Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 602 - I’ll Drink From the Footbath

Chapter 602: I’ll Drink From the Footbath

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The accommodation at the training camp was not as luxurious as the one at school. A class of fifteen shared one unit.

The beds were arranged according to student ID and names. Basically, a whole class was assigned to one big quarter. Things were hectic at the place, to say the least.

However, no one had the guts to approach Shen Xi. It was hard to strike up a conversation with someone of such a standoffish and withdrawn countenance.

Only Ruan Xiaoxiao and Jiang Xuanxuan who took the top and bottom bunk beds next to Shen Xi would come over for a chat every now and then.

“Does your brother really have a girlfriend?” Jiang Xuanxuan was pretty nosey. Since Yu Yuanxi was a hottie and Xixi’s brother too, he would make the perfect boyfriend to pursue if he was not taken.

Who would not love a hunk?

“Yes.” Shen Xi nodded.

“Dang, I’m too late.” Ruan Xiaoxiao sighed but continued to channel her inner gossip queen. “Is she beautiful? Which school is she at?”

The other classmates might be afraid to talk with Xixi, but Ruan Xiaoxiao and Jiang Xuanxuan had the pleasure of engaging with her beforehand and knew that she was not difficult to get along with. Otherwise, they would tremble in her cold presence.

“She’s our high school classmate and my best friend,” Shen Xi replied.

It was perfectly normal for her handsome brother to make the girls go gaga. God knows how many hearts he would steal during the military training.

Ruan Xiaoxiao and Jiang Xuanxuan looked envious. It must be great to be high school classmates. Back when they were in high school, they only had eyes for Qingye and dreamed of dating him!

Prior to meeting Qingye this afternoon, they built castles in the air about one day pursuing a romantic relationship with their idol, but now that they had seen him in person, the girls had firsthand experience of the distance between them. Not to sell themselves short, they really believed they did not deserve Qingye.

The days that followed welcomed rigorous military training. It was the height of summer in September and there was not one shade of a tree on the training grounds. No layer of sunscreen was able to protect the students against days of sun-basking. It did not take long before the boys and girls were tanned all over.

The girls were in a better situation. Many boys suffered sunburn because they did not bother with sunscreen.

“Xixi, why aren’t you tan at all?” Jiang Xuanxuan was looking and feeling her face while giving Shen Xi an envious look.

Her skin was smooth and supple like a baby’s bum. Oh, she was covetous of Shen Xi’s blessed genes.

Her brother, Yu Yuanxi escaped the sun-scathing fate as well. Mr. Sun seemed to look out for all the beaus and belles.

“I’m literally charcoal.” Ruan Xiaoxiao could not look at herself in the mirror. Although she hid a bottle of sunscreen in her clothes and sprayed it at every chance she got, the sun was merciless toward her tender skin.

Moreover, life at the military camp was hard. Apart from three square meals a day, they were not allowed to have any junk food. For someone who replaced dinner with snacks, it was pure torture.

“Oh, it must be the beauty pills I take every day.” Shen Xi was not aware. Now that Ruan Xiaoxiao mentioned it, Shen Xi took a glance at her. “I’ll give you each a bottle later.”

Ruan Xiaoxiao and Jiang Xuanxuan thought the beauty pill she was talking about was a regular health supplement. It was not until Shen Xi took out the anti-aging beauty pills and hurled them each a bottle that the pair was blown away.

“Xixi, is this Situ family’s beauty pill?” Although Ruan Xiaoxiao had never used any prior, she had seen the pills before. Who would not know about this hot item?

“Yes. Jewel Looks version 3.0.” Shen Xi smiled and uttered, “The effects are ten times that of version 2.0. It’s pretty good.”

“It really is the anti-aging beauty pill. Xixi, you’re so generous. I’m sorry I can’t accept it.” Jiang Xuanxuan immediately returned the pills to her.

It was too valuable. The original version of the anti-aging beauty pills was sold at fifty thousand yuan a bottle, and that was the price drop six months later. She could not afford the 2.0 version at two hundred thousand yuan a bottle.

The 3.0 version must be around five hundred thousand to a million yuan. It was more expensive than gold itself. Jiang Xuanxuan was happy to just look at it.

Everyone in the accommodation turned their gaze to Shen Xi, having picked up that they were talking about the beauty pills. There were even a few who were curious enough to go in for a closer look. They had seen the pills before as one of their richer classmates, Gu Xiang, owned one bottle and took one pill every two days. Holding the bottle dear to her heart, Gu Xiang locked it in the cupboard.

Apart from a bottle of anti-aging beauty pills, Gu Xiang also had a set of cosmeceuticals launched by the Situ family. The classmates in the quarters were allowed access to the cosmeceutical once if they did Gu Xiang’s dirty work and made her happy.

With the exception of Shen Xi and the two girls, the people in the same lodging sucked up to Gu Xiang by waiting on her, pouring her drinks, washing her clothes, keeping her seat warm for meals, washing her feet, and offering massages since the start of the training.

There was a girl who was on the ground cleansing and massaging Gu Xiang’s feet right now. The girl looked at Gu Xiang and asked, “Xiang, does Shen Xi really have the beauty pills?”

Lying in bed, Gu Xiang was putting on a facial mask while humming a song. Sure, she heard the commotion at Shen Xi’s corner. Gu Xiang scoffed and remarked in disdain, “That’s a load of hot air. 3.0 version? I can say I have the 5.0 version. The beauty pills are only at the 2.0 version, alright? She must be a caveman who lives under a rock. I’m sure she bought a counterfeit and was swindled out of her money.”

Gu Xiang hated Shen Xi the moment she stepped foot into the quarters. She despised anyone who was prettier than her and more importantly, she took offense to Shen Xi’s attitude toward her.

The whole world revolved around her, and everyone worshiped her like a princess. Only Shen Xi, Ruan Xiaoxiao, and Jiang Xuanxuan did not give a d*mn about her.

“I’ve never heard of the 3.0 version either.” The girl on feet-washing duty complimented Gu Xiang. “You’re amazing to see through that, Xiang.”

“The counterfeit products can trick those green dummies. You can search on the shopping platform and you’ll find the 10.0 version there. It’s 3 yuan a bottle. Would you use it? You’ll f*ck up your face.” Gu Xiang scoffed cynically and spoke in a loud voice, “Shen Xi, you must have bought them in bulk from the shopping platform. Just use it for yourself. Don’t go harming other people.”

The others were quick to judge when they heard it was a fake. They stared at Shen Xi in contempt. Version 3.0 beauty pills, their *ss. There was no way she could acquire a bottle before Xiang.

“Xiang, is the latest version of the anti-aging beauty pills the 2.0 version?” One of the girls inquired.

“Yes.” Gu Xiang replied arrogantly. Although the beauty pills were improved in version 2.0, one bottle cost a fortune. She could only afford the first version. Gu Xiang snorted. “I’ll drink from the footbath if the ones she has are the real deal.”

Shen Xi was surprised that people would still find fault with her despite her keeping a low profile. Arching her brows, she looked at Gu Xiang. “Gu Xiang, it’s boring to drink your own footbath. My beauty pills are real. How about you drink the water the boys washed their feet in?”

Drink her own footbath? That would be going easy on her!

She should take it up a notch by drinking the boy’s footbath water.

The others covered their mouths while their stomachs churned as though they could smell the water the boys washed their feet in.. The thought of the revolting smell alone could make them barf.

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