Chapter 148: His Wanwan

Fu Qingye the Movie Star’s trip to China was only one of his handful of journeys here in the past few years.

The A to D listers in the country’s entertainment industry would kill to meet and rub shoulders with him.

Apart from showbiz, the influential families in China sought ways to see him, hoping to befriend the Fu family on this occasion.

Nevertheless, Mr. Fu turned down all personal invites and only focused on his trip. Barely anyone had the chance to see him in person.

Li Jingran was one of them. She was in a talk show at Cathay TV station alongside Fu Qingye and following the arrangement of the TV station’s boss, a get-together ensued before the shoot.

The show was taped on a Thursday afternoon and broadcasted on Friday.

Holding Fu Qingye’s banners and LED signs and setting up his posters along the way, fans waited for his arrival by the TV station’s entrance on Thursday morning.

Behind the security tape near the door of the TV station’s VIP dressing room, gathered hundreds of people. They were Fu Qingye’s fans from families that were well-connected enough to pull some strings and get backstage.

Relying on Li Jingran’s connections, Su Ruowan brought Chen Bingbing and the rest to the TV station.

“Wanwan, you’re the best. I love you so much.”

“We’re able to gain access to the TV station and see Mr. Fu the Movie Star at close distance, thanks to you.”

“Yes. I’m so lucky to have met Wanwan. I am so blessed.”

The group of girlfriends excitedly gathered around Su Ruowan in adoration and buttered her up, almost to the point of worshipping her.

With her vanity fed, Su Ruowan tenderly grinned. “It’s nothing. You guys are being dramatic.”

“Not at all.” Chen Bingbing intimately held her arm. Her emotions were running high at the thought that she would soon meet with her idol.

“Wanwan, Qingye will see us, right?” Girlfriend A frantically held her chest. Her eyes were heart-shaped and pink.

“What are you saying? Qingye thinks of Wanwan as a sister.” Girlfriend B shot her a glare before holding Su Ruowan’s arm and sucking up to her. “Am I right, Wanwan?”

Su Ruowan let out a gentle smile. “Brother Ye doesn’t like to meet with outsiders while at work but I can try.”

Two days ago, Mom took her along to have a meal with Brother Ye. He was a true gentleman, taking pictures with her and signing her autographs.

Su Ruowan gave each one of them an autographed picture. These inexperienced girls were on cloud nine and worshipped her like she was a god.

“Brother Ye? I’m so jealous.”

“I want to call him Brother Ye too!”

“Brother Ye will personally pick you up, knowing his Wanwan is here for him.”

The girlfriends were teasing her.

“Don’t talk like that.” Su Ruowan shyly blushed.

“Quit it, Wanwan is getting embarrassed.” That said, Chen Bingbing could not resist making jokes either. “Brother Ye, are you there? I’m Wanwan. I’m here to see you.”

Su Ruowan was feeling all mushy. Her heart was pounding thinking that she would soon meet her crush. She scoffed in feigned anger. “Stop joking, or I’m going to ignore you.”

Chen Bingbing quit the jokes and tugged on her. “Now that we’re here, how do we get in?”

Looking around, Su Ruowan noticed Fu Qingye’s assistant, He Jin and called out to him. “Mr. He!”

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