Realm of the Night God

Chapter 46: Do You Believe Me?

Chapter 46: Do You Believe Me?

At this moment, the woman Yang Haoran's gaze was locked onto wasn't anyone else but the college student, Wang Qing!

Ever since Guanhai was hospitalized due to being overwhelmed by Yin Qi, Yang Haoran had thought of this woman. The first time he saw her, he felt a chill run down his spine. At that time, he didn't understand why, only knowing that there was something off about her. But after becoming a Night Watcher, he realized that the reason Wang Qing made him feel chilled to the bone was because of the heavy Yin Qi emanating from her.

So, after Guanhai's incident, he thought of Wang Qing.

Although he repeatedly warned Guanhai that he should stay away from this woman, knowing Guanhai's character, if he had taken an interest in her, he wouldn't easily give up. Surely, he must have contacted her afterwards.

Now, Wang Qing was in the hospital room. Yang Haoran felt his speculation was correct. That boy Guanhai indeed had an indescribable relationship with this woman.

Thinking of this, Yang Haoran furrowed his brows slightly. He was about to enter the ward when he suddenly paused.

Although he sensed Yin Qi from Wang Qing, it wasn't the strongest on her. The intense Yin Qi he felt actually emanated from Guanhai.

Guanhai lay on the hospital bed, and the Yin Qi emanating from him not only didn't weaken but grew stronger. Moreover, this Yin Qi was at least several times more intense!

Though he hadn't opened his ghost eye, Yang Haoran's ability to perceive Yin was still present. He couldn't see clearly the Yin Qi entangling Guanhai, but he could sense whether it weakened or strengthened, and by how much, just with a touch.

Having been away for just a short while, Guanhai's condition had changed so dramatically. Alongside his confusion, Yang Haoran felt worried. He wanted to activate his ghost eye to see what was happening with Guanhai, but in broad daylight, with so many people in the ward, if he did so, he would easily be noticed by others. It would not only startle them but also cause him a heap of trouble.

Just as he was thinking this, Xiao Mo, among the group of women, noticed Yang Haoran at the door. She looked distressed amid the chaos, and upon seeing Yang Haoran, she seemed relieved, as if seeing a savior.

Perhaps sensing Xiao Mo's gaze, Yang Haoran glanced towards her direction. Seeing Xiao Mo's helpless expression, he understood her meaning.

However, instead of entering the ward, to Xiao Mo's surprised gaze, he disappeared from the doorway.

After a moment, a burly figure appeared outside Guanhai's ward, effectively blocking the entire door. It was none other than the plump nurse from last night!

"This is a hospital. You've been making a racket here, disturbing other patients' rest. So, I'm asking you to leave immediately!" Her words matched her imposing figure. With that one shout, the ward fell silent.

After a brief silence, a burst of curses erupted. Though they were all women, their verbal sparring resembled a battlefield; each word was sharp, and a slight misstep could lead to dire consequences.

With more women in the ward compared to last night, many of whom had been kicked out by this nurse before, their anger had naturally intensified. This resulted in them not only refusing to leave but also arguing with the plump nurse.

The commotion in the ward could be heard throughout the corridor, attracting many patients and their families to watch. Nurses and doctors also came, naturally siding with the plump nurse, not just because of professional solidarity but also because they were in the right.

The situation almost escalated to the point of calling the police. In the end, these women were once again kicked out of the ward.

Yang Haoran leaned against the door, watching as the women filed out, resembling suspects being interrogated. If there were police present, it would've looked even more like it.

Among the women exiting the ward, there were some Yang Haoran recognized, and some he didn't. None of them greeted him, perhaps because they didn't see him or because they were in a bad mood and didn't want to talk.

Wang Qing was also chased out of the ward. Passing by Yang Haoran, she noticed him, and he looked back at her.

Wang Qing didn't seem to be in good spirits. Despite her heavy makeup, she couldn't hide her exhaustion. Yang Haoran sensed some Yin Qi from her, but it was weak, nothing like Guanhai's intensity.

Seeing Yang Haoran looking at her, Wang Qing frowned, showing disdain. She scolded, "Who do you think you are! Why are you staring! Can you eat what you see? Don't you feel bad?"

Leaving behind these words, Wang Qing arrogantly lifted her head and strode past Yang Haoran. Judging from her reaction, it seemed she hadn't recognized Yang Haoran.

Understandable, considering Yang Haoran's ordinary appearance. He would be lost in a crowd, let alone someone like Wang Qing, whom he had only interacted with once, in a dimly lit bar. It was normal for her not to remember him.

