Realm of the Night God

Chapter 56: Strike While the Iron is Hot

Chapter 56: Strike While the Iron is Hot

Wang Qing sat on the chair, sometimes rubbing her shoulders, sometimes her legs, her actions towards this sturdy man were full of teasing.

Wang Qing was naturally beautiful, with a fiery figure, and her teasing made the sturdy man unable to resist.

However, whether the sturdy man had any concerns, he didn't act according to Wang Qing's hints.

Instead of making Wang Qing give up, the sturdy man's reaction aroused her desire even more. She became more aggressive, as if she wouldn't rest until she had the sturdy man under her control.

Seeing this, the sturdy man swallowed hard. To suppress his inner impulse, he hurried to the stove and turned his back to Wang Qing. It seemed that if he didn't avoid direct interaction with Wang Qing, he wouldn't be able to control the beast within.

"Beauty, aren't you hungry? You've come at the right time. I've cooked a pot of lamb, it'll be ready soon."

In front of the sturdy man was a simple stove with a pot on top. As the pot was covered, it wasn't clear what was stewing inside, but judging from the aroma, it should be meat.

Wang Qing, whose attention was solely on the sturdy man, had lost the extreme hunger she felt earlier. But upon hearing the sturdy man's words, she suddenly felt extremely hungry again.

"Alright, when I'm full, I'll have the energy to engage in an earth-shattering battle with you, to see if your hoe is sharp, or if my land is firm!"

With this thought in mind, Wang Qing smiled at the sturdy man's back and said, "Indeed, I am very hungry. Eating something would be the best."

The sturdy man nodded and turned towards Wang Qing, wearing a sincere smile and holding a pot in his hands.

Without removing the lid, the sturdy man placed the pot in front of Wang Qing. A steamy fragrance wafted out from the gaps in the lid.

The fragrance was indeed strong, but Wang Qing couldn't help but frown. She asked, "Big brother, do you have bowls and chopsticks?"

With a hearty smile, the sturdy man replied, "Beauty, this is bone-in hand-grabbed meat. It's tastier to gnaw on the bones with your hands, so there's no need for bowls."

Upon hearing this, Wang Qing revealed a look of understanding. She said, "Alright, I'll try this barbaric way of eating then. As a lady like me, I'm very particular about dining etiquette, but since the conditions don't allow, I won't mind."

Saying this, Wang Qing reached out to uncover the pot. A rich aroma filled her senses, making her mouth water.

Inside the pot was a white meat soup. It was unclear what kind of meat was beneath the soup, but on top of the soup were pieces of white bones, with some cooked meat clinging to them.

Completely drawn in by the rich aroma, Wang Qing dropped her pretense of being a lady. She stopped saying things to elevate her status and instead swallowed her saliva, reaching out to grab a bone.

She guessed that although there weren't many meat pieces visible on the bones protruding from the soup, there must be delicious meat submerged beneath.

In her haste, Wang Qing's hand touched the bone and she got burned. With a sharp cry, she pulled her hand back, blowing on the burned spot while cursing.

"Wrap the bone with this, then you won't get burned."

The sturdy man handed Wang Qing a tissue. Seeing this, Wang Qing snatched it away, complaining, "Hmph, why didn't you give it to me earlier? Were you hoping to see me make a fool of myself?"

The sturdy man didn't defend himself, just chuckled and watched Wang Qing.

Seeing the sturdy man's expression, Wang Qing liked him even more. She made up her mind that once she was full, she wouldn't let this sturdy man go until she drained him dry.

After giving the sturdy man a teasing look, Wang Qing wrapped the bone with the tissue and then pulled out the bone from the soup!

As expected, all the meat was beneath the bones. It was tender and fragrant.

Looking at the meat bone in her hand, Wang Qing smiled triumphantly. Her guess was correct, and she felt very smart and proud of herself.

Without hesitation, she blew on the meat bone and took a bite at the meatiest part.

The tender meat was hot and fragrant. Wang Qing had never tasted such delicious meat before. She devoured it eagerly, swallowing the meat without chewing, then took another bite at the bone, tearing off a large piece of meat!

