
Meanwhile, in the skies above the battlefield outside the Night Lord's Crypt...

High General Caius was locked into an intense battle with the skounae Dukes, the Benevolent Darkseeker Malkonen, and the Twin Lunar Blades Duke Noresuga.

At the moment, Caius was pushing back the two skounae Dukes and held a clear advantage over them.

With every wave of his sword, Caius sent over a terrifying wave of the fire element shrouded in a heavy and sharp sword intent that demolished all that fell onto its path.

"My, this human is quite the handful to deal with." The elderly Duke, Malkonen, said as he avoided the wave of flaming sword intent.


"?!" An immense yet concentrated explosion erupted behind Duke Malkonen that caused a scorching heat to engulf his back and send him flying forward.

"Die, human!" Noresuga bellowed as he appeared above Caius with his palm pointed towards the Crimson Dragon Slayer.

Zeut! Zeut!

Out of nowhere, two large metallic discs hummed as they approached Caius from the left and right at blinding speeds.

"I've had enough of this farce!" Caius roared as the mana around him flared up.

The silver blade in his hands transformed as its surface mirrored that of flowing molten lava.

Ding! Ding!

In a flash, Caius deflected the two large discs under Duke Noresuga's control with his sword before sending over a sharp streak of white light from the tip of his blade in Noresuga's direction.

From Noresuga's perspective, this all took place in the same motion, leaving no time for him to react.

Noresuga's eyes widened in shock as the white light rapidly approached his neck with overwhelming killing intent.

Ooooom! Soooou!

Just as the white light was about to separate Noresuga's head from his body, a cloud of dark smoke materialized in front of the Duke in a swirling vortex.

The vortex of dark smoke sucked in the white light from Caius' attack, effectively neutralizing it.

Caius narrowed his eyes as he observed the emergence of the dark smoke and sensed the foul dark aura attached to it.

"It's about time you revealed yourself," Caius said calmly as his gaze was drawn upward to the source of that foul dark aura.

"Humans—always so impudent as if it is carved into their very existence." A voice sounded from above Caius and the skounae Dukes.

This voice was accompanied by a frightening release of energy that suppressed everything in the surroundings and scattered most of the fire element that had been accumulated by Caius' strikes.

Woosh! Woosh!

Despite the wounds inflicted on them by Caius, Duke Malkonen and Duke Noresuga quickly moved to the air just below the new arrival. Then, without pause, the skounae Dukes lowered their heads and kneeled mid-way, showing a great display of respect for the individual before them. But, more than respect, there was a high level of fear that went down all the way to the bones of the skounae Dukes.

"We greet the venerable Night Lord!" The two Dukes said in unison.

"I can't see anything! 8th Squadron, don't stray too far!"


"We're under attack!"

"Hey, watch where you're casting! You almost hit me!"

"It's no use! It's too dark!"

As the situation rapidly started to deteriorate, Roland furrowed his brows as his thoughts raced.

"This is a mess...! How can we regroup if light magic and talismans are ineffective-" Roland said to himself.


"?!" Out of nowhere, a pair of glowing eyes rushed past Roland as a deep wound appeared on his torso.

"You've finally set foot into our world, humans! Don't plan on leaving alive! Ahahahaha!" An eerie voice echoed in the darkness.

"Skounae scum...!" Roland growled under his breath.

He then shouted, "Everyone, fall back! We need to regroup!"

Roland's situation was not unique. All throughout the battlefield, similar situations unfolded as the allied forces were being overtaken by the skounae.

The skounae were a race that thrived in the darkness, which is why the allied forces attacked while there was still light out. However, now that the dome of darkness had appeared, the time window the allied forces thought they possessed had suddenly shrunk. And, since they were already outnumbered, to begin with, the allied forces had been thrown into a tough spot.


A few moments ago, in the depths of the Night Lord's Crypt...

〈System Alert: The Time Limit for the quest «Hidden Guardian of the Mortal Realm» has been modified.〉

'It changed?'

Without halting his movement, Izroth opened his system interface as he calmly evaded one of the incoming attacks from the shadahi before launching a counterattack with his sword.


Izroth cut cleanly across the shadahi's torso with great force and sent it tumbling backward as he quickly glanced over the new time limit for the quest.

'This... How troublesome.'

Quest Name: Hidden Guardian of the Mortal Realm

Recommended Level: ???

Recommended Party Size: N/A

Quest Rank: SSS

Quest Objective: An important event is occurring that will decide how the scale of balance tips in the Mortal Realm. You must do whatever is in your power to stop the scales from tipping against the Mortal Realm itself.

Time Limit: 1 day -> 15 Minutes

0/1 Prevent the full revival of the «Antumbra of Decay, Night Lord Zarolas».


Special Note: This quest will be automatically accepted. This quest cannot be shared.

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