Chapter 1020: Special treatment (one more)

At the moment, it seems that sitting in the platinum area has a higher face than sitting in the golden area, and sitting in the golden area has a higher face than sitting in the silver area. There are many spectators in the platinum area of ??Pengcheng Bend next door. To the golden zone, he whispered with his sun hat buckled in front of him, squinted and smiled, conveying his mood with his expression.

There are also some women in the Golden Zone fanning their fans, tilting their legs up and looking at the Silver Zone obliquely behind them. What's more, they look at the people who have just boarded the seat aisle in the Silver Zone and are looking for the right seats. The ground smirked, and almost forgot that apart from the slight deviation of the viewing angle between the two seating areas, no one has more awnings and Philippine maids than anyone else, and no one enjoys a car pick-up service more than anyone else.

Of course, the subtleties can still reflect the difference.

Customers in the Platinum District can use their tickets to exchange any of the functional beverages or beer or mineral water cooperated in the venue with the regional admission management staff.

Customers in the Golden Zone can purchase any one of them at half price on the basis of the tickets. The Silver Zone and tourist tickets do not enjoy this service.

There is no harm without comparison.

In the eyes of most laymen, buying high-priced seats is not just to watch a high-quality game. Even for many people who buy high-priced seats, whether it is standing in an amusement park and looking up at the big screen The game situation, or sitting in the suspended seats condescendingly overlooking the audience, there is not much difference.

And this group of people is willing to spend a higher price and buy more expensive seats, mainly to satisfy the psychological vanity and status symbol.

Among this group of people, there is also a smaller group of people whose purpose is to gain a chance to mix into the circle of high-class people with the maximum of their financial support. Although the result of getting this opportunity is a bit illusory, it is just like In real life, individual characters frequently see reports of flight attendants marrying local tyrants, so even if the economic situation does not allow them to travel, they still buy first-class cabin as much as possible to gain opportunities.

There are even more people who frequently believe in all kinds of information, and at the same time change their speculative methods. Although there are only a few people who purely hold this kind of speculative psychology, they are not without them. After all, the vast majority of people in our country today are still running. On the road of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich, we hope to transform into a better person in different ways and obtain a better life. The only difference lies in the way.

Some economists have studied the account data of brokerage firms, and they have found that higher transaction volume cannot bring higher returns.

In the eyes of Sun Ting and his group, Wei Sheng is standing on the edge of the aisle in the golden zone at this moment. He obviously has no seats and no corresponding ability but he is talking about it. Isn't it a speculative behavior? This is generally recognized in society as a big tail. Wolf, and this seems to be echoing the ostentatious image of Wei Sheng in the eyes of Sun Ting and others. He was from an ordinary background but was willing to make a splash in Pengcheng University and be a news figure who frequently appeared on the front page of campus forums throughout the month.

The reason why we think Wei Sheng does not have the corresponding ability is because Sun Ting personally represented this classmate and was interviewed by reporters outside the school a few days ago. Of course, the main talk was about those well-known Wei Sheng on campus. Her performance and her evaluation from the perspective of her classmates.

It was the reporter who contacted Sun Ting, the third class monitor, through various parties, and the reporter did not know that the monitor had no contact with Wei Sheng, and because Wei Sheng did not run for the position of class leadership at the time, Sun Ting The evaluation of her is relatively objective, "I'm very pushy, not so gregarious, and I haven't actively contacted me to register. You know, freshmen should at least say hello to the class leader, so that I can send statistics by email. Notice, her email address was sent to my mobile phone by the counselor."

"Campus Cup? You made a mistake. Although I didn't go to the scene, my friend did. She didn't go to the court at the time and was sitting in the co-pilot. You all know that R produces a light car. Some said she went to press the car. It is said that she is a master to help guide, I think the former is more credible, after all, this is not a martial arts novel, right?"

"Defeat Yuji Sato? I think it's not her, because there is no her in the school racing club, and my friend is in the club. Oh, yes, I have never seen her drive a sports car to school. From the analysis of her behavior style since enrollment, If she is a racer, she would not be willing to miss the opportunity to show up like driving a sports car to school, right? Remember, it's best to publish it anonymously. Although my analysis is very objective, you know that some people may not like it. "

This is what Sun Ting made to reporters that day, so the **** in the class campaign only made a grandstanding to Wei Sheng.

And Wei Sheng now doesn’t even know the name of the classmate who was interviewed by reporters outside the school in Tian Quanquan. Because he didn’t see the report on this aspect, and because he was busy in the early stage of the game recently, this incident was almost forgotten. To go.


"She will say later, I'm sorry. I just called and asked Manager XX. How arrogant is Manager XX in China Park. I didn't expect that she really didn't have a ticket. Oh, it's like she can get a ticket. Be thicker, maybe you will say, I will accompany you to watch the game first, if I need to call me, I see a lot of this kind of social oil." Sun Ting saw that Wei Sheng took out his mobile phone and went to make a call. He withdrew his sight and looked indifferently in front of him.

After all, she digs out the golden seats of everyone present from her bag. After entering the park, Sun Ting asked everyone to turn in due to the convenience of ticket checking. Isn't this a kind of self-respect in the collective circle? Be a parent-like way of showing the central figure in power.

She handed the ticket to Tan Feng, "I want mineral water, what do you drink."

Everyone reported, and Tan Feng was about to get up to buy water. He got up and walked to the side of the aisle. He had a face-to-face meeting with Wei Sheng, who had hung up the phone and returned.

Wei Sheng recognized that this was a classmate of the class committee group. After a moment, he just nodded to Tan Feng symbolically, and then approached Tai Jundao with a smile, "Sorry, I just called and asked Manager Sun. Oh, he is in charge of the operation of the park, and he is also the organizer of this competition."

Unexpectedly, Tan Feng, who was supposed to step down from the audience, did not leave at this moment. Instead, he went two steps forward to listen to what Wei Sheng said. After hearing this, he suddenly showed an extremely exaggerated and excited look on his face and turned to face. A few friends winked their eyebrows, while others all gave thumbs up at Sun Ting.

Sun Ting smiled triumphantly and shook her head.

Just listen to Wei Sheng continuing, "I will accompany you to wait a while in the golden seat."

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