Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 122: Abandonment is like a mess, life is like a must (2)

Chapter 122: Abandonment is like a mess, life is like a must (2)

The 101 private room is located in the first room on the right corner of the lobby on the first floor. The location is more conspicuous, but two men in sweaters stood at the door.

Although the two of them seemed to inadvertently leaned against the wall to smoke and chat, Wei Sheng knew that they were the gatekeeper.

Wei Sheng stepped up and walked towards the box, and when he reached the door, he was stopped by the two men unexpectedly.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Li." Wei Sheng stood still and looked back at the direction of the door opposite the restaurant. The parents and others did not notice the movement here.

A man glanced at her, thinking that someone had told him, he nodded and said, "Wait." After that, he turned and entered the house.

After a while, I saw Yuan Chunbo dodge out of the door, uncharacteristically, appearing a little cowering, and approaching Wei Sheng like a thief, "How did you get here? The room is noisy, remember, Go into the house and talk less, listen more and watch more."

After that, he would take Wei Sheng into the house, but the latter stopped him, "Tell me what identity the people in the room are in to the Uyghur Party."

Yuan Chunbo paused and looked back at Wei Sheng. It seemed strange that she was able to ask this question, but she was still patient. "You just have to remember that the stingy person who will talk to Mr. Li is called Gan Bo. It’s the deputy director of the Qiaonan District People’s Congress, but it’s actually to the deputy chairman of the Uyghur Party’s South Direct Ministry. Mr. Li’s bureau is with him. Don’t talk to him."

Wei Sheng was stunned when he heard that, the official title was higher than Li Xianzong, while the internal title of the Uyghur Party was lower than Li Xianzong. No wonder the two didn't deal with each other.

Furthermore, although the position of deputy director of the National People's Congress is relatively vacant, it is of considerable weight. Although it is not that critical, it is generally a vacant position that is not qualified for transfer until the age of the municipal government.

It can be seen that the weight of the Z State Party is indeed very unusual, and it does get involved in officialdom.

Having said that, Yuan Chunbo pulled Wei Sheng into the house quickly, and after entering the door, he closed the door directly.

Wei Sheng originally wondered why he was so anxious. After seeing the situation in the room, he understood where Yuan Chunbo's cringe came from.

In the room, Yangfan was lying on the ground with blood in the corners of his mouth. The whole person moved to the wall and sat up, but he did not dare to stand up. He stared at a tall man standing not far from him with a tight face. Man.

The guy is obviously a mixed race, and I can’t see where he’s been mixed up, but he opened his mouth and spoke in Chinese with a plain mouth, "Mr. Li, the physical fitness of the people below you are not very good! Mr. Gan, do you want to solve this kid? Up?"

Sitting by the window, a middle-aged man in his fifties wearing a fancy-green, beige-collar sweater waved his hand. He seemed to be drinking a little high, and his tongue stiffened, saying, , Striving to create an advanced city, we also strive to create an advanced city and urban area in the south of the bridge. The deputy city and mayor will come down to investigate in two days. It is not suitable to kill...It is not suitable to kill!"

Wei Sheng and Yuan Chunbo were standing at the door. She looked at the white sails sitting on the ground, and she couldn't help but frowned. Then when she heard the words coming out of Gan Bo's mouth, the bandit was awe-inspiring. It is not suitable to kill because of striving for an advanced city? Oh, it's really easy.

In their eyes, the life of sailing sail is like a joke that only depends on the mood.

Looking at Li Xianzong again, he obviously drank a lot of wine. His complexion was a bit ugly but he seemed to be forbearing. He waved his hand and said, "Today we don't see the blood, Lao Gan, you should give me face, no matter what, he is also me. Those of you who have said the wrong thing should be handled by me!"

Even at this moment, Li Xianzong still remained personable.

Gan Bo smiled drunkly and nodded, "Okay! Just leave it to you, Miles, don't make trouble for me! Why don't you come back soon while Mr. Li is not blaming?"

The mixed-race man smiled coldly, stretched his neck, and spit out a sputum on Yangfan's face before turning around and sitting back beside Gan Bo with ease.

Yuan Chunbo also took Wei Sheng into the seat at this time.

After sitting down, Wei Sheng couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of Yangfan, only to see his eyes curled up in the same place, his face like ashes, and he didn't even wipe the dirt on his face.

"Come and come, our little protagonist is here, let me introduce you! Tonya! How about? Does this name mean the same as your Miles?" Li Xianzong's cheerful voice sounded at this time, forcing Wei Sheng turned his head.

I saw Gan Bo and the others' gazes were sweeping towards him, and that Miles was staring at him with a gloomy expression.

"Ha ha ha..." Gan Bo's laughter grew louder and louder. He looked at Li Xianzong in disbelief, "Isn't Mr. Li teasing me? That's what you said, hopefully he will beat us in the next game. The racer?"

It can be seen that Gan Bo is obviously more dominant between the two, but Li Xianzong deliberately tolerates everything, as if he does not want to offend him too much.

Yangfan had no use value for this group of people, so Li Xianzong abandoned him and let him be insulted by the other party, and he was still worthy of use right now, so he sat here.

Looking at Yuan Chunbo again, he was still sitting quietly with a complex expression. After all, among this group of people, he didn't have much weight to speak of.

Wei Sheng noticed that on the other side of the round table, in the middle of the two people, there was a figure who seemed to have a lot of weight. He was well-dressed in suits and leather shoes, not like those of Li Xianzong and Gan Bo.

As soon as she turned her head to ask Yuan Chunbo who was on the side, Yu Guang saw a figure approaching, and the tall figure came towards her like a hill.

Yuan Chunbo's expression also changed accordingly, standing up and saying, "What are you going to do!"

"Go away!" It was Miles who was approaching. He slapped Yuan Chunbo away and smiled gloomily. "The physical fitness of the racing driver is better than ordinary people. If Mr. Li is not kidding me, Let me try this little guy!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Wei Sheng towards the cheek!

As soon as Wei Sheng bends down and dodges, this slap is free, and directly knocks down the back of her chair.

She looked ugly, and it was conceivable that if the slap was solid, the blood from her nostrils would be small, and she might have to fly out.

When the background forces are not equal, even if the body is not equal, the slap is like a bug in the eyes of the other party. This kind of humiliation is unimaginable. Wei Sheng clenched his fists and his face became dark. stand up.

Seeing this, the other party was taken aback, and then smiled gloomily, "The reaction was quite quick."

Having said that, he didn't stop. Wei Sheng watched him move his toes and didn't intend to let him go, so he was not ready to treat each other with a smile.

She grabbed the front leg of the chair lying on her side, used one hundred and twenty points of strength to move towards the man, and while the other party raised her hand to block, she supported the table with one hand and kicked the man's leg!

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