Chapter 297: Prelude to infinite vitality (four more)

How did Wei Sheng know Wu Hao? This is the question shared by Zhou Yuli and Qu Zhengyun.

In the two people’s surprised eyes, Wu Hao swept the previous arrogant expression on his face, and put on a rather cautious and humble smile, "Ah! That’s it. I was just communicating this issue with Teacher Zhou, the army It means that the military training is going to be cancelled. After all, the current situation is quite special, and the manpower is too busy. Look...Is this arrangement appropriate?"

Wu Hao didn't expect to meet Wei Sheng here. Since she asked specifically, she naturally wanted to answer properly.

Wei Sheng laughed when he heard him say this. She met Wu Hao yesterday when she was out to pick up supplies. He was in charge of logistics. The two had a brief exchange and heard that he was in charge of the military training on Green Island. Matters.

She naturally knew that the arrangement of the army could not be changed because she felt it was appropriate. Wu Hao was just because she saw herself with Fu Xuebin yesterday and knew that the supplies were transferred by herself, so she spoke with a little caution, and it was considered as such. Language art, I can't say flattering, but it is also a face.

"Anything is suitable, I just ask, I'll go back if there is nothing wrong." Wei Sheng smiled and nodded, then Fang Wu Haofei nodded repeatedly, and even stepped forward two steps.

"Wei Sheng!" Zhou Yuli suddenly said with an uncertain expression, "You, come here first."

Wei Sheng turned around when he heard the words, then turned around and gave the fruit basket in his hand to Cui Xian, asking him to send the things back first.

Zhou Yuli couldn't help but look back at Qu Zhengyun, both of them were very surprised. They couldn't figure out how this Director Wu, who was in charge of the military training office, was so familiar with Wei Sheng.

Moreover, Wei Sheng just called him Captain Wu, obviously different from Zhou Yuli's name, and the latter did not know the system of the army, nor could he distinguish the situation where the logistics department concurrently served as the military training office.

As for Wu Hao on the side, he frowned when he saw Zhou Yuli calling Wei Sheng to stop. The hot sun made him a little anxious.

Wei Sheng had already turned around, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked closer with a smile on his white face, "Ms. Zhou?"

Zhou Yuli pondered for a moment, turned her head and glanced at Wu Hao, and then said to Wei Sheng, "That's right, now that refugees are all stationed in the camp, the military training must not be able to continue, but the school has paid for it before. According to the contract, Military training cannot be refunded due to force majeure such as weather, but normally a two-week military training is normal, even if it occasionally catches up with rainy days, it’s normal to take a temporary rest. The current situation is quite special. I think the army should refund part of the cost, do you think What?"

After saying these words, Zhou Yuli felt that she was a little inexplicable, but seeing Wu Hao's attitude towards Wei Sheng just now, she subconsciously felt that she could use this to try if she could reverse the situation.

Wei Sheng raised her eyebrows and smiled. In fact, she and Cui Xian just stood not far away, and she heard what Zhou Yuli and Wu Hao said. She didn't want Zhou Yuli to suffer as a result of her greetings, but the latter She didn't take herself to heart just now, and she didn't plan to be nosy, but now Zhou Yuli was called back.

So at this moment, when she heard Zhou Yuli's words, she smiled, "Teacher Zhou, how do I find this matter useless, you still have to negotiate with the army."

Zhou Yuli was startled, and she couldn't continue her words.

Wu Hao nodded immediately, "Yes, right, right, this matter still has to go according to the contract, Mr. Zhou."

Wei Sheng smiled again, "Or I will help you contact the leader of the army, and you will negotiate with them?"

This time it’s Wu Hao’s turn to stay for a while, Wei Sheng turned his head and smiled at Wu Hao, “Now that the military training is suspended due to the flood, it’s really not appropriate to deduct all school expenses. If you want me to deduct the student’s corresponding amount a few days ago Board and lodging expenses, the rest will be refunded to the school. I think the army leaders should not object.

Wu Hao saw that this little ancestor was going to help Zhou Yuli. He paused for a long while, thinking about the fact that he had to agree to refund the money when he found it. Since he couldn't get stuck, he might as well sell his favor.

Immediately he smiled and said, "I think it's really not appropriate. In this way, I will make a report and try to fight for it. Teacher Zhou, please relax your mind. The army will not take you a penny more!"

"I will wait for your result tomorrow. If it is really impossible, I can ask Teacher Zhou to consult with the leader before leaving." Wei Sheng reminded with a smile.

Wu Hao feels bitter in his heart, this is to prevent him from delaying.

After Wu Hao left, Zhou Yuli had a mental arithmetic, and looked at Wei Sheng's face.

But Zhou Yuli, as the dean of teaching, couldn’t bluntly say thank you, Qu Zhengyun took the lead and smiled, “Thank you Wei Sheng for this. If it weren’t for you, Teacher Zhou and I would really have nothing to do with him! By the way, you are. How did you know the leader of the army, how would Director Wu know you?"

After saying this, he saw Wei Sheng but laughed, Qu Zhengyun suddenly lost a smile, and at the same time stretched out his hand, "Forgot to introduce myself, senior high school Qu Zhengyun, chairman of the Green Island Global Student Union, you can call me the president."

Wei Sheng politely reached out and shook his hand, "Wei Sheng."

She did not answer Qu Zhengyun's words, but turned to Zhou Yuli and said, "Teacher Zhou, I actually have something to ask you for convenience. I heard that after returning to school, students who live in the school are not allowed to go out at will. The teacher must approve the note. I will go back. You will have to leave school for two days after something happens, and you may not be able to go to bed. Can you make it easier? It won’t delay the start of school."

Zhou Yuli has been observing Wei Sheng since she came over. Seeing that the child's methodical appearance is no worse than her love, Qu Zhengyun, whether it is facing Wu Hao or Qu Zhengyun, she has a slight grip, but it is invisible. Show a kind of tolerance at this age.

In addition, Wei Sheng just helped her a lot, and he liked it a little bit more in his heart.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuli smiled on her face, and replied with these grotesques jokingly, "When you return to school, you will come to me to explain the situation, and I will give you a false note when I then, but I can’t just move and disappear like before. Traces, tell us to find you all over the school!"

Qu Zhengyun also laughed aside.


This military training was helpless and boring for most of the new students in Ludao, because they were not allowed to go out except for being trapped in the dormitory all day, and they were even arranged to do coolie sweeps. Unexpectedly, the military training would also end without disease.

But most people were relieved to be able to go back earlier. After all, this group of spoiled young masters and daughters are not happy to be trapped in the army in Xiahe County all day and be restrained and guarded. There is also the fifty that makes it difficult to have a good impression. People's big bedroom.

For Wei Sheng, this military training has undoubtedly gained a lot. It can be regarded as a prelude to the twists and turns of his high school life, but it implies infinite vitality. Not only has he formed a subtle friendship with Fu Xuebin, but also It opened a broad road for the industry that is about to go south.

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