Chapter 341: First look at the casino (four more)

Wei Sheng also took two steps calmly, pointed his gun at Lin Xiao's head, and a blood flashed in his eyes, "Do you dare to kill me, I don't know, but I will dare to kill you." ."

With this kind of arrogance at the moment, Wei Sheng not only pinched himself to work for the Zhiwei Party, but Lin Xiao wouldn't just kill himself like this, and she knew that if she gave in half a point right now, it would be in vain today.

Otherwise, she is still a lunatic.

When Wei Sheng's voice fell, Lin Xiao stared at her with piercing eyes. Lin Xiao thought he was crazy enough, but he didn't expect to jump out today to be even more crazy than him.

Seven or eight guns were aimed at this little girl's head from all directions, but she still dared to threaten herself? As someone else, I'm afraid this will be frightened to the ground, right?

Before he mistakenly tied Tang Yuling, he had planned to tie Wei Sheng. The reason for using the tie was that he didn't put her in the eyes at all, and it was also to give Wei Sheng or Yan Baiqing an offense.

While not paying attention to this child, he was also very curious. He wanted to see with his own eyes what role this little girl whom Yan Baiqing had optimistic about or even entrusted to him was, and now he feels that this little girl is satisfied. His curiosity did not disappoint him.

"Interesting." Lin Xiao smiled suddenly, then waved his hand to motion to his subordinates to put down the gun.

Wei Sheng squinted his eyes and smiled faintly, "It seems that Mr. Lin is going to return Tang Yuling to me?"

Lin Xiao waved to Wei Sheng to put down the gun, turned around and walked towards the bedroom, speaking in a leisurely tone, "Miss Tang, I can't return it to you, because I have given her away, even if you get shot today. I, no one is here."

"Did you give her away?" Wei Sheng curled his eyebrows to follow his steps, but saw Lin Xiao unshirkably loosen the belt of the satin nightgown, and the whole nightgown fell off to the ground, revealing his thinness. He was of a ground figure, with only one big pant in a suit.

Then he turned around, picked up the shirt on the hanger and put it on him, and smiled leisurely, "Miss Wei is planning to see if I can change my clothes?"

Wei Sheng stared at him blankly, "Who did you give Tang Yuling to?"

Lin Xiao put on his suit and pants, his eyes were cruel, but his tone was still somewhat idle, "A bloody, cruel, abnormal R countryman. I'm afraid Miss Tang has actually felt it now."

Wei Sheng's figure stagnated, Fang Linxiao had already fastened his wrist buttons, smiled and picked up a suit jacket, "Go, now that I'm here, I'll take you around, maybe I can see the Tang you're looking for. Miss."


Lin Xiao's casino is located on the fifteenth and sixteenth floors of this hotel.

There are no rooms on the 15th floor, only a casino.

And none of the elevators in the Keller Hotel stops on the 15th floor.

After Wei Sheng questioned to no avail, he had to frown and follow Lin Xiao to visit his casino. After the elevator stopped on the 16th floor, a group of people filed out, only to see the elevator facing the soft bag of the 16th floor casino. The gate, outside the gate where everyone is now, is an empty and luxurious hall. There is a service desk in front of the hall, which seems to be used to exchange chips.

Looking to the right from the elevator, it is a guest room passage. This guest room is intended to be used either for the casino guests to rest or for the guests to set up private gambling games.

Lin Xiao didn't go to the service desk, but his men opened the two doors directly, and the lively scene inside suddenly appeared in front of everyone standing in the outer lobby.

"Mr. Lin is mainly relying on gaming tables to make money here?" Wei Sheng followed Lin Xiao into the casino lobby, and the number of guests was beyond her imagination. I am afraid that there are no pedestrians on the street after S Sea enters the night. There must be more people.

Most of the casinos are gaming tables, with only a few slot machines and roulettes.

Lin Xiao heard that he put one hand into the pocket of his suit and pants, faintly authentic, "Las Vegas casinos are mostly dominated by slot machines, accounting for 70% of the turnover. Most casinos in Macau are dominated by gaming tables, occupying the turnover. Macau now has 11 casinos, 353 gaming tables and less than 10,000 employees, but it has opened up more than half of Macau’s fiscal revenue."

Speaking of this, he drew a smile on his lips and turned to look at Wei Sheng, "There are 247 casinos in Las Vegas, 20 times that of Macau casinos, but the annual gambling tax paid is less than 80% of the 11 casinos in Macau. ."

Wei Sheng did not answer the call, but looked at the casino terrain. No wonder the hotel elevator does not lead to the fifteenth floor. The sixteenth-floor casino had a special spiral staircase for guests to walk down to the fifteenth floor. They wanted to come to the fifteenth floor. The entire floor of the casino is more spectacular than here.

There are girls in black shirts holding trays everywhere in the casino. There is a circular stage in the center of the whole hall. The singing and dancing performances on the stage have a positive effect on the enthusiastic guests in the casino.

"Do you want to have fun?" Lin Xiao laughed slightly beside him, and Wei Sheng's brows were frowned with some sharp voice in the hoarseness.

She pursed her lips and said, "Where is Tang Yuling?"

Lin Xiao curled his lips, "I should be enjoying the warm hospitality of Mr. Fujimoto."

"Mr. Fujimoto?" Wei Sheng squeezed her fists. Although she didn't want to see Tang Yuling, compared with Lin Xiao, this boredom seemed to be insignificant. What's more, the purpose of her coming today is to pick up Tang Yuling. Lin Xiao's willingness to kill her time is really itchy.

"Since you want to save Miss Tang so much, I might as well sell you a favor. Miss Tang is in Room 1633 on this floor right now, but don't blame me for not reminding you that I offended Mr. Fujimoto..." Lin Xiao didn't say anything. Fang Weisheng has led people to leave.

Lin Xiao's lips slowly drawn a smile, and his subordinates immediately stepped forward and asked in a soft voice, "Brother Lin, bothered Mr. Fujimoto..."

"It's okay, Mr. Fujimoto is already having fun." Lin Xiao smiled lightly, raised his hand to stop the words under him, and then laughed lightly.


half an hour earlier.

Tang Yuling curled up on the big bed in the room, and the soft and comfortable bed was obviously unable to comfort her trembling heart at the moment.

She felt that she was trembling from between her teeth to toes. At this moment, she had just been sent to this room. Two big men stood at the door of the room and looked at her wickedly. She hurriedly pulled the sheets tightly around her. On her body, the makeup on her face had already been weeping with tears, but she didn't know what she looked like at the moment, and it was even more beautiful and charming, which made me feel pity.

Several voices greeted Mr. Fujimoto at the door. Tang Yuling had a fight with his teeth and pinched the white sheets in front of him.

At this moment, the man from country R was holding a water glass in his hand, striding into the house from outside the door, and the two men guarding the door immediately withdrew.

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