
After chatting with Xu Meijing for about half an hour again, the two bid each other goodnight, ending the awkward conversation.

Originally, Yang Haoran wanted to find some other topics to chat with Xu Meijing for a while longer, even if it was just awkward small talk, he felt it would be nice.

However, time didn't permit it anymore, and he had to choose to end it.

Time is like that, sometimes you feel it passes quickly, but sometimes you realize that you haven't even felt its presence, and it's already gone.

Quietly lighting a cigarette for himself, Yang Haoran smoked carefully, slowly, and deeply. Because after tonight, he might never taste this flavor again.

As the cigarette burned out, he glanced at the time. It was already eleven o'clock. His expression changed slightly, and the Yin spirit power circulating within him dispelled the drunkenness. He instantly went from a dazed state to sober. Without hesitation, he headed towards the ghost building.

Without him tonight, this play wouldn't be as exciting. He certainly couldn't be absent, let alone be late. Arriving at the ghost building, Yang Haoran couldn't help but feel a sigh in his heart as he looked at the rusty iron gate.

This place was the starting point for him to explore the magical side of this world, and now it was about to become his endpoint.

It's just a pity that he had only just uncovered a glimpse of the magical side of this world and hadn't had the chance to go further, to explore more, and now it was coming to an end. For him, it was indeed a great regret.

Moving his gaze away from the iron gate, Yang Haoran looked at the ghost building. Under the cold moonlight, the ghost building seemed eerie and terrifying, like a grimacing ghost waiting for unsuspecting souls to enter.

Compared to before, facing the ghost building again, Yang Haoran no longer felt the pure fear of ghosts but rather a dread of powerful forces.

When he first entered the ghost building, his heart was filled with fear. To him, the numerous ghosts within the ghost building were equally terrifying, and he had no concept of who was stronger or weaker.

However, after becoming a Night Watch, he gained a deeper understanding of the ghost building.

The terror of the ghost building didn't stem from the ordinary undead but from the powerful entity that resided within. It was precisely because of this formidable presence that the ghost building could exist to this day.

The ghost building consisted of three floors and a courtyard, resembling a private residence. Although the ghost building now looked dilapidated, it was evident that it had once been valuable. The families who could live here must have been wealthy.

In Lecheng, there were many legends about the ghost building.

Some said that the ghost building once belonged to a wealthy merchant named Zhong. After divorcing his wife, he lived in the ghost building with his daughter and a group of servants.

Later, the merchant found a new love and remarried, bringing his new wife into the ghost building. From then on, there was one more person in the house, someone the merchant liked but his daughter deeply despised.

As a result, this restructured family didn't live happily ever after. Despite their wealth, the harmony in the family didn't improve.

At first, the daughter and stepmother argued, but as resentment grew, their conflicts escalated to physical fights.

Since both were women with long nails, scratching was their primary method of fighting, often leaving visible marks on each other's faces.

With bruises on their faces, they inevitably became the subject of gossip, especially among their respective friends, who fueled the conflict with various twisted ideas. This deepened the animosity between the two, and eventually, the situation escalated from fights to attempts to kill each other.

The merchant, busy with his business affairs, was often not at home and only had a partial understanding of the situation at home. He tried to mediate, but his efforts were futile. In the end, he had no choice but to temporarily set aside his business and rush back to Lecheng.

However, when he returned home, he found his daughter missing, and his wife tearfully told him that their daughter, due to their discord, had left home in anger.

The merchant was very anxious about this. He mobilized many connections to find his daughter, but to no avail. His daughter seemed to have vanished from the earth, leaving no trace behind.

Later, the ghost building began to haunt. The merchant's wife died inside the ghost building, her expression filled with fear before her death, as if she had experienced something extremely terrifying before dying. However, there were no wounds on her body.

Since then, the ghost building became restless. Rumors of hauntings frequently circulated, and servants fled while others died. In order to save their lives, the merchant had no choice but to leave the ghost building.

Without living occupants, the ghost building became even more eerie and terrifying, truly living up to its name as a ghost building.

This is just one of the legends surrounding the ghost building. There are also rumors that the merchant never had a daughter. The woman who appeared to be his daughter was actually his kept mistress, though she was younger.

Ignoring his wife's feelings, the merchant forcibly brought the woman into the ghost building, claiming to his wife that she was his goddaughter.

The merchant's wife wasn't a fool either. Knowing what her husband had done, she was angry and confronted him, but instead of any resolution, she lost her life.

Some say the wife couldn't accept reality and ended her own life out of resentment. Others claim she was conspired against by her husband and his so-called goddaughter.

Regardless of how she died, her resentment remained even after death, manifesting as vengeful spirits that returned to claim lives. The merchant, his so-called goddaughter, and all the servants died in the building. From then on, the building became known as the ghost building.

There are other rumors, too. Some say a happy family of three once lived in the ghost building, but due to their wealth, they attracted the attention of criminals who brutally murdered them.

After their deaths, their souls, full of resentment, not only sought revenge on the killers but also implicated many innocent people. From then on, anyone who entered the ghost building never came out alive.

The ghost building in Lecheng was so famous that there were countless versions of rumors about it. However, these three were the most widely spread and believed by many.

Although there were many versions, the haunting of the ghost building was widely acknowledged in Lecheng, making it a forbidden place in the eyes of many locals.

Of course, over the years, there were many brave souls who didn't believe in ghosts and even wanted to buy the ghost building to turn it into their private residence.

To purchase the ghost building, they naturally needed to inspect it first. Unfortunately, these daring individuals who ventured into the ghost building for inspection either died under mysterious circumstances, went insane, or disappeared without a trace, none meeting a good end.

As time went on, no one dared to covet the ghost building anymore. However, for some unknown reason, the authorities never demolished the ghost building, allowing it to stand to this day.

Some say the authorities didn't dare to tear down the ghost building because they were afraid of being haunted and losing their lives. Others claim that it wasn't that the authorities didn't want to demolish the ghost building, but rather they couldn't. Whenever equipment approached the ghost building, various strange incidents occurred, and some workers even lost their lives.

In Lecheng, there were too many terrifying rumors about the ghost building, each version sounding convincing, almost like the truth. Yang Haoran had heard at least five versions during his years in Lecheng.

But what couldn't be denied was that there were indeed ghosts in the ghost building, and their numbers were staggering, making it a veritable den of spirits. Moreover, the ghost building had indeed existed without being demolished. These were all facts.

Compared to ordinary people, Yang Haoran definitely knew more about the ghost building. After all, he had been inside for a night and had come out alive.

However, this so-called understanding was only relative to ordinary people. In reality, Yang Haoran knew very little about the ghost building. What he knew were just some superficial things he had seen with his own eyes.

And today, he was about to step into the ghost building once again. He would undoubtedly gain more knowledge about the ghost building, but for someone about to die, this seemed rather insignificant.

Putting aside these useless thoughts, Yang Haoran took a deep breath and walked towards the rusty iron gate. Judging from his appearance, he wasn't waiting for Deng Feng's consent.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]

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