Chapter 1322: Motivation (2)

Cyril grumbled ugly, "No one bought me! Wei Sheng is back! It's for help!"

The voice fell to the ground, Cui Xian, who was standing by the coffee table, had already bullied him closer and reached out and grabbed Cyril's collar, "Cyril, tell me you are not lying."

"I didn't lie, Cui." Cyril opened his lips with a cold face, as if he was trying to suppress his anger at being treated like this.

Cui Xian's big hand gripping his collar slowly tightened, Cyril could even hear the sound of bones, and the next moment, that hand suddenly loosened, Cui Xian's cold face seemed to relax in an instant, his expression Once again looked a little dazed, "No, it's impossible... It's been seven years..."

"It's been almost eight years." Cyril stared at him coldly and suddenly joked.

Cui Xian raised his eyes, "You knew it a long time ago?" He suddenly resounded the conversation in front of Wei Sheng's tomb. Cyril once asked him, "If she is not dead, what are you going to do?" ’.

If Wei Sheng is really alive, then recalling Cyril’s questioning at this time really made him think deeply. So many years ago, he knew that she was alive, but he did not choose to tell him the news. .

And Wei Sheng, why didn't he show up.

As Yue Ling'er said, Cyril, who appeared at this sensitive moment, was instigated by others and intended to trick himself into carrying out some ulterior secret.

Cui Xian suddenly felt confused.

Yue Ling'er watched his increasingly complicated and tangled complexion, and his eyes were filled with complexity, "If Wei Sheng is still alive, why didn't he appear here?"

Cyril had had enough of all the suspicions this woman made against him.

He turned his eyes to Cui Xian, "I said, she went to see a friend, her purpose is to help!"

Yue Ling'er took a deep breath, "What friend?"

"Friends who can help, if you are lucky, with this person's help, you might be able to rescue your mother, I mean...if Wei is lucky enough." Cyril pursed his lips.

Choi Hyun stared at Cyril suspiciously, "I know every one of her friends."

Although it is not straightforward, Cui Xian's meaning is very clear. He clearly knows every friend Wei Sheng knows and knows who can help in this matter. In fact, Cui Xian can't think of anyone. .

Either Cyril made it clear to the other party, or there is something wrong with this matter, at least it is difficult to gain his trust.

However, Cyril frowned and did not answer in time.

At this moment, in the quiet room, a piercing ringing sound suddenly rang. Cyril was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly took out the mobile phone in his arms. After seeing the caller number, he excitedly said to Cui Xian, "It's Wei Sheng!"

Cui Xian had a pause.

Yue Linger's eyes tightened.

Li Zhengwen's brows tightened.

Cyril connected the phone and pressed the PA. He only heard a slightly hoarse, tired, but laid-back voice coming from the phone, "Cyril, it seems that you are making your own claim again. Time to leave your room, shouldn't you have already approached Cui Xian and put your phone on the amplifier?"

Cyril opened his mouth in embarrassment, quickly raised his eyes and glanced at Cui Xian, then turned to his side and asked in a low voice, "Hey Wei, how are things going?"

"It's going well, answer my question just now."

On the side, Cui Xian's blood faded away, staring at Cyril in disbelief.

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