Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 135 - Curse Her To Death

Chapter 135: Curse Her To Death

With wealthy and respectable parents attending the parent-teacher meeting, someone of equal standing should host the meeting. Hence, the principal personally conducted the gathering between parents and teacher.

“Shen Xi, where are your parents?” The principal solemnly asked since she came alone.

This student was exceptional. In recent months, she had been the person of the hour in the school, bringing home the trophy for every single competition and making the school proud. Of course, he was happy.

“My adopted mother is occupied and unable to come.” Gazing at the principal, Shen Xi politely replied.

Furrowing his brows, the principal blurted unconsciously, “What about your birth mom?”

Shen Xi swept a mocking glance at Li Jingran before answering in a cold tone. “She’s dead.”

As color drained from her face, Li Jingran was shaking with anger at the reply.

Cursing her to death, huh?

Just how wicked could Shen Xi be?

Her adopted mother was only a housewife yet was too occupied to attend the meeting. What could she be busy with?

This d*mn brat must have known she would be here and was deliberately getting on her nerves!

Oh, this poor child. The principal gave Shen Xi a sympathetic look and stopped with the questions. “Please take a seat.”

Shen Xi found a random seat and sat down.

The parents on site were curious about the story behind an adopted mother and a birth mother. Nonetheless, no one had the guts to bring it up in front of the person concerned.

Li Jingran could fly into rage but was unable to teach Shen Xi a lesson since she had an appearance to keep up with at the parent-teacher meeting. Well, the uncultured brat had another thing coming right after the meeting!

The principal made a brief opening statement before smiling at the crowd of parents. “I will now announce the results of the exams. First place belongs to…”

Every green-eyed parent turned to Li Jingran in unison while bearing different expressions. There was no doubt that her children were first and second place.

With her vanity being fed, Li Jingran straightened her back and kept a smile on her face as she accepted the crowd’s praises and envy.

The principal looked towards Shen Xi and grinned. “First place is our Shen Xi. Please congratulate her.”

Li Jingran’s smile froze but her eyes turned to Shen Xi in disbelief. How could this brat take first place!

She remembered that Shen Xi had always done poorly in school, placing last in every exam and bringing shame to her!

The parents all turned to Shen Xi. It never occurred to them that someone would claim the Su siblings’ never-changing spots at the top.

Moments later, they gazed at Li Jingran and relished in her misfortune. It was all insincere flattery. They may be smiling in the face of her arrogance but inside, they were bitter with resentment and waiting for the day Li Jingran made a fool of herself!

Now that her child was not in first place, they wondered if Li Jingran would keep up with the cockiness!

The parents gloatingly began to applaud.

Not one to appear ungallant, Li Jingran absent-mindedly clapped, albeit her eyes reflected her true feelings.

Shen Xi, that brat, must have cheated!

Otherwise, she could not have possibly scored first place in the exam with that scatterbrain of hers.

Shen Xi got up to retrieve her report card and politely nodded at the parents. She completely ignored Li Jingran.

Li Jingran could pass out from fury.

This wicked brat must be happy for making her look bad in front of so many people!

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