Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 768 - Baby in Her Tummy

Chapter 768 Baby in Her Tummy

“Sure.” Shen Xi responded before getting her hands dirty with the kids to make presents for their parents.

Once they were all done and ready to go home, it was already late. They had too much fun to realize their bellies were rumbling.

Shen Xi and Li Yuan inquired about the collection time and took the kids upstairs for food.

The restaurants were on the fourth floor. The place was packed since it was eight o’clock at night on a weekend. There were long lines outside every restaurant.

Looking at the children, Shen Xi picked their brains. “There are a lot of people here, so we’d have to wait a long time for our turn. How about we go home for dinner?”

She then turned to Li Yuan.

Having no comments, Li Yuan nodded in agreement. It was not healthy to consume too much food outside. Nothing beat home-cooked food.

The kids sensibly bobbed their heads.

Shen Xi made the call. “Let’s head back to Li Mansion and get Uncle Li to prepare something kids would love to eat.”

Mom and Dad were not at home to make her dinner. Yu Yuanxi would take a long time if she asked him to cook for them. They were too hungry to wait.

While heading to the car, Li Yuan asked Kun Lun to buy some food on the way to ease the hunger pang. Otherwise, they would be traveling home on an empty stomach.

Kun Lun bought a cake and some kids’ favorite desserts at the bakery. He also got what Shen Xi liked – duck innards.

Having heard they were coming back for dinner, Uncle Li had the kitchen make haste to prepare Shen Xi and Li Yuan’s favorites. Of course, he did not forget the little ones. He told them to hold off the spice for the kids.

Uncle Li’s eyes lit up when Li Yuan and Shen Xi returned with Lu Guoguo and Lu Zhen. He approached and gazed lovingly at the children as if they were his grandchildren.

“Uncle Li, this is Guoguo and Lil’ Zhen. They’re my big brother’s kids.” Shen Xi made the introduction.

Uncle Li nodded with a bright grin. He warmed up to the kids immediately.

He was told about Fu Qingli a while back but never had a chance to meet the children. Now that Uncle Li had a good look, the girl was pretty, adorable, and a flatterer.


The little guy was very well-behaved but a tough nut to crack. He definitely took after the eldest son of the Fu family, Fu Qingli.

Even the eldest son of the Fu family had children. When would it be Ms. Shen and the young master’s turn?

The twin genes ran in the Fu family. Ms. Shen surely had higher chances of bearing twins.

Uncle Li was over the moon at the thought of the little additions to the family. He hoped the couple would hurry up and bring life into Li Mansion.

The adorable Lu Guoguo raised her arms, asking for hugs from Uncle Li. Shen Xi smiled. “Guoguo, Uncle Li can’t carry you. Don’t wear Grandpa out.”

Uncle Li could not be happier about being the recipient of the kid’s friendliness. Nothing could tire him. “Madam, I’m not tired. I might be old, but I’m tough. I can still take care of your children in the future.”

He then picked Lu Guoguo up and smiled affectionately. “Let Grandpa carry you.”

The little girl was the cutest little thing that he could just put in his pocket.

Holding Lu Zhen’s hand, Shen Xi observed the interaction between the elderly and child with tenderness in her eyes. She wondered what Li Yuan and her child would be like.

She hoped her child would not behave like Lu Zhen if it was a boy.

If it were a girl, Shen Xi hoped the child would be as cute as Guoguo.

Looking at the girl, Li Yuan drew close and whispered in her ear, “What are you thinking about?”

Shen Xi gave him the side glance and heaved into his ear. “Thinking about our baby Brother, when are we going to have one?”

Li Yuan replied, “After your graduation.”

She was still young. He did not want to hold her up in life by giving her a baby so soon.

Shen Xi spoke in hushed tones, “Are you concerned you’d put me behind my studies? It’s okay. You can watch the baby after I give birth.”

Li Yuan smiled. “Even if you and I are okay with it, do you think your brothers would be fine about it?”

If children were in the cards, they should not keep it from the family as they did with the marriage registration. They had to let the family in on the plans.

“We’re the ones having the baby. What does it have to do with them?” Shen Xi mumbled sulkily.

“They’re your family. The people who love you the most in the world,” Li Yuan answered.

“What about you?” Shen Xi looked into his eyes between blinks.

Li Yuan gently smacked the girl’s head. “I love, love, love you the most in the world.”

Shen Xi let out a bright smile. Taking in the man’s handsome features, she drew in for a kiss while no one was looking.

To her surprise, she turned around to find Lu Zhen, who was looking at his sister a moment ago, staring right at her. His gaze fell on her lips. Shen Xi cleared her throat and played it cool.

Lu Zhen quickly looked away, holding it together better than Shen Xi. In his little mind, he wondered if kissing could make babies.

Did Aunty have a baby in her tummy? Was it a boy or a girl?

Shen Xi could feel Lu Zhen’s gaze on her belly every now and then. He seemed lost in his thoughts as he rubbed his tummy.

Lu Zhen blurted, “Aunty, is the baby in your tummy a boy or a girl?”

The boy was not one to initiate talk, but that question seemed important to him. His eyes were fixated on her stomach.

Shen Xi was blushing all over. The question threw her for a loop. “I don’t have a baby in my stomach.”

Lu Zhen furrowed his brows, With confusion reflecting in his eyes, he asked in a tender voice, “When will you have a baby in your belly?”

Not knowing what to say, Shen Xi gave Li Yuan the look to take over. Li Yuan chuckled at the girl’s cute and red face. He turned to Lu Zhen. “Do you want a younger brother or sister?”

Lu Zhen answered without a second thought, “I don’t mind either.”

He would love and protect them since he was the older brother after all!

Li Yuan smiled. “Aunty doesn’t have a baby in her belly yet, but she will in the future. Lil’ Zhen, will you play with them?”

Lu Zhen solemnly nodded. “I will play with them and protect them.”

Just like how he protected his sister.

Lu Guoguo was puzzled by the baby talk at first but soon caught on when more was said. She happily raised her hand and uttered, “I want to play with the babies too.”

She would become the older sister if Aunty had a baby.

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