Realm of the Night God

Chapter 44: The Black-Haired Woman

Chapter 44: The Black-Haired Woman

If one were to speak of the heaviest Yin energy within the hospital, it would undoubtedly be in the morgue, also known as the mortuary.

After Yang Haoran became a Night Watch, he gained the true ability to perceive Yin energy. Although this ability was still relatively weak in him at the moment, being within the hospital allowed him to sense where the Yin energy was strong and where it was weak.

Following the strong sense of Yin energy, Yang Haoran walked all the way until he stopped, finding himself indeed at the hospital's morgue.

The intense Yin energy emanated from here.

"The hospital's morgue must surely have many undead. If I find a way to get in, there will definitely be unexpected gains!"

Standing outside the morgue, Yang Haoran couldn't help but think this. Now that he was a Night Watch, his main duty was to guide the undead and subdue evil spirits.

As for subduing evil spirits, Yang Haoran felt that his strength might not be enough yet. But guiding the undead, he believed he should have that ability.

The deceased cannot find the path to reincarnation; they only know they have died, no longer among the living. Some may not even be aware that they have died. Perhaps in their lifetime, they heard of reincarnation, but how to achieve it, they could not know. In such cases, there needs to be someone to guide them.

Yang Haoran was unsure of how the undead reincarnated, but he was clear about his duty—to gather these undead into the soul gathering bead and then hand them over to Deng Feng. As for what Deng Feng would do with them afterward, he didn't know, nor was it his concern.

Ordinary undead didn't pose much of a threat. They only frightened people in their dreams. Of course, there were cases where people were frightened to death in their dreams. As long as one's courage was strong enough, undead couldn't harm the living.

Yang Haoran had some courage, but it wasn't enough. The experience at the Ghost Tower had bolstered his courage somewhat, but facing entities like ghosts, it was impossible for him not to feel any fear.

For the vast majority of people, the fear of ghosts was deeply ingrained, and Yang Haoran was no exception. Despite his newfound abilities, this fear still persisted. It couldn't be completely dispelled in the short term. Only with time and exposure to such things could he overcome the fear they brought.

It was because of this that Yang Haoran hesitated. Through his senses, he was sure there were undead present in the morgue, and there were likely more than one. But to take these undead away would require great courage.

Just as Yang Haoran hesitated, a voice suddenly rang out, startling him.

"There's nothing interesting here. If you don't want to get involved in bad luck, leave quickly."

The voice was pleasant, but it carried a strong warning tone, sounding rather condescending.

In the dead of night, hearing such a voice by his ear, Yang Haoran couldn't discern how pleasant it was or the warning in the words. He was simply startled.

With an anxious expression, Yang Haoran turned around. Under the moonlight, a stunning figure appeared before him.

She was a tall woman, at least 1.7 meters tall, wearing a down jacket on her upper body and jeans on her lower body. Her hands were in her pockets, and she looked at him disdainfully.

After activating the Death Mark Seal, Yang Haoran's vision had improved somewhat. In the moonlight, he could not only see the woman's attire but even the disdainful expression on her face was clear.

This woman had delicate features, with long black straight hair covering her forehead. Her down jacket was open, revealing her excellent figure—full chest, slender waist, coupled with long and straight legs, making her extremely attractive.

However, despite her beauty and grace, the disdainful look on her face made Yang Haoran somewhat uncomfortable. Her proud demeanor truly made it hard for him to feel any fondness.

Although he felt no fondness for her, Yang Haoran continued to maintain his usual demeanor, not revealing his inner emotions on his face. Instead, he wore his trademark smile.

"Bored, so I came here for a change of scenery," Yang Haoran replied with a smile.

"Heh, you're quite a character. This is the morgue. You come here in the dead of night, are you here to steal corpses or to reserve a spot in advance?" The black-haired woman sneered, speaking to Yang Haoran.

How could Yang Haoran not perceive the sarcasm in her words? Without showing any anger on his face, he squinted his eyes, his smile still there.

"Yeah, I came to see if there's any vacancy. Miss Beauty, not sleeping in the dead of night, have you already reserved a spot?" Yang Haoran chuckled.

As soon as he said this, the woman's expression stiffened, then immediately turned into one of anger.

"Watch your mouth. I'm a night watch, the night watch here. Do you think I shouldn't be here?" The black-haired woman said angrily.

Upon hearing that the other person was a Night Watch, Yang Haoran seemed momentarily taken aback. But when he realized she was just a night watch for this morgue, his smile grew even broader.

The black-haired woman was already irritated, and seeing Yang Haoran's smiling face only fueled her anger even more!

"Your smile makes me sick," the black-haired woman said coldly, her voice icy.

However, Yang Haoran wasn't intimidated by her demeanor. Although he still had some fear of supernatural entities like ghosts, he didn't have any fear of ordinary people.

Just as he was about to retort to the woman, his phone suddenly rang.

"I am free like the wind..."

The familiar melody, with its peculiar tone, added a touch of playful humor to this eerie place.

But the black-haired woman's mood didn't improve because of this amusing ringtone. She remained cold, her gaze filled with disgust toward Yang Haoran.

Ignoring her, Yang Haoran saw that it was a call from Guanhai and promptly answered the phone.

"Yang, come quickly, Guanhai is awake!" Xiao Mo's voice came through the phone.

Upon hearing this, Yang Haoran's expression brightened, and he responded quickly, "Okay, I'm coming right away."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Haoran paid no attention to the black-haired woman. Instead, he headed straight for the building where Guanhai's ward was located. This attitude only further infuriated the black-haired woman!

"Humph, with your heavy Yin energy, you better be prepared to encounter ghosts!" the black-haired woman said to Yang Haoran's retreating figure. Her voice was cold and low, and in the silent night, every word reached Yang Haoran's ears clearly.

Yang Haoran paused, turned around, and looked at the black-haired woman. With a smile on his face, he said, "You also have heavy Yin energy. Be careful not to encounter ghosts yourself."

With that remark, Yang Haoran turned and walked toward Guanhai's ward. Since the black-haired woman was the Night Watch of the morgue, it wasn't practical for him to sneak in to collect the undead tonight. Besides, now that Guanhai had awakened, he decided to leave. His attitude only made the black-haired woman grind her teeth in anger!

"Hmph, with your heavy Yin energy, it's not just from here. You annoying guy, you'll be haunted by ghosts every day. I look forward to the day when I find your body in this morgue!"

Leaving behind these words, the black-haired woman walked straight toward the morgue, her face cold and devoid of any fear.

Both Yang Haoran and the black-haired woman felt strong Yin energy from each other. However, they both simplified the question of why the other could sense the Yin energy on them.

In their eyes, the other hadn't truly sensed the Yin energy on them. They believed that mentioning the heavy Yin energy was just a lie fabricated to intimidate each other, but it happened to hit the mark.

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