Realm of the Night God

Chapter 33: Life-Threatening Trial

Chapter 33: Life-Threatening Trial

Seeing Yang Haoran nod in agreement, Master Jiang also nodded, then led him out of the small wooden house. It was almost twelve o'clock at this time. After they paid their respects to the Death God on time at twelve o'clock, they left the Death God Temple.

"There's another trial, I hope you can pass it. As long as you do, you'll gain the power you desire." Master Jiang, with a hint of excitement and nervousness, led Yang Haoran out of the Death God Temple, then directly to the parking lot outside the temple.

Night had fallen, and there were few vehicles parked in the parking lot. Master Jiang stopped in front of a black sedan with Yang Haoran.

"Get in the car. I'll take you somewhere." Master Jiang said as he opened the car door and got in.

This black sedan was ordinary; a new one could be bought for just tens of thousands of New Genesis Coins. Yang Haoran was familiar with this black sedan; it was not only Master Jiang's vehicle but also used by other temple priests. Whenever they needed to purchase something or handle affairs, they would use this inexpensive sedan.

Yang Haoran didn't know where Master Jiang was taking him, but he obediently got into the car. After all, he had no say in the matter.

Without wasting words, Master Jiang stepped on the gas and sped down the mountain with Yang Haoran.

Neither of them spoke in the car. Master Jiang focused on driving while Yang Haoran pondered over other matters.

Where was Master Jiang taking him?

What would be his next trial?

As he contemplated, Yang Haoran couldn't help but feel a sense of worry. Combined with what Master Jiang had said to him in the small wooden house earlier, he felt that this trial might be even more difficult than he imagined, perhaps... even risking his life.

Of course, this was just his speculation, and he didn't know if it would turn out as he feared.

The black sedan came to a halt, snapping Yang Haoran out of his thoughts. He tried to force a smile to ease his inner tension as he looked out the window and asked Master Jiang, "Master Jiang, where are we?"

Before he could finish his sentence, the forced smile on Yang Haoran's face froze, and his expression became vivid.

"Oh no, how did we end up here?" Yang Haoran swallowed hard, muttering to himself. He seemed to have realized something dreadful and turned abruptly to Master Jiang, asking, "Master Jiang, my next trial isn't here, is it?"

Fear filled Yang Haoran's eyes, and even his voice trembled slightly. Master Jiang simply nodded in response, his expression confirming Yang Haoran's worst fears.

Receiving such a definitive answer from Master Jiang, Yang Haoran felt his whole body go weak. It seemed like Master Jiang's response had drained him of all his strength in an instant.

The sedan stopped on a small road. On one side of the car was an iron gate, and behind it stood a dilapidated old building with a courtyard.

This was one of the infamous haunted places in Lecheng. Every local in Lecheng knew about this dilapidated old building, and it filled them with fear. Even the bravest wouldn't dare step foot in here at night.

Yes, this was the same decrepit old building that had terrified Yang Haoran into a frantic sprint last time. Now, seeing it outside the car window, his reaction was equally intense because of the horror and eeriness it exuded.

Master Jiang paid no heed to Yang Haoran's reaction, opened the car door, and got out, gesturing for Yang Haoran to do the same.

"Come on, your trial awaits here."

Yang Haoran remained frozen in the passenger seat. Although he didn't know what trial Master Jiang had in store, the fact that the car had stopped here must be connected to the old building.

"If you regret it now, I can take you back immediately. The trial doesn't have to continue," Master Jiang said in a stern tone, devoid of any hint of jest.

Yang Haoran trembled, clearly affected by Master Jiang's words. He gritted his teeth and reluctantly opened the car door, but his hand was visibly shaking.

Stepping out of the car, a cold chill enveloped Yang Haoran, causing him to shiver involuntarily. He tightened his clothes and approached Master Jiang.

"This is a trial, your final one. Once you pass it, you'll obtain what you desire," Master Jiang said.

As Yang Haoran gazed at the eerie old building before him, he felt a chilling sensation coursing through his body with every breath he took, as if each breath was freezing him from the inside out.

Filled with fear, Yang Haoran's mind was racing. If it weren't for Master Jiang standing beside him, he doubted he would have the courage to even stand here, let alone face the old building. He would have run away just like last time.

Though terrified, Yang Haoran managed to ask, "Master Jiang, what's my trial?"

"It's simple. You just need to enter the old building alone and make it out before dawn. That's all there is to this trial," Master Jiang replied.

At these words, Yang Haoran's legs almost gave way, and he nearly collapsed to the ground. It wasn't that he was cowardly, but because the old building was undeniably sinister. Combined with the various eerie stories surrounding it, the building had acquired an aura of horror. In recent years alone, several people had died inside for various reasons.

This old building was undoubtedly an ominous place, and just how ominous it was, only those who had been inside knew. As for how many of those who entered had made it out alive, that remained unknown.

And now, his trial required him to enter this deadly haunted place alone and stay there until dawn. Just standing here was unsettling enough for him, let alone enduring the psychological impact of being alone in there until morning.

