Realm of the Night God

Chapter 42: Entangled by Yin Qi

Chapter 42: Entangled by Yin Qi

Yang Haoran's voice was not loud, yet it clearly reached the ears of everyone present, as if possessed by some kind of magic, resonating in their minds.

In theory, with these women chattering incessantly here, his calm demeanor and smiling face should not have been able to convey every word clearly to everyone, especially those at the back. But the fact was there: Yang Haoran indeed managed to deliver every word to everyone's ears.

Yang Haoran's ability to do so was not a coincidence but rather because he secretly employed a bit of Yin spirit power while speaking. It was this that allowed him to clearly deliver every word to everyone present.

This method was taught to him by Master Jiang. Though he was using it for the first time, the effect was satisfying.

To ordinary people, this would be an incredibly unbelievable feat. However, none of the women present noticed this issue; they were all too taken aback by the implications of Yang Haoran's words.

Indeed, Guanhai was hooked up to IV drips, looking pale and half-dead. Continuing to argue here would only worsen Guanhai's condition, with no benefits whatsoever.

Among these women, there were intelligent ones and those lacking in wisdom. The intelligent ones understood the implication of Yang Haoran's words, while the less wise ones thought he was threatening them.

"What the hell are you saying!"

"Yeah! What do you want to do to Brother Guanhai?"

"I'll call the police! Do you think I won't?!"

After a brief silence, the commotion grew even more serious than before. Some hot-headed ones even wanted to rush over and beat up Yang Haoran.

"What's all this noise about! This is a hospital, not a nightclub! Get out!"

Just then, a female nurse appeared at the door of the ward. She was tall and sturdy, with a fierce expression. Standing at the entrance, she effectively blocked the entire doorway with her imposing figure, which was much wider than the originally spacious door.

The nurse held a syringe in her hand. Seeing everyone freeze, she shouted, "Can't you hear me?! Believe it or not, I'll give each of you a shot!"

With that, she raised the syringe threateningly as if she was about to jab them.

The women snapped back to reality, glanced at Guanhai lying in the bed, and gradually started walking towards the door of the ward.

Seeing this, the nurse made way for them to leave, though her eyes, as big as copper bells, glared at each woman leaving with murderous intent, thoroughly frightening them.

This wasn't any ordinary nurse; she was practically a female butcher. Not just the women leaving, even Yang Haoran, a big man, was startled by her fierce appearance.

Many people were like this, they bully the weak but fear the strong. The women who had been shouting at Yang Haoran earlier were now the quickest to leave.

They dared to shout at Yang Haoran because they thought he was easy to bully. However, the appearance of this nurse made them rethink what it meant to be fierce. Not only was her temper fierce, even her appearance was intimidating. They didn't dare to explode with anger anymore and left the ward obediently.

"Why aren't you two coming out?! Do I have to drag you out?!" The nurse's gaze fell on Yang Haoran and Xiao Mo, shouting angrily.

"We are the patients' family members, so..." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

"Really?" The nurse shouted again.

"Of course! She's been with the patient all along! And I've been dealing with the paperwork!" Yang Haoran first pointed at Xiao Mo, then at himself, explaining to the nurse.

The nurse frowned, her gaze filled with doubt. But she seemed eager to go back to sleep, so she yawned, then glared at Yang Haoran warningly, saying, "You'd better behave yourselves, or you two will be out of here too!"

Yang Haoran nodded with a smile, indicating understanding. The nurse snorted before swaying her bucket-like waist as she left.

As the women were driven out of the ward, Yang Haoran and Xiao Mo naturally felt relieved. However, the other two patients in the ward didn't seem too comfortable, with regret written all over their faces as they watched the door of the ward.

"How did they know Guanhai collapsed and even found their way here?" Yang Haoran asked Xiao Mo.

"Guanhai collapsed at the bar, and there were quite a few people there, so it must have spread from them," Xiao Mo replied, looking helpless.

"They sure are well-informed," Yang Haoran said with exasperation, then his gaze shifted to Guanhai, saying, "I knew this kid was talented, but I didn't expect him to be this talented."

"You've only seen the tip of the iceberg. I bet this ward will be even busier tomorrow during the day," Xiao Mo shook her head.

Hearing this, Yang Haoran also shook his head helplessly, then turned to Xiao Mo and asked, "By the way, what happened to him? How did he suddenly collapse at the bar?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, Guanhai hasn't been in good shape lately, always listless and looking like he hasn't slept in days. Look at the dark circles under his eyes; it's like he hasn't slept in days," Xiao Mo pointed at Guanhai lying on the bed, explaining.

Even without Xiao Mo's explanation, Yang Haoran had noticed this. It was indeed as Xiao Mo said, as if he hadn't slept well for days.

"The doctor said he's probably been overworked, coupled with excessive drinking, which has weakened his body. Since many test results are still pending, they can't come to a conclusion for now," Xiao Mo continued.

Yang Haoran nodded at this, then his gaze shifted from Guanhai to Xiao Mo, saying, "It's late already. You should go back and rest. I'll take care of things here."

Xiao Mo shook her head in refusal at Yang Haoran's suggestion. Despite his insistence, she remained adamant about staying. In the end, Yang Haoran had no choice but to let Xiao Mo stay, though he had no intention of leaving himself.

"Yang Ge, you watch over Guanhai. I'll go buy some essentials. Do you want anything to eat? I'll bring it back for you," Xiao Mo asked.

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone at this late hour. I'll go. You stay here and watch over Guanhai," Yang Haoran said, preparing to leave. Xiao Mo wanted to say something, but he stopped her with a gesture, not willing to let her, a young girl, do these things alone.

Before leaving, Yang Haoran glanced at Guanhai on the bed once more. Suddenly, he felt a familiar sensation.

This familiarity wasn't about Guanhai himself but rather his current state.

Guanhai's current condition gave him a sense of déjà vu. He frowned, pondering for a moment, and then remembered where this familiar feeling came from!

He thought of a person, Jiang Zhenzhen!

When Jiang Zhenzhen found him, Guanhai was in the same state as he was now.

"What's wrong, Yang Ge?" Xiao Mo noticed Yang Haoran's strange expression and asked quickly.

Yang Haoran snapped out of his thoughts and said to Xiao Mo, "Nothing. Oh, by the way, could you go boil some water? Guanhai might need it when he wakes up."

"Right, I should have prepared it earlier. I completely forgot after all the commotion caused by those women. Yang Ge, wait for me. I'll be back soon," Xiao Mo said before leaving the ward.

Seeing Xiao Mo leave, Yang Haoran's expression turned serious again. He drew the curtain around Guanhai's bed and then focused his gaze on Guanhai once more.

"This kid... could he be haunted by a ghost?"

With this thought in mind, Yang Haoran activated the Yin spirit power within him, focusing it towards his eyes.

"Ghost eyes, open!"

With a low command in his mind, Yang Haoran's eyes instantly turned as black as obsidian, wisps of black smoke rising, eerie and terrifying!

With the ghost eyes activated, Guanhai in Yang Haoran's sight was still Guanhai, but a faint layer of black mist enveloped him, as if he were shrouded in smoke.

"Oh my, entangled by Yin Qi. Looks like I have to deal with my brother's situation myself!"

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