Chapter 51: Youre So Rude

The death of his parents didn't awaken Gao Liang. He was merely distressed, agonizing over their passing and wondering how he would manage his living expenses in the future, how he would pursue Wang Qing. After much deliberation, he came up with a plan: borrowing from classmates. Exhausting all avenues, he managed to borrow a sum from several classmates, but it was barely enough to cover a month's living expenses. Buying gifts for Wang Qing was out of the question with this money.

So, Gao Liang turned to online loans. He began borrowing from various platforms to meet Wang Qing's desires.

From what he knew, many of his classmates were deep into online loans. Some female classmates even resorted to nude loans for money. For the sake of love, Gao Liang didn't think twice about online loans.

As expected, he couldn't repay his classmates' loans, nor could he repay the online loans. He found himself bombarded daily by debt collectors from various online loan platforms, facing all sorts of threats.

He shrugged off his classmates' demands, but the pressure from major online loan platforms gradually engulfed him in panic. Eventually, with no way out, he chose to end his own life.

In a leap from a building, he ended his young life.

In life, his mind was consumed with fantasies of being with Wang Qing, but even in death, he never held her hand.

The scene abruptly halts here, leaving everything shattered and fragmented before Yang Haoran's eyes. Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain in his brain.

He couldn't help but let out a grunt of pain and gently massage his head with his hand.

"Yang, are you alright?" Guanhai beside him notices and asks immediately.

The pain came and went swiftly. Hearing Guanhai's voice, Yang Haoran looks at him and asks, "How long have I been here?"

His question not only perplexes Guanhai but also earns a quizzical look from Wang Qing.

"Yang, you're quite humorous. You just sat down, haven't even had a sip of alcohol. Could you be drunk already?" Guanhai's remark leaves Yang Haoran momentarily stunned. He had only just sat down, having just seen Gao Liang's past through the ghost eye. It felt like a long time had passed, but it had only been a moment.

With a slight thought, he speculates that what he had seen through the ghost eye happened in a flash. It was in that instant that he absorbed so much information, causing the sensation of a brain ache.

Facing Guanhai's confusion, Yang Haoran waves it off and says, "It's nothing, probably just due to not resting well lately."

Before Guanhai could respond, Wang Qing laughs upon hearing this and says, "Uncle, not rested well? It's late at night, why bother coming out? Go back and rest. Isn't it uncomfortable being a third wheel here?" Yang Haoran understands Wang Qing's implication. She wants him out, thinking he's a nuisance to her and Guanhai's conversation. Yang Haoran's main purpose in coming tonight was to solve Guanhai's problem. He wouldn't leave just because of Wang Qing's words.

Ignoring Wang Qing, he looks at Gao Liang again, the ghost next to Wang Qing.

At this moment, Gao Liang, despite his face being smashed beyond recognition, gazes fixedly at Wang Qing. Though his expression is unreadable, his gaze carries an obsession.

Yang Haoran has no sympathy for Gao Liang. He doesn't want to pass any judgment on such a person. He believes what's right in his eyes might be wrong in Gao Liang's, and vice versa. With different values, there's no need for evaluation.

He's the Night Watch in the darkness, responsible for guiding the undead and subduing evil spirits. What he needs to do now is to capture Gao Liang's soul into the soul gathering bead. As for Gao Liang's past, he wouldn't bother looking into it if not for resolving Guanhai's troubles.

Judging from Gao Liang's current state, he hasn't devoured other souls. He's just an ordinary undead. Apart from frightening people in dreams, he can only influence his targets with his own Yin Qi.

Though Yang Haoran has never captured an undead with the soul gathering bead, he believes it shouldn't be a problem with someone of Gao Liang's level.

In his view, whether it's Wang Qing's Yin Qi or Guanhai's, it's likely due to Gao Liang. Of course, this is just his speculation. The truth will be revealed once he captures Gao Liang and interrogates him.

If Guanhai's Yin Qi indeed comes from Gao Liang, then capturing him will resolve everything. But if Guanhai's Yin Qi isn't related to Gao Liang, then the matter isn't over, and he'll have to continue helping Guanhai.

With this in mind, Yang Haoran starts thinking about how to discreetly capture Gao Liang.