They say courage accompanies skill. People with abilities naturally face such situations without fear, the greater the skill, the greater the courage. But Yang Haoran was just an ordinary person, a charlatan with no real abilities in this regard. For him to spend a night alone in such a deadly haunted place, merely standing here took immense courage, let alone going inside and enduring until dawn.

"You don't have time to think. Right now, you only have two choices: either enter the building and stay until dawn, or get back in the car, and I'll take you home."

Master Jiang paused for a moment, sighed softly, then added, "Ah, as a friend, let me remind you, once you go in, you might very well end up dead inside."

Master Jiang's words made Yang Haoran's legs even weaker.

"Obtaining extraordinary power is never easy. In the eyes of ordinary people, those of us with some mystical abilities are considered high-level practitioners. They either envy us, admire us, or hold other sentiments, but how many of them truly understand the sacrifices we make to gain these extraordinary powers?"

At this point, Master Jiang looked meaningfully at Yang Haoran and asked, "Is it really worth risking your life just to gain abilities that ordinary people don't have? Is that truly what you desire?"

Yang Haoran fell silent. After a few seconds, he licked his dry lips and said in a subdued tone, "Master, please take me back home."

Yang Haoran's voice was low and suppressed. With his head bowed, Master Jiang couldn't see his expression at the moment, but he knew Yang Haoran must be feeling quite awful.

"Get in the car. I'll take you back. Sometimes, being an ordinary person isn't so bad. Although being ordinary comes with its own troubles, as long as you live a straightforward life, safety isn't much of an issue. But once you have special abilities, your world changes, and with it comes increased dangers. A single misstep could lead to irreversible consequences," Master Jiang said with a hint of regret, but he was earnest in his advice.

"Master Jiang, you misunderstand. I just need to go back to fetch something. Once I have it, we'll come back, and I'll enter the haunted building," Yang Haoran said as he sat in the passenger seat, raising his head to smile at Master Jiang.

Though he was smiling, Yang Haoran's smile looked extremely forced and unnatural, even more so than if he were crying.

Master Jiang glanced at Yang Haoran with some surprise, his gaze carrying many thoughts. He spoke, "According to the rules, you only have two choices: enter the old building and stay until dawn, or go home and sleep until morning. Going home to retrieve something isn't an option. However, I can make an exception this time, but you must hurry. If that person takes issue with it, not only will you not pass the trial, but I'll also be implicated."

Yang Haoran nodded, expressing his gratitude. Master Jiang then asked for Yang Haoran's address, stepped on the gas, and drove off.

The old building wasn't far from Yang Haoran's general store. Within moments, the black sedan pulled up in front of the store. Yang Haoran rushed into the shop, and in less than three minutes, he emerged carrying his yellow messenger bag, locked the door, and got back into the car.

Yang Haoran had intended to buy some time, so he could spend fewer minutes in the old building, but he was afraid of jeopardizing matters, so he abandoned the idea.

Master Jiang didn't inquire about what Yang Haoran had retrieved. Seeing Yang Haoran back in the car, he wasted no time and stepped on the gas again.

Outside the old building, Yang Haoran stood before the rusty iron gate, his face pale under the cold moonlight.

"Don't make any more requests; otherwise, it'll be difficult for me," Master Jiang said, watching Yang Haoran's back.

Yang Haoran turned around, his face contorting into a smile even more unpleasant than a cry. From his bulging yellow messenger bag, he pulled out two cards and handed them to Master Jiang.

"What's this?"

Master Jiang took the cards and, under the moonlight, saw that one was a bank card, and the other was an ID card.

"The ID card has my home address on it. The bank card contains all my savings over the years. The password is on the back. If I don't make it out tonight, please give the cards to my parents." Yang Haoran spoke with forced nonchalance, smiling as he spoke. At this moment, his words sounded like last-minute instructions.

Master Jiang understood Yang Haoran's meaning and said, "Consider it done. You're right; it's necessary for you to do this."

The phrase 'it's necessary' caused Yang Haoran's mouth to twitch involuntarily.

Without further ado, he turned and approached the rusty iron gate in front of him.

"I'll wait outside for you to come out, but if you encounter any danger inside, I cannot intervene. Even if you die inside, it'll remain so. Therefore, you must rely on yourself," Master Jiang said to Yang Haoran's back.


Yang Haoran replied with two words, then took out something from his bag. It was a bottle of strong liquor, about a pound in size.

Opening the bottle, Yang Haoran drank it down in one gulp, just like drinking beer.


The empty bottle shattered on the ground as Yang Haoran kicked the rusty iron gate shut behind him with a bang, as if throwing a tantrum.

The sudden sound startled Yang Haoran, causing him to tremble. The alcohol hadn't yet taken effect, so how could he not feel a little apprehensive?

However, he didn't turn back. He walked straight through the courtyard and toward the looming old building.

At this moment, the old building seemed like a malicious demon, grinning as it awaited the arrival of Yang Haoran, a living sacrifice!

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