Chapter 197: Extreme Measure (II)

When Long got inside, the Shadow Guardians who were fighting there were shocked.

Their enemies also noticed Long’s existence.

Three men who were close to the gate immediately ran to Long.

Seeing that they were approaching Long, the Shadow Guardians hurriedly went to stop them.

But the enemies moved too fast.

Besides, once the Shadow Guardians moved, other men went to stop them.

So, the three of them managed to get close to Long.

Long could do a little martial arts. Although three people went to him, he still tried his best to resist.

But he was too weak to fight against them.

He fought for a moment and a man wanted to stab him in the chest with a sword. The sword was approaching him quickly and Long felt that his life was under threat. He looked at his enemy with cold eyes, but he wasn’t nervous at all. He knew that his lover was coming to his rescue.

Sure enough, when the sword was about to pierce his chest, a silver soft sword came out from behind and stopped the deadly attack.

However, there were three people around Long. Shi stopped two people with his sword, but there was still another one.

The situation was so tense and everything happened fast. The third man also tried to stab Long with his sword. Long blocked it with his own arm and blood immediately poured out.

At this time, two other Shadow Guardians who were on the roof earlier also arrived.

With the help of those two Shadow Guardians, the man who stabbed Long was killed at once.

Some Shadow Guardians who fought with the enemies in Yihong House became more aggressive when they saw that Long was injured. They were getting desperate. However, Shi was stunned after he killed two enemies.

His eyes were little red. Staring at Long’s injured arm, Shi became speechless.

Seeing that Shi fell silent, Long felt heartbroken.

He covered his arm and walked to Shi step by step while Shi was stupefied.

“Qingzhou, did you see that? I was worried about you, so I ran out when you went to fight the enemies... Luckily, I’m not dead. I’m just injured.”

Shi’s body was stiff and trembling.

Long didn’t have the heart to see Shi like this, but he had to do it. He stared at Shi, who was stunned and couldn’t believe his eyes.

Finally, Shi opened his mouth. “Where’s Ying Feng?”

Long said calmly, “Ying Feng can’t follow me anytime and anywhere. He was probably caught by someone outside...”

“No... You lied to me...” Shi’s eyes became fierce. “You came here alone. Ying Feng was far away from you. Why? Tell me why!”

Looking at Shi who became agitated, Long did not speak.

Shi growled, “Long Xiaoyuan, you’re punishing me because I left you. How can you do that? How can you punish me at the price of your own life?”

“Since you can do that, why can’t I?” Compared with Shi, Long was particularly calm, but his voice was extremely cold.

“Shi Qingzhou, since you can punish me with your life, why can’t I?”

Hearing those words, Shi explained, “I didn’t.”

“You didn’t?” Long questioned him. “When you left me and went to fight alone, you should’ve known how I would feel. Shi Qingzhou, since you can leave me, I can leave you, too!”

Shi’s body trembled.

Long forced himself to be cold-hearted. “Shi Qingzhou, did you see it? Because you left me, my life was put in danger. This time, only my arm is injured, but I may lose my life next time! Do you understand?”

“No... No...” Shi took two steps back.

At this time, Long’s expression changed. Damn it! The enemy’s sword was poisonous!

Long didn’t expect that to happen. He felt dizzy and suddenly fell to the ground.

Shi moved a little backward, but Long’s reaction shocked him and he carried Long’s body at the moment when Long fell.

“Long Xiaoyuan!” Shi was greatly frightened.

Long’s hand moved away from the injured spot as he fell down and the red blood had turned purple.

Shi was worried and stopped caring about the killers anymore.

He carried Long in his arms and rushed out. Naturally, he was going to find Doctor Liu.

At this time, only Liu could save Long!

Shi went there at full speed. Just as he entered the right prime minister’s mansion, Shi shouted, “Liu Suifeng! Come out!”

Liu was trying to make antidote in the room. When he heard Shi roar, his hands trembled and all the powder was spilled on the ground.

If there were nothing extremely important, Shi would not be like this.

Was it because something bad happened to Long?

Liu hurriedly went outside. Seeing that Shi was running with Long in his arms, Liu was shocked and quickly went back to the room to get the medical kit.

Shi carried Long to their room and Liu also went there as fast as he could.

Long was diagnosed immediately. After a while, Liu let a breath out. Fortunately, it wasn’t a rare poison, so Liu said, “You can rest assured. It’s not some strange poison. I can cure him soon.”

Hearing that, Shi finally felt relieved and his whole body became relaxed.

Shi sat beside the bed. Liu thought that what happened this day was a little strange. He knew many people were staying with Long to protect him. Even if he was a killer, it would be difficult for him to get close to Long. Liu wondered how Long got injured.

What’s more, Shi was also with him!

Liu didn’t know that it was Long who went to the killers voluntarily and he also didn’t allow Ying Feng to follow him.

Liu fed some antidote to Long and dressed the wound for him. Then, he said, “Take good care of him at night. It’s normal if he has a low-grade fever. Applying a cold compress will do.”

Shi didn’t seem to hear anything.

Liu hesitated for a moment and asked, “What happened? Were the enemies strong? How did he get hurt?”

As soon as Liu finished saying that, Shi gave him a murderous look.

That look frightened Liu and he took two steps back in order to protect himself.

A moment later, Shi restrained himself from being aggressive.

Liu felt very strange, but he also knew that he could no longer stay there, so he went out without saying anything...

Shi sat on the edge of the bed like a statue, staring at Long motionlessly...

When Liu got to the door, he turned his head and looked inside.

Shi’s condition worried him.

At this time, Ouyang arrived. “What’s the matter?”

“Long Xiaoyuan was injured. I guess an assassin hurt him with a poisonous weapon. I’ve dealt with that. But... there seems to be something wrong with the two of them.”

Ouyang also looked inside. “Shi Qingzhou?”

“Yes, something must have happened to them.”

After a short silence, Ouyang said, “Maybe it’s a good thing.”

“Oh?” Liu didn’t understand.

Ouyang said calmly, “Long Xiaoyuan got injured this time... If it’s because of him, Shi Qingzhou will try to control himself in the future.”

Those words surprised Liu, but he also agreed. “If that’s the case... it’ll be good.”

“We don’t need to do anything to them,” Ouyang said softly.

Liu thought a moment and said, “I’ll ask the Shadow Guardians what happened today.”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

They made the decision and went to find the Shadow Guardians... Then, they saw Ying Feng.

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