Realm of the Night God

Chapter 61: Gathering Souls in the Cemetery

Chapter 61: Gathering Souls in the Cemetery

As the ghost eye opened, a figure appeared before him. It was none other than Wang Qing.

At this moment, Wang Qing had become undead, devoid of substance, suspended in mid-air.

Her gaze was bewildered, scanning her surroundings. When her eyes fell upon Yang Haoran, her expression changed instantly.

"It's you, you country bumpkin! What are you doing here? Where am I?" Wang Qing blurted out angrily, though her eyes betrayed unmistakable panic.

Seeing only Yang Haoran here, her immediate assumption was that he had brought her here with malicious intent. Given their conflicts, she believed he must have ill intentions!

However, upon noticing Yang Haoran's ghostly eyes, her facial expression froze momentarily, then turned into one of horror.

"Your... your eyes! What kind of creature are you?" she exclaimed.

With these words, Wang Qing reflexively stepped back, only to realize in terror that her body felt weightless, floating in the air.

"What... what's happening to me?" Wang Qing panicked, then yelled at Yang Haoran, "What have you done to me, you bumpkin! What did you do to me! I'll find someone to kill you right away!"

Yang Haoran wore a smile on his face. Seeing Wang Qing's agitation, he touched the scar on his face that had vanished and said, "Looks like you don't even realize you're already dead. Well, during the soul condensation period, you don't have consciousness. Now that your soul has just successfully condensed, you haven't had time to realize you're dead yet."

Upon hearing that she had died, Wang Qing first froze, then shook her head frantically, saying, "It's impossible, absolutely impossible! If you're not dead yet, how could I be dead? You're lying to me! You're lying, aren't you?"

"Am I lying to you?" Yang Haoran chuckled, "Haven't you seen ghost movies? Look at yourself now, what else could you be if not a ghost? Tell me, what are you now?"

Unable to refute, Wang Qing's expression became even more panicked.

Yang Haoran continued, his smile unabated, "Look at the pajamas you're wearing. Touch them, do they feel real?"

At his words, Wang Qing grabbed at her pajamas, feeling as if she were grabbing at thin air, devoid of any sensation.

"Am... am I really dead?" Wang Qing's voice was filled with disbelief and resentment. Suddenly, she remembered that night, when she had countless nightmares, one after another, each more terrifying than the last.

Eventually, she lost consciousness, only to wake up like this.

"Yes, you're dead. You were scared to death," Yang Haoran said with a smile.

"Damn nonsense! I'm perfectly fine! You're the one who's dead! You're the one who was scared to death!" Wang Qing cursed, unable to accept the truth, her face twisted with madness as she lunged towards Yang Haoran, seemingly intent on strangling him alive.

Yang Haoran didn't dodge, just smiled as Wang Qing lunged at him!

Wang Qing's soul passed directly through Yang Haoran's body, her attack having no effect on him. She was just a regular undead, completely lacking in any offensive power. However, she was oblivious to this fact at the moment.

Seeing her body pass through his, Wang Qing was momentarily stunned. Even if she didn't believe she was dead, the reality was undeniable.

However, having confirmed her own death, she became even more furious. She bared her teeth and claws, once again pouncing towards Yang Haoran.

Seeming to lose patience, Yang Haoran slapped Wang Qing fiercely as she approached.

Undead had no substance, so theoretically Yang Haoran's slap shouldn't have hit Wang Qing. But he invoked Yin spirit power, and under its influence, his hand landed a solid slap on Wang Qing's face, sending her flying.

Yin spirit power had a strong restraining effect on souls. Yang Haoran's slap caused Wang Qing to scream in agony, her soul visibly weakening.

Wang Qing's soul had just condensed, making it extremely weak at this stage. Yang Haoran's slap, boosted by Yin spirit power, not only affected her weakened soul but would have sent her flying even if she were not weakened.

"Does it hurt?" Yang Haoran asked with a grin.

Terrified, Wang Qing looked at Yang Haoran, her previous arrogance gone. This slap seemed to have snapped her back to reality.

Seeing Wang Qing's silence, Yang Haoran wasn't angry. He continued with a smile, "Do you know who scared you to death?"

Wang Qing shook her head, her expression turning fearful at the mention of Gao Liang.

"What are you afraid of? You're a ghost now. What's there to be afraid of? That's right, you were scared to death by Gao Liang. He's come back to claim your life."

Leaving these words behind, Yang Haoran paid no more attention to Wang Qing's expression. He took out the soul gathering bead from his waist pouch.

Without further ado, he infused Yin spirit power into the soul gathering bead. A tremendous suction force enveloped Wang Qing's body directly.

