Chapter 116: Perfect torture

As for Wei Sheng at the moment, the bubble gum in her mouth was already chewed out of taste, she had to open a gap in the window, and the strong wind poured into the car from the gap, the howling sound was deafening.

With a grin, Wei Sheng squeezed out the window with two slender fingers with bubble gum in it, **** one, and bubble gum jerked off his hand.

She held the steering wheel with one hand, and reached into her trouser pocket with one hand and fetched another candy to put it in her mouth.

In the rear, Yangfan, who was chasing down quickly, was staring at the rear lights of the vehicle ahead with bated breath. Suddenly, an unknown object slammed into his car window. He was startled first, and when he took a closer look, the car window was actually facing right now. Stick a bubble gum!

Yangfan's complexion is dark, this is simply the provocation of Red Fruit!

But the next moment, a big bubble gum candy paper came up again, and slammed it in front of his car window.

Sailing suddenly became a little discouraged.

Wei Sheng looked at the sailing vehicle behind him from the rearview mirror. If the opponent's drifting technique fails, he will be thrown without a trace in the next corner.

This was doomed in the timidity he showed at the beginning. If the sailing was able to rush forward with himself at the time, if the sailing could not choose to stop at the time, thus breaking his own precise calculations, as long as he went a little further, perhaps Unable to complete this drift, the final result may be both forced to stop.

Of course, things have not happened. With the experience and technology of sailing, the brakes must be braked. This is expected inevitable.

This is the black race. As long as you don’t throw nails or shoot at the opponent during the race, even if you play on the track, even if you turn the car into a bumper car, there is no violation. She just wanted to make such an extraordinary opening to attract Li Xianzong's attention.

Looking at the sail that was still trying to catch up from behind, Wei Sheng drifted around again.

In this game, she almost used the hand to rotate, braking and then accelerating to corner. Although not faster than other methods, she can hide awkwardly. She clearly remembers that all her actions will be presented on the big screen. To the audience.

She didn't intend to show her little ability without any other reason.

What's more, the low-level drifting technology will show varying degrees of power under the understanding and control of different riders' skills. For Wei Sheng, even if she uses the handle to rotate, she is confident that she can achieve the ultimate accuracy without costing a little. extra time.

"Come here! See you! After the car turns a corner, the camera monitors it from the front, and you can see what it looks like when you get closer." Li Wenmiao pointed to the big screen and said to everyone while turning his head.

She wanted to see what kind of virtue that Tonya had grown into, and dared to humiliate and set sail.

Shao Bingran, Cui Xian, Tang Yuling and Jiang Wen are all looking at the big screen. Now they are very curious about the driver who can force a stop at the start of the race and leave him far behind. .

They all saw the sudden brakes, sharp turns, and swift flicks of the car body just under the high speed, which was simply overwhelming.

And the sails in the rear obviously have a tendency to be pulled farther and farther, which is like a perfect killing.

Under the high-speed sprint, the vehicle body is getting closer and closer to the lens. After the headlights of the dazzling car make the lens a bright yellow, it gradually begins to become clear.

"Ah!?" After seeing the people in the car, everyone could not help but exclaimed.

I saw that the person in the car seemed to be in black, and it was certain that she was a woman, but the moment she passed under the camera, she covered her face with one hand, and opened a gap between her fingers to reveal her eyes. She was looking up diagonally upward. In the camera, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and two bright tiger teeth showed up.

The lens was zoomed in very large, but it just flashed past, and it disappeared before people could see clearly.

The camera turns sharply, and the screen is already showing the scene of the car's tail turning.

If you can only tell from the lens, in such a fast blurring situation, coupled with the other party's intentional blocking, it is really impossible to distinguish age and appearance, and everyone can't help but be extremely disappointed.

But then, the crowd started to boil again. It was a female driver that everyone could be sure that it was a female driver who just stopped the sail?

Cui Xian was staring at the camera and frowned in contemplation, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and he seemed to shook his head in disbelief.

He suddenly turned his head and asked, "Where is Wei Sheng?"

Shao Bingran and the others looked around, and Li Xingyu answered, "I just left and saw no one, can't there be anything wrong?"

The bald head who just took Wei Sheng away doesn't look like a good person.

Li Wenmiao ignored what they were talking about, but bit his lip and hummed, "This is the first time I saw a female driver racing in Nanshan."

Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with Yangfan's defeat, and she was also very dissatisfied with the result that she had just boasted that she could see the other side's appearance and failed.

Behind the crowd, Li Xianzong and Yuan Chunbo stood at the same place, saying that the happiest person at the moment was Qian Bin, who was carefully accompanying the two.

His happiness is more than winning the money. More importantly, Wei Sheng was introduced by him and started the game when everyone was skeptical, but the result made him feel quite showing his face.

He even felt a little complacent. He said that starting from finding the identity of Wei Sheng, everything was clueless and very difficult to handle, but he did it by himself, which is equivalent to the one who contributed to today’s game. !

The guy Yangfan is so arrogant and doesn't pay attention to their other captains, hey! Isn't it the same as yourself now? Can't even touch someone's **** on the mountain track?

Qian Bin cautiously stepped back two steps, took a cigarette and lit it. After this, he was the hero in front of Brother Yuan.

Now I am not just the person standing with Yuan Ge, even Mr. Li has spoken to myself in person.

Prior to this, the size of the team was organized by Yuan Ge’s deputy Ma Dongqiang. Except for their high-level sailing players, who were praised and valued by Mr. Li for their extremely high level, it was difficult for them to contact Yuan Chunbo.

At this time, Yuan Chunbo smiled rather relaxedly, "Mr. Li, I didn't expect this little girl to have some tricks."

The race is nearing the end, and one more corner car will reach the finish line. Now he is completely relieved. It seems that his decision is correct and he is not ashamed of Mr. Li.

Li Xianzong ignored him, because at this moment the first car had already taken the lead to cross the corner and rushed to the finish line.

The crowd hurried forward, hoping to see the female driver's face in the first time?

The car slowly stopped on the finish line, but the sailing vehicle behind it had not yet passed the turn, and its drop was visible.

The door of the car that first arrived at the finish line slowly opened, and when everyone held their breath, a thin figure suddenly jumped out of the car and stretched heavily, twisting the stiff muscles and bones vigorously.

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