Chapter 110: Trial

"That's it." Wei Sheng nodded and shook his watch. "I should go back too."

Yuan Chunbo smiled and nodded, and said to Qian Bin and others, "Send Miss Wei home safely."

"Just send me to school." Wei Sheng got up, she naturally didn't want the other party to know his house.

Yuan Chunbo suddenly raised his head and smiled silently, "Don't worry, Miss Wei thought I closed Zhao Lei for two days but didn't find you right away. Why?"

Hearing this, Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows, squinted and asked, "Are you investigating me?"

Yuan Chunbo smiled kindly, "Always know well before doing something, Miss Wei, don't blame it. Since your parents are waiting at home for a long time, please hurry back." After speaking, he stopped going to see Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng's expression just made Yuan Chunbo's heart really happy, and he finally got back a round tonight, otherwise it would feel like he was pinched by a little girl.

The cold color on Wei Sheng's face didn't fade until she walked out of the villa. If she didn't intend to get close to Zhi Wei Dang today, she would definitely refuse the game according to common sense.

At that time, would Yuan Chunbo use her parents as a threat to force her to submit? Even if he had just left the house, Yuan Chunbo's words were threatening.

She didn't like this feeling very much, and secretly vowed not to let this happen again.

Her parents are her weakness. Since she wants to get close to the Zhiwei party and play with fire, she naturally does not want her weakness to be threatened in the future.

Just like the phone repair problem, Wei Sheng thought about it and was a little grateful that such problems came early.

In the villa.

Qian Bin, who hasn't quit, couldn't help but said, "Brother Yuan, are you really planning to divide her half of the gambling game?"

Qian Bin didn't understand Yuan Chunbo's actions tonight. He felt that Yuan Ge didn't look down on Wei Sheng, but he took her seriously.

Seeing Wei Sheng's back disappear into the entrance, Yuan Chunbo twisted his eyebrows.

What he didn't think of at the time, but now after he comes back, he always feels that the girl's eight achievements intended to meet Li Xianzong. If that is the case, she later showed an attitude of not doing anything because she has no money, then it is really called free and easy, too young to be too young It's simple.

Yuan Chunbo smacked his lips lightly, and muttered to himself peacefully, "It's not easy! I am so old that I can put it away freely in front of me. What you investigated earlier is correct? Her parents are indeed ordinary workers. ?"

Qian Bin nodded stupidly.

Yuan Chunbo waved his hand impatiently to signal him to go down.

Wei Sheng who got in the car naturally didn't know his thoughts were guessed by the old rivers and lakes. When Qian Bin got out to drive, the two of them drove outside the villa.

This time, Qian Bin did not bring anyone else, but drove Wei Sheng by himself.

On the way, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, smiled back and gestured, seeing Wei Sheng shook his head, and took one out by himself, "Yuan Ge said you are not easy, you can put it away freely in front of him."

"Freely retractable?" Wei Sheng raised her eyebrows. She had just "released" her eyebrows intentionally when she faced Yuan Chunbo.

When it comes to accepting, the only thing about Li Xianzong is that he doesn't want him to be suspicious.

Thinking of this, Wei Sheng couldn't help his eyes sinking slightly. She laughed and asked, "What else did Boss Yuan say?"

Qian Bin rolled down the window and flicked the soot, "Say you are not easy, hehe, let's all know first! Girl, don't forget brother when you develop."

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the Nanshan gambling game the day after tomorrow. What kind of scene should be like when Brother Yuan releases the news?

Tian Weisheng is a big upset, and she has seen her skills. How much money will she get if she really won't be upset?

Wei Sheng can divide that half, which is an astronomical figure for Qian Bin.

Wei Sheng ignored him, instead turning his head and looking out the window.

The moonlight is quiet, sprinkling on the thin ice, reflecting a different kind of brilliance.

The school's courses have entered the most intense period of final review. In the first half of the test, the class requires extra late self-study, additional fees, and voluntary participation.

After school at 4:30, students can have a meal nearby, and then have a one-and-a-half hour self-study class from 5 to 6:30. The head teacher Sun Mei asked the teachers of each subject to arrange time to come over and give the students key topics.

Only a few students asked their teachers for leave because they had extra-curricular supplementary classes, and did not participate in evening self-study.

This includes Wei Sheng.

Only when Wei Sheng asked for leave, Sun Mei kept frowning at her.

Because evening self-study is voluntary and requires extra money, even if the student does not participate, as a teacher, he cannot force it.

But most of the students in the class will not refuse, no matter the family situation is good or bad, the parents are willing to support.

The only people who refused were students of Song Jing's level. They did have their own activities after school, and their parents also called.

Only this Wei Sheng ran to the office alone to apply for not attending evening tuition.

Although Wei Sheng's results exceeded her expectations in the last monthly exam, she was proud and complacent? The final exam is approaching, and all the students are going all out, so she dare to relax? Even if there are make-up classes outside, can it be good if the teacher in charge of the class draws the questions himself?

She had already signaled these words just now, but Wei Sheng insisted not to participate.

Seeing Wei Sheng's back from the office, Sun Meiwu shook his head, and was unwilling to advise him any more. He bowed his head and got busy with what he had at hand.

As for Wei Sheng, as soon as he arrived at the door of the class, he saw Shao Bingran and Cui Xian talking in the corridor.

The former hurriedly stopped her, stepped forward and smiled, "Our club has activities in the evening, are you free?"

Wei Sheng shook his head helplessly, "I have something tonight, I'm afraid I can't participate."

Shao Bingran was obviously disappointed, so he had to laugh helplessly, "The first time you joined the club, it was very exciting, really won't you come?"

Wei Sheng shrugged and smiled apologetically, "I really can't go."

Tonight is the Nanshan trial, she must participate.

Shao Bingran had to nod and smile, "It's okay, I just received a message from a friend, otherwise, you must be notified in advance if you have an event. If you have an arrangement, you will be busy with you. Anyway, girls may not be interested in tonight's activities."

Wei Sheng nodded.

When she first entered the classroom, many students pointed to her and whispered.

This is the case in school. There is a bit of lace rumored to fly faster than anything. Not only did Wei Sheng enter Shao Bingran's club, but also from the third and second year of the junior high school to come to the class to talk to her in the corridor, these naturally couldn't escape the eyes of the students.

The night came faster than expected. After school, it was Qian Bin who drove to pick up Wei Sheng.

Yuan Chunbo’s South Victory is a large competition group facing south. Naturally, there are channels for spreading the news. When the car carrying Wei Sheng was driving towards the villa area at the fork of the mountain, many cars were already driving uphill. go with.

Among them are cheap cars, high-end cars that are difficult to see in the city, and a group of young people who drive motorcycles.

Just as Wei Sheng's car had just turned into the villa area from the fork in the road, an Audi car stopped at the foot of the mountain. Shao Bingran stepped down from it, wearing a winter Lining cotton suit, and was raising his hand to greet the taxi behind him to stop.

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