The immense suction continued to pull Wang Qing's soul. Though she didn't understand what was happening, she was certain it couldn't be anything good!

So, she exerted all her strength to struggle, trying to escape this terrifying force.

However, her struggles proved futile. Despite her efforts, her soul continued to be drawn inexorably towards the soul gathering bead.

"No! Please!!" Wang Qing screamed in terror, her soul twisting and contorting under the powerful pull.

"Please spare me! I know I was wrong! I know I was wrong!" she pleaded.

Yang Haoran remained unmoved, responding with a smile, "If apologies were enough, why would we need police?"

Amidst a horrified scream, Wang Qing was sucked into the soul gathering bead. Originally containing only Gao Liang's ghost, the soul gathering bead now housed another.

Undead had the ability to consume other undead to strengthen themselves. However, within the soul gathering bead, due to the suppression of its power, they couldn't devour each other.

Furthermore, within the soul gathering bead, the voices of the undead couldn't reach the outside world, and likewise, external voices couldn't penetrate the bead.

Observing the additional soul thread within the soul gathering bead, Yang Haoran's smile grew even wider. Gao Liang seemed excited, constantly chasing Wang Qing, while the latter appeared terrified, frantically evading him.

With two ghosts chasing each other within the soul gathering bead, Yang Haoran lost interest in watching. He put away the soul gathering bead and ghost eye, then left the cemetery.

Tonight, he had two objectives for coming to the cemetery, but only one had been achieved. As he walked towards the lower part of the cemetery, he took out his mobile phone and called Master Jiang, asking about the absence of undead in the cemetery.

Master Jiang's answer surprised Yang Haoran. He knew the undead in this cemetery had been cleared out, but who had done it, he wasn't sure, nor did he inquire.

Unexpected as this response was, Yang Haoran could only temporarily set aside this question. He would seek answers when the opportunity arose in the future.

Under Nine Dragon Hill, as Yang Haoran hung up the phone and pondered how to call a cab back, a person approached.

It was a tall woman, at least 1.7 meters tall. She wore a coat on top and jeans below, hands in her pockets, exuding a commanding presence as she walked.

Encountering such a woman suddenly outside the cemetery, Yang Haoran's first thought was whether she was a ghost.

However, he didn't sense any Yin Qi emanating from her, meaning she wasn't a ghost.

Yet, the way this woman with her hands in her pockets looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was for a moment.

Just as he was puzzled about the woman's identity and why she had come here so late at night, they brushed past each other. Both stopped in their tracks, then turned to look at each other.

"It's you!"

"You're here!"

Both exclaimed in surprise, but it was too dark, and they had been at a certain distance, so neither could clearly see the other's face.

However, as they drew closer, especially in that moment of passing, they both saw each other's faces clearly.

A detestable face!

Whether in Yang Haoran's eyes or in the woman's, the other's face was equally detestable.

The woman's face was beautiful, but haughty, with an air of superiority. Her gaze toward Yang Haoran was disdainful, which made him feel uncomfortable.

As for Yang Haoran's face, it was plain, without any distinguishing features. He was neither particularly handsome nor particularly well-built.

But what made the woman feel disgusted was Yang Haoran's signature smile. It was the kind of smile that hid a knife behind it, something she detested the most in her life.

Locked in each other's gaze, without saying a word, sparks flew. A sense of gunpowder filled the air between them.

"Coming to the cemetery at this hour, whose family member died?" The black-haired woman's first words choked Yang Haoran. He cursed inwardly, thinking this woman was truly vicious, showing no consideration in her speech.

However, Yang Haoran was never one to take things lying down. If someone spoke to him like this, he would naturally fight back.

"Yeah, my father-in-law died. I knew you'd come to see him, so we should go up together," Yang Haoran said with a smile.

"Hmph, what does it have to do with me if your father-in-law died?" the black-haired woman snorted.

"He's your dad, you unfilial child," Yang Haoran retorted with a grin.

Upon hearing this, the black-haired woman first froze, then reacted with anger. Not only did this guy curse his own dad to die, but he also took advantage of her.

"You bastard! Today I'll tear your mouth apart!" The black-haired woman was furious. Though she wanted to vent her anger, she found that Yang Haoran had already left.

Watching Yang Haoran gradually disappear into the darkness, the black-haired woman felt an impulse to chase after him and beat him up. But it seemed she had something else to do, so she could only glare angrily at Yang Haoran's retreating figure.

"You just wait for me!"

Leaving behind this fierce remark, the black-haired woman turned and headed towards Nine Dragon Hill.

When she stopped, she unexpectedly found herself at Wang Qing's grave. Looking at the grave, she couldn't help but show a puzzled expression.

"Weird... where did it go?"

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