Before she could swallow the large piece of meat, Wang Qing was stunned. In her hand, the meat bone had turned into a human hand, already stewed to a pulp!

Although it was stewed to a pulp, the hand's five fingers were still intact. Even a blind person could immediately tell by touch that it was a human hand, a stewed human hand!

Not only that, the tissue the sturdy man gave her to wrap the bone was no longer a tissue. It was now a piece of skin, human skin!

This sight made Wang Qing's pupils dilate. She screamed in horror, throwing away the meat bone in her hand!

Her mouth was full of meat, and this scream choked her, making her hastily spit out all the meat, followed by a violent bout of dry heaving!

As she vomited, a large amount of fresh blood sprayed from her mouth. Terrified, she trembled all over!

She dared not continue vomiting, quickly closing her mouth, because she didn't know how much more blood she would vomit if she kept going!

Outside, the sky suddenly darkened, and the room instantly became pitch black. Wang Qing, already extremely frightened, found herself in this terrifying environment, which made her completely panic-stricken!

She screamed loudly, her once beautiful face distorted with extreme fear. She had never experienced such terror before. This overwhelming fear was torturing her spirit, pushing her to the brink of collapse!

As she cried out with tears and snot streaming down her face, the dim room suddenly lit up with dim lights. Though faint, to Wang Qing, it seemed like a beacon of hope.

At that moment, she didn't care about how there could be electricity in this room. All she knew was that with light, she wouldn't feel so afraid.

However, she was wrong!

When the dim lights came on, what she saw inside the room terrified her so much that she couldn't even scream.

The entire room was littered with severed limbs, chopped into pieces of all shapes and sizes, oozing blood that stained the entire room red!

And there was the sturdy man, holding a large cleaver, squatting on the ground, fiercely hacking away at a corpse. With each chop, a grotesque laughter echoed from his mouth, a stark contrast to his previous hearty chuckles.

"The sturdy man is mighty and robust..."

The sturdy man sang slowly, each word accompanied by a heavy blow from his cleaver onto the corpse, as if keeping time to his song.

Blood spurted everywhere, and the body on the ground had been hacked beyond recognition. Yet, the face remained intact. When Wang Qing's gaze fell upon that face, she nearly fainted on the spot!

She was too familiar with that face. She could confirm that nobody in the world was more familiar with that face than she was. Because that face belonged to none other than herself!

At that moment, that face was staring directly at her with bloodshot eyes, filled with resentment, tears of blood streaming down its cheeks.


Unable to contain her terror any longer, Wang Qing scrambled from the bed. Her face was streaked with tears and snot, trembling violently, her complexion ashen, her lips devoid of any color.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

"Guest, are you alright?"

There was knocking on the door, accompanied by a concerned inquiry from a man outside. From his tone, it sounded like he was a staff member of this hotel.

The sound snapped Wang Qing out of her terror. The grassland disappeared, the horrifying cabin vanished, and the sturdy man was gone!

Wang Qing rubbed her head in pain. It was then that she remembered she was in a hotel. She had come here with Fatty Qu, but he had left, leaving her alone in the hotel.

The grassland, the magnificent horse, the cabin, the sturdy man—none of it existed. The terrifying experience she just had was nothing more than a dream.

Wang Qing had never truly experienced despair before, but in that dream, she had felt it vividly!

Thankfully, there's always a way out in desperate situations. Just as she was experiencing despair, everything suddenly turned around. She realized it was all just a dream, and she was still safe in the hotel.

Overwhelmed with joy, Wang Qing wiped her tears and snot on the bedsheet.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

The knocking on the door became more urgent, and the man's voice outside grew increasingly anxious.

"Guest, are you alright? Guest! Guest! Call the police! I need to call the police! Something's happened to the guest inside!"

Wang Qing initially didn't want to bother with the man knocking on the door. But upon hearing his frantic tone and his intention to call the police, her expression changed!

She didn't have time to revel in her newfound safety. She quickly wrapped herself in a robe, got off the bed, and hurried towards the door. Impatiently, she responded, "I'm coming! What's all the fuss about!"

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