Wang Qing, seeing Yang Haoran ignoring her, immediately grew displeased. Yang Haoran appeared average, dressed plainly, obviously not well-off. Wang Qing had encountered plenty of men like him before; they would all stare at her with admiration. However, being blatantly ignored like this was a first for her, and it felt like an insult.

If Yang Haoran were wealthy, she might overlook his rudeness. But being poor and still ignoring her? Unacceptable.

Unable to comprehend, her emotions surfaced on her face. Guanhai noticed Wang Qing's reaction, and his brows furrowed involuntarily.

However, before Guanhai could speak, Wang Qing spoke sarcastically, directing her words at Yang Haoran.

"I say, old man, being polite is not only about self-awareness but also about manners. Did your teachers never teach you manners when you were in school?" Wang Qing mocked, her tone biting.

Already in a bad mood from the day's misfortunes and aggravated by Guanhai's actions, Wang Qing directed her frustration towards Yang Haoran.

As soon as these words left her mouth, Wang Qing felt a sense of relief. Dealing with someone like Yang Haoran without a retort made her uncomfortable.

As for what constitutes politeness, it was entirely up to her at this moment. If she said he was impolite, then he was impolite.

Yang Haoran was contemplating how to discreetly capture Gao Liang when Wang Qing's mocking voice interrupted his thoughts. This annoyed him, interrupting his train of thought. He put Gao Liang's matter aside for the moment and turned to look at Wang Qing.

Seeing the situation worsening, Guanhai was about to speak but was interrupted by Yang Haoran waving his hand. Yang Haoran locked eyes with Wang Qing, his face displaying his trademark smile.

"Hehe, I didn't study much and dropped out early," Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Wang Qing's smile grew even more pronounced. She sneered and continued, "Hehe, no wonder you don't understand basic manners. Without education or manners, how did you survive all these years? Don't be angry, but someone like you, I wouldn't deign to sit at the same table with. You lower my status and make me feel embarrassed."

Yang Haoran's smile didn't falter. He was about to retort when Guanhai, who couldn't bear it any longer, furrowed his brows and spoke with a grim expression.

"Wang Qing, what the hell are you saying!"

Guanhai didn't hold back his words.

Wang Qing was taken aback. She hadn't expected Guanhai to speak up for Yang Haoran. She was used to being pampered and catered to by the men around her, regardless of whether she was right or wrong. None had ever spoken harshly to her like Guanhai just did.

"Guanhai, you're actually siding with this country bumpkin against me?" Wang Qing's smile disappeared, and her emotions became heated.

"I'm being light on you. If it were someone else talking to Yang, I would've smashed their head with a bottle of wine on the spot. Who do you think you are? Who gave you this sense of superiority? Let me tell you, with your temper, it's a miracle if you can live past thirty once you step into society!" Guanhai swore angrily.

Both of them raised their voices, drawing the attention of many other patrons. Guanhai paid no mind to the onlookers, but Wang Qing, equally defiant, ignored them too.

"Guanhai, we're done!" Wang Qing gritted her teeth.

With that, Wang Qing grabbed her bag and prepared to leave. Still unable to comprehend, she grabbed a bottle of beer and hurled it fiercely toward Yang Haoran's direction.

Yang Haoran, seated against the wall, didn't flinch. Instead, he simply tilted his head.


The bottle narrowly missed him, smashing against the wall behind him, showering him in beer. A piece of glass cut his face, mixing with the beer as blood trickled down his face.

"Yang!" Guanhai roared. Without hesitation, he grabbed a bottle and aimed it at Wang Qing. Seeing Yang Haoran injured, he didn't care if Wang Qing was a woman or not. If she dared to act, she should be prepared for retaliation.

But Wang Qing reacted quickly. Seeing Guanhai pick up the bottle, she spat at him and bolted.

Enraged, Guanhai chased after her. But just a few steps out, he felt a sudden weakness in his body, almost stumbling to the ground.

Yang Haoran observed everything. Suppressing his anger, he didn't chase after Wang Qing or wipe the blood from his face. Instead, he immediately took out the soul gathering bead from his bag.

Guanhai was hit!

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