Yang Haoran didn't care whether she remembered him or not. Normally, he wouldn't tolerate someone provoking him, but right now, he remained silent, only frowning as he watched Wang Qing leave.

"Strange, why is the Yin Qi on her weaker than when I first saw her that night?"

As Wang Qing disappeared from view, Yang Haoran withdrew his gaze, wearing a puzzled expression.

Unable to figure out this question for the time being, Yang Haoran put it aside and entered the ward to check on Guanhai's condition.

Inside the ward, the other two patients wore expressions of regret and pity. Especially the old man, who seemed to be coughing incessantly due to being overly emotional.

Of course, Yang Haoran didn't have time to deal with these two. He went straight to Guanhai's bedside, his expression changing slightly at Guanhai's current condition.

Guanhai was in a very poor state at this moment, very weak, but the Yin Qi on his body had weakened considerably.

This so-called weakening was only relative to a moment ago. Compared to when Yang Haoran left in the morning, the Yin Qi on Guanhai's body had actually intensified slightly.

Yang Haoran's expression was serious, his face filled with doubt. After pondering for a moment, he thought of a possible explanation for what was happening to Guanhai, but he wasn't certain yet.

Seeing Yang Haoran's serious expression, Guanhai weakly chuckled, "Who owes you money? You come back and immediately put on a sour face."

His voice was very weak, sounding nothing like a young man in his twenties but more like an old man in his seventies or eighties, very faint, very feeble.

Yang Haoran, upon hearing this, glanced at Guanhai, who wore a weak smile. Then, his furrowed brows relaxed, and his face once again displayed his signature smile.

Instead of responding to Guanhai, he spoke to Xiao Mo beside him, "Xiao Mo, help him with the discharge procedures. We're leaving right away."

Upon hearing this, not only was Xiao Mo surprised, but even Guanhai lying on the hospital bed was startled by his words.

"Big brother, can't you see I'm very weak right now? Letting me leave now, you might as well send me straight to the crematorium," Guanhai said with a bitter smile.

"Yeah, Yang Ge, I can see that Guanhai's condition isn't improving, but rather getting worse. He needs urgent treatment right now. If we leave..." Xiao Mo looked worried, but before she could finish her sentence, Yang Haoran interrupted her with a raised hand.

Yang Haoran knew Xiao Mo would listen to Guanhai. As long as Guanhai spoke up, Xiao Mo would definitely comply. So, what he needed to do now was to convince Guanhai.

Convincing others might not be easy for Yang Haoran, but he was confident he could persuade Guanhai.

"Haizi, do you trust me?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

Without hesitation, Guanhai cursed, "I do, I trust you, you egg! Are you trying to kill me and inherit my bar?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Haoran, with a smile on his face, raised his hand as if to slap Guanhai, but his hand didn't land. It hovered in the air before retracting.

"You bastard, I'm being serious here. Hurry up and leave the hospital with me. I can save you." Yang Haoran said with a mix of anger and humor.

"You can save me?" Guanhai looked at Yang Haoran, then shook his head weakly, answering firmly, "I don't believe you. You must be trying to kill me."

"To hell with you, you're surrounded by Yin Qi. Go back with me, and I'll take care of it for you. You've always wanted to know if I have real skills, right? This time, I'll show you!" Yang Haoran said with a mix of laughter and curses before continuing.

Initially weak, Guanhai's eyes lit up at Yang Haoran's words, as if he had been piqued by interest.

"All right! Let's leave the hospital!" Guanhai's response was decisive.

Xiao Mo, who was originally not planning to intervene, allowing the two to quarrel, couldn't help but change her expression when she heard Guanhai's agreement. She hurriedly advised, "But, Guanhai, your health..."

"It's okay, I won't die. If things get worse when we go back, you can bring me back then," Guanhai said indifferently.


Before Xiao Mo could finish her sentence, Guanhai interrupted her again. He looked at Xiao Mo affectionately, softly asking, "Xiao Mo, do you trust me?" Without hesitation, Xiao Mo immediately nodded her head vigorously, saying, "I trust you! I trust you!"

Seeing this, Yang Haoran almost spat out old blood. The words he said to Guanhai were now being used by Guanhai on Xiao Mo, and the effect was vastly different. Looking at Guanhai's affectionate expression, he had the urge to stab this guy to death.

In the afternoon, with Yang Haoran's support, Guanhai forcibly discharged himself from the hospital, while Xiao Mo carried things in front, clearing the way.

Once out of the hospital, they hailed a taxi and headed straight for Guanhai's residential area.

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