan company she knows, if Jinshan Dictionary is only available soon, then Jinshan drug tyrants may not even enter the development.

Zhang Cheng suddenly smiled silently, pushing the frame on the bridge of his nose, self-belief, "I don't intend to sell it if I have high credibility. Can I understand it? Since Jinshan is optimistic about my software, I am willing to spend three million to win it, that proves My software has a higher value! I dare to conclude that the future is the age of computers and the age of technology! As long as I persist in keeping the company going, these three million will become thirty million in the future! Even three billion is not without may!"

The desktop was quiet, Lin Lei flashed a hint of unhappiness, and then smiled lightly, "Then I wish your company an early listing, so that our old classmates will follow the scenery."

Everyone also laughed silently, just like your grades, but people wish you the first place in the class in this exam. It's obvious irony.

Zhu Xiaoxiao also sneered strangely, "Zhang Cheng, it's not that I said you, although you are one of the best talents in our club, but this idea has to be lowered. Now how many of the 100 families can buy it? Started a computer? You know that no one buys your office software except for the company or the government. Besides, Jinshan works with you, and Lenovo Holdings makes it bigger than you? If you don’t sell it anymore, you will be run out sooner or later. ."

Hearing this, Wei Sheng was stunned. He suddenly thought of a piece of news broadcast on TV news last year, saying that the Student Union of Beijing University took the lead in setting up the Entrepreneur Association, and at that time, it was not the one in the association. A young talent who has developed a software system suitable for computer office when he was in his second year of university, and he said he will set up a company during the university?

And the young talent has no other good for a time, and he has become a popular campus star and made headlines in major domestic newspapers.

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