Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 293: The overall situation and the small situation are in a dilemma.

Chapter 293: The overall situation and the small situation are in a dilemma.

Not waiting for the response of the crowd, she continued, “Afterwards, the radio newspapers should also vigorously promote it. For example, Rebirth International and Yiwei Real Estate did not hesitate to take the lead and donate nearly tens of millions when the people were in danger.”

After saying this, Wei Sheng smiled embarrassedly, "Take this matter to make an advertisement, and let everyone know the good morals of our company's huge donation this time."

Several cadres were stunned. It was the first time I heard that someone had done a good deed and said that she wanted to leave her name. She really didn't shy away from her donation plan this time.

But when a young girl said this with a low eyebrow and a small smile, it was hard to contempt people, and even felt that the child was a little brainy.

Fu Xuebin couldn't wait to say something, "Is it right? You can give me a word! Can these two requirements be compared with solving the people's problems? It's not that you will suffer a lot of losses. It is not the right thing to support the business in the economy!"

Fu Xuebin relied on his donkey temper, and went on to say something on the line, but it was impossible for a few people to refute it. Even if they felt that the other party was a little bit unsightly about taking advantage of the fire, they would definitely have to be squeezed. But there is Fu Xuebin. In this support, it was a special treatment in a special period. After a few people discussed in a low voice, they agreed.

Moreover, these two requirements should not be considered excessive. One is to promote corporate donations, and the other is to attach great importance to and support new companies. If the support required for corporate development is not too embarrassing, perhaps it is just to follow An acquaintance from the relevant unit says hello.

It is urgent to solve the current issues.

Of course, Wei Sheng does not think that she is making a fortune in the country, because this is completely a two-code concept. The money is paid by her to help the refugees solve the problem as soon as possible, because she heard that Tongjia Village is displaced among the refugees. Villagers.

But while paying, by the way, to get the corresponding benefits of the province as a return, it is not in vain to get closer to the capitalist road. And in this benefit, what she values ??most is only the publicity, hoping to take this opportunity to build a good reputation for the company in the southern city.

At noon, the refugees entered the army. The tents were temporarily called from the headquarters, but obviously the number was not enough. At the moment, whether it is the recruit training field, the rear professional training camp, or every place where refugees can be placed, they are all blocked. Full of Dangdang.

Soldiers and military medical teams began to shuttle in the refugee camp, everything unfolded in an orderly manner.

Student Union Chairman Qu Zhengyun and Vice Chairman Li Tiannan are leading a group of student union members to count the number of students in their dormitories one by one, and instruct the students to keep a close eye on each other not to go out. Right now all the students in the army are concentrated in the dormitory, except for Wei Sheng.

Li Tiannan led people to find a class of instructors Yue Dazhuang. Yue Dazhuang only said that Wei Sheng was sick and arranged a separate dormitory in the cadre's dormitory. When Li Tiannan heard about it, he went back and reported the incident to the director of teaching Zhou Yuli, who rushed to the senior cadre dormitory building in Yue Dazhuang’s mouth with a few student union cadres, and found Wei Sheng’s room, but was emptied. .

Director Zhou Yuli can be regarded as completely remembering this student named Wei Sheng.

I was taken away by my family and asked for leave to leave the army!

I didn't find the teacher to ask for leave, only let the instructor take the talk!

After returning to the army, I didn't find the teacher to report, but once again asked the instructor to call in sick!

Now all the students in the school have been arranged to gather together and are not allowed to go out. It is only her, and everyone is gone!

Zhou Yuli has identified Wei Sheng as a problem student. Although she hasn't had a slight impression of this student until now, whether she asks for leave or changes to a single dormitory when she is sick, shouldn't such things be communicated to the school first? It doesn't matter whether her family has a military relationship or not, she was taken care of in this way, but at least so far, Zhou Yuli only feels that this student has caused her trouble.

"Are you going to find another instructor and ask Wei Sheng people?" Zhou Yuli said with a calm face, turning her head towards Li Tiannan.

The latter rushed out of the cadres' dormitory, and was full of resentment because of Wei Sheng's affairs.

Wei Shengda never saw the school teacher since entering the army, only when Yue Dazhuang went to ask for leave, nothing happened to her, and because she went back to take a bath, she didn’t know that all the students were gathered to count the number of students. Knowing that one's'missing' has caused all sorts of troubles to school leaders and the student union.

This is also to blame for the delays in military training caused by various emergencies in recent days, and she has not been immersed in the atmosphere of control with the students, and she has not formally enrolled in school, and has not seen the class teacher, which has caused her to subconsciously regard herself as a bystander. .

At the school, she thought that Yue Dazhuang would do it, but in fact Yue Dazhuang could not do it.

In the afternoon when Wei Sheng followed Fu Xuebin, Wang Chengguo, and other cadres from the provinces to pick up supplies, Yue Dazhuang was accompanying the student union to find her, because Wei Sheng would naturally not notify him when he was out, and the school teacher suddenly It was a sudden accident to stare at Wei Sheng, and the lack of timely communication of various news made him not know where Wei Sheng had gone.

As a result, Yue Dazhuang was taught a lesson by the school leader Zhou Yuli, and then Battalion Commander Xu Wei showed up and said that he had seen Wei Sheng go out with the army leader. This suppressed Zhou Yuli’s worries, because now the entire army is full of refugees, and she too Is she worried about what's wrong with the student? How can she afford this responsibility?

And Zhou Yuli, who was relieved, was confused and angry, and ordered Yue Dazhuang to wait for Wei Sheng to come back to her bedroom to report to her.

Wei Sheng followed Fu Xuebin out in the afternoon, arrived at the county entrance of Xiahe County to receive supplies, and then returned to the army at night.

On the entire training ground for freshmen, countless tents and small lights formed a brightly lit chemical defense group at night.

The materials purchased by the Rebirth International donation are being transported one by one from outside the troops to ensure that tonight, countless refugees can lay mats, blankets, and have a shed above them.

Wei Sheng and Fu Xuebin stood side by side on the high platform in front of the troops, the former slowly showing a smile.

The moonlight poured down, and Fu Xuebin turned to look at Wei Sheng. From the beginning of the rainstorm and the beginning of the flood, until now to solve the problem for the refugees, Wei Sheng has actually contributed to it. This afternoon she called Rebirth International to directly sweep the tents, bedding and other factories in Shai City, and then shipped them non-stop to Xiahe County. , From her frequent calls for scheduling, we can see that there are also many twists and turns.

Thinking of this, Fu Xuebin couldn't help sighing deeply when a certain light flickered. Wei Sheng, this child, is indeed not easy!

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from a distance, "Wei Sheng! I can find you Wei Sheng! Your teacher has been looking for you all day!"

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