Chapter 345: School begins (three shifts)

I just offended Lin Xiao last night, and Fu Xuebin arranged for Wu Qi to meet him early in the morning, and it was quite fast.

At the moment, she was wondering what exactly Wu Qi did in the S Navy District.

Wu Qi smiled immediately, "It's not a big deal, I'm from the headquarters, and I was arranged by the old man to enter as the commander after I graduated early."

Wei Sheng's eyes widened, and a mouthful of soy milk almost spurted out, "What?"

"I haven't finished talking, a little assistant of the commander." Wu Qi laughed at Wei Sheng when he saw it.

Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Guard? Driver?"

"Count it all." Wu Qi replied vaguely.

Although Wu Qi said modestly, he saw that the jeeps of the S Sea Garrison Command were always driven by him, so he didn’t dare to look down upon him. Besides, the seventh-rank officer in front of the Prime Minister’s door meant that he was giving the guard to the Prime Minister’s house. The status is equivalent to that of the seven-rank official of the imperial court. This Wu Qi is working next to the commander of the army-level troops, which should not be underestimated.

She asked curiously again, "What does Fu Yuanshu do? Really only study graduate student in S Sea?"

Wei Sheng vaguely remembered the last time he was in Yingtian Military Region, but the old man would tell Fu Yuanshu in front of himself and Yan Baiqing, meaning that he had to arrange for him not to work in the army, but he wanted to study, and he was now in graduate school. When I met Tang Mingshan in Snow Mountain and treated him politely, he was really just a student?

Wu Qi said in surprise, "Are you really unfamiliar with Yuanshu?"

Wei Sheng nodded, "I've seen two sides. The first time a group of leaders from S Sea City came to us for a group tour to the south and saw it once in a snow-capped mountain. The second time was when you were there."

Wu Qi suddenly laughed, "Then you still ask him if he is a graduate student. Can the graduate student go on a trip with the leader? He is a working graduate student. Do you know what an in-service graduate student is? Yuan Shu is now in the Pudong District Development and Reform Commission. Serving as the deputy director of the office, a high-ranking deputy director-level cadre, is not based on relationship, and he carries his resume to apply for selection."

Seeing Wu Qi's expression on his face when he said this, Wei Sheng also shook his head in disbelief. Fu Yuanshu was at most twenty-six and seventeen? Although Shai is a municipality directly under the central government, the level of cadres is generally higher than that of prefecture-level cities. Even if the post of deputy director of the district cannot be grabbed by the street, it is not a big post, but it does not matter. It is common sense that he is not in this position at his age.

She knows that with the development and construction in the past two years, the positions of cadres below the deputy division level of S Sea City have begun to expand publicly, but according to Wei Sheng's own guessing, these expanded positions may not meet the needs of the huge relationship households. , If you want to be in position with your true ability at a young age, either people know how strong your family is, or your strong family will push you behind.

Fu Yuanshu must be the same.

It turned out to be an in-service graduate student in a party school, taking the road of civilian work, and has already entered the system. No wonder Fu Xuebin was so annoyed, and no wonder Fu Yuanshu happened to appear in the snow mountain skiing with the S Hai leadership team. It turned out to be together. Those who came here were received by Tang Mingshan personally, but this also means that the people of Fu Yuanshu's family are well known, and they are not selected publicly based on their skills as Wu Qi said.

Even if the selection is really open, it is estimated that there is no difference from the default.

With Fu Yuanshu's family background, he has entered the leadership of district-level units at a young age, and his future development can be imagined.

Moreover, the District Development and Reform Commission has great authority.

Seeing Wei Sheng shook his head and didn't believe it, Wu Qi didn't say much. Gululu drank the soy milk clean, "That's OK, anyway, if you have anything to call me, the father said, anything! I'm going to pick up Yuanshu, something is wrong. contacting via phone."

He deliberately emphasized the old man's instructions again, but in Wu Qi's view, what can Wei Sheng student do? When he said that he would call her by phone, the old man told him to come and meet her in person. He repeatedly emphasized Wei Sheng's affairs and asked him to have a snack. He originally said that this was the care of his grandson and daughter-in-law.

Wei Sheng also smiled and raised the phone note in his hand, "That's it, I'll call you if I have something."

Watching Wu Qi's jeep leave, she still ignored the traffic lights. She just shook her head, drank soy milk and ate two fried dough sticks, and walked back to the bedroom from the south gate.

In the dormitory hurriedly took a hot bath, this time Yu Xingmei had left the dormitory.

Wei Sheng went to the main teaching building with Bai Mengxue.

The blue sky and the sun have broken through the clouds, and the green lawn and the vines and wooden frames covering the campus make the whole school full of vitality.

There are still students of all grades playing sports on the school’s basketball court, football field, and plastic track. Wei Sheng and Bai Mengxue took the textbooks needed for today’s schedule all the way to the teaching building, which is the long red paint building with a vertical vertical in the center. An English teaching building with a bell tower.

The air is full of the fresh smell of morning light, and it exudes the vigor of the campus. It is worth mentioning that when passing by the small forest that Wei Sheng mistakenly thought was built for students, I really saw it. As Cui Xian said, a student sitting on a bench is reading and reciting English.

Walking down to the main teaching building, seeing the huge clock face on the bell tower showed that the time was exactly 7:20 in the morning, Wei Sheng and Bai Mengxue entered the teaching building together.

There are no portraits of celebrities in the hall of the teaching building like the Chaonan No. 1 Middle School. I want to know where there have been some outstanding people in this newly built school, but in the next ten years, how many things will this school have A celebrity in the upper echelons of the country?

Looking at the immature faces passing by, Wei Sheng wondered, maybe she is a financial expert who will frequently appear in major financial newspapers in the future, maybe he is the founder of a listed company? Back more than a decade ago, these men and women who will achieve infinite future are just students in this school.

"Grade One, that's it." Bai Mengxue scanned the class signs hung in the middle of the hall and said, pointing to the first classroom in the corridor on the right.

Wei Sheng turned his head to see, isn't the Grade One Class One in the first classroom on the right corner after entering the hall?

At this time, many students have arrived in the class. Because they have not yet divided their seats, the students sit at will. There are a total of four vertical rows of seats in the classroom.

Yu Xingmei and a girl were chatting in the third row of the vertical row by the window, while Cui Xian was sitting in the seat in front of Yu Xingmei. As for the seat next to Cui Xian, it was also occupied. Wei Sheng looked intently and found that it was Han. month?

The Tai family brothers and sisters both sat in front of Cui Xian, which is the first row by the window. At this time, the two were frowning, thinking it was because of their father.

Fan Xiaodong sat in the first row next door with Shao Bingran next to him.

Wei Sheng's footsteps paused at the door of the classroom.

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