Chapter 414: The turbulent heart in the utility room

Tang Shiqing came and went in a hurry.

But the so-called “view the mountains and rivers and get close to nature activities” is almost unknown to the whole school. It was spread on the school bulletin board long before the small holiday, meaning that it was a mountain climbing activity with Shai City No. 1 Middle School. No formal explanation was made.

Even so, the gossip of the students is unambiguous. I heard that it was the essays of Green Island Global and S Sea No. 1 Middle School students criticizing each other's school education model that attracted the attention or interest of the Education Bureau.

Immediately, the Municipal Education Bureau personally issued an activity instruction to organize an outdoor mountaineering activity for the students of the two schools. I don’t know whether it is to give the students of the two schools a chance to compete or to ease the conflict between the top students of the two famous schools. In short, Green Island Universal attaches great importance to this event.

Although it did not specify that the students of the two schools are required to participate in any confrontational competition, Green Island is already full of gunpowder. I heard that during this time the student union officers of the two schools often gather to discuss the details of the event. It is estimated that it is a bit competitive. In the eyes of most Green Island Global students, this is tantamount to a confrontational conflict between non-examination-oriented education and examination-oriented education. Many people have already begun to grind their hands.

But for Wei Sheng, these activities have little to do with her. It is nothing more than that the school replaced the autumn sports meeting at the end of September with a mountaineering activity. As for winning glory for the school, that is something the school's top students need to worry about. Monitor Han Yue, she ran to the student union frequently during this time.

In these days and months, it is an enviable thing for freshmen to have a relationship with the student union. Wei Sheng doesn’t quite understand this complex, but he feels that it is probably a kind of mentality that has official connections in the school and is covered by someone. cause trouble.

Just as Wei Sheng was about to get up to go to the stall in the bathroom, a person suddenly rushed into the back, rushing from the aisle on her left hand side to the front of the first row of windows, grabbing Tai Zirui's collar sitting on the seat.

It's Wang Qingping.

"Tai Zirui! Wait for me! How long do you think your Lao Tzu can keep you! Waiting for him to fall, I see how arrogant you are!" Wang Qingping said, hate hate to throw Tai Zirui away, and turned away with sinister eyes.

Fang Fan Xiaodong was about to get up and start his hand, but Wang Qingping had already left in a flash.

"Groove! What!" Fan Xiaodong spat at Wang Qingping's back, turned around and grinned at Tai Zirui, "Don't listen to this kid, you can't remember it!"

Wei Sheng frowned. She knew that Wang Qingping was surrounded and beaten by Tai Zirui and others on the day before the beginning of school during the 11th minor holiday. He did not even come to class at the beginning of school on Monday. Everyone knows that his mouth is noisy. Naturally, the reason for beating him is that on his birthday, the Tai brothers and sisters and Fan Xiaodong almost followed Wang Qingping's way in KTV.

As for Liu Cheng, I heard that Tai Zirui found someone to hang up in the bedroom and toilet as early as when he was hospitalized. In Fan Xiaodong’s words, Liu Cheng knew that he was not enough and did not dare to make a statement, and Wang Qingping had a ghost in his heart at the time. , Did not dare to stand up for Liu Cheng. I am afraid that Wang Qingping had never dreamed that it was his turn after Liu Cheng.

But what made Wei Sheng frowned was what Wang Qingping said just now. As Secretary Wang's son, how dare he blatantly talk about the mayor's downfall, it was too rash. Or what are their plans?

Shaking his head, Wei Sheng wondered whether he should go to the bathroom as soon as possible. The only ten minutes of break between classes had been delayed by the class teacher Tang Shiqing for two minutes, and he would not go to the bathroom again...

The bathroom on the first floor of the school is on the inside of the corridor, and the classroom of a class is the first one in the corner. When you exit the classroom, go to the front to the right is the door, and turn left to other classrooms and the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Wei Sheng walked hurriedly towards the toilet. Just before entering the toilet, the small door on the wall on the right hand side was suddenly opened, and then he pulled himself into the door with an arm.

When the door was closed, the room was dark, and the smell of clean soap poured into the tip of his nose. Wei Sheng was frustrated. This is the stairwell under the external stairs of the main building. Wei Sheng could barely stand upright when he stepped in. Large, specially used for stacking the sundries shared by the class, such as mops, brooms and buckets.

Cui Xian stared at this place without knowing why, maybe it was a cover-up, maybe this kid had a dark room plot, or there were too many authentic war movies, but how did he know that he would go to the bathroom after class, so he was waiting here. Intent to pull yourself in?

Wei Sheng was amused by his thoughts, and the next moment his two wrists were clasped, the shadow in front of him was heavy, and his lips felt cold.

Seeing that this kid was presumptuous again, Wei Sheng took a bite on his lips and said pretendingly, "Kiss if you want to kiss! If this is a serious girl, you will have to turn your face away, all day long! "

The boy in front of him didn't eat her set, instead he leaned his chin on her shoulder. Hearing Wei Sheng's words, he suddenly spoke in an elegant tone, "Don't say that!"

At the next moment, Cui Xian was already straightening his body, and staring at Wei Sheng from close range, "You are a serious girl."

"Go!" Wei Sheng was amused by him, but the latter put it up like a dogskin plaster and whispered, "The magazine says that you can kiss each other every day. When you watch foreign movies, men and their wives will come up before they go to work. Kiss..."

More and more untuned! Wei Sheng's teeth were itchy with hate. He used to say that this kid was a noble boy with a cold and indifferent personality. Only when he gets along will he know that no appearance can conceal the turbulent heart of a man.

"Xiaoya, help me fetch a bucket of water. The teacher's office is going to be cleaned up. Huh? Why can't the door be opened?" Han Yue's voice sounded outside the door.

At the same time, the door of the utility room was also pulled twice, because Cui Xian's hand quickly grabbed the door handle from the inside, so Han Yue did not open the door outside.

"Is this door broken? I have to take a bucket." Han Yue pushed a few more vigorously.

Wei Sheng's hairs were all erected immediately. It wasn't anyone who was afraid of him. The key was blocked in this utility room, embarrassed and panicked? She couldn't help but stepped heavily on Cui Xian's feet, and the latter suddenly took a breath.

"Bring her a bucket out," Wei Sheng said in a low voice, "Use the beauty trick to get people away."

That Fang Cui Xian lowered his head in retaliation and bit her lips, knocked on the tip of his tongue and drove straight in, and he was wrapped up with the ********. The only usable hand also hugged Wei Sheng's waist tightly, making the two of their bodies tightly attached to one place. Outside the door, it was still Han Yue pulling hard and making a confused voice of dissatisfaction. Where did I think that in this door, Cui Xian was holding the handle tightly with one hand.

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