Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Could it be…

Suddenly, Ye Xuan internally gasped, realizing what Qingxue had just gone to do. After all, the true cause of her suffering in this lifetime, the principal culprit, had not been found yet. How could she possibly forego seeking revenge?

If previously she hated him to the core, wishing to kill him to find peace, then later, she was so ridden with guilt towards him that she wished for death…

And the instigator of all this, how much of her fury would they endure? That was obvious! So, Qingxue went to seek revenge — she went after that fox spirit.

Could it be that she found the fox spirit, and upon confrontation, discovered that the fox’s story didn’t match the plot he had crafted?

That’s impossible — !!!

The system clearly stated that his script not only changed the heroine’s mindset but genuinely created a past and a future. What was written in the script was real…

So, apart from his own heartfelt acting possibly differing slightly from his character’s design, everything else was real. If Qingxue truly found that fox spirit, what she heard from it would surely align with the script.

But now, her attitude towards him…

Could it be that my system is fake? Did she discover the real truth? That’s impossible too!!!

Just as Ye Xuan was panicking, Qingxue continued, “Just call me your wife…” As she spoke, her face slightly reddened.

“Uh… Damn— !!!” That scared the life out of me.

Ye Xuan almost thought that Qingxue had learned some different truth, one that contradicted his script. If that were the case, it would be disastrous. Wouldn’t that mean his system was a fake too? Now it seems he was overly worried.

If even the system could go wrong, he might start doubting if his transmigration was just a dream.

The system is the truth; that’s the first rule in the world of novels.

“Wife, why were you looking at me like that just now? You nearly scared me to death.” Facing Qingxue, Ye Xuan didn’t feel awkward at all and directly addressed her as his wife.

Although for her, it might have been hundreds of years since they last met, for Ye Xuan, he had just transmigrated back, had just died in Qingxue’s hands, and was still calling her his wife until recently. This term of endearment came naturally to him.

“It’s all because of that wretched fox — !!!” As she spoke, Qingxue pointed her finger and released a fox spirit from her Qiankun bag.

It was a woman dressed seductively. As soon as she was released, she immediately begged Qingxue for mercy: “Merciful Immortal, please spare my life—!!”

“Uh… I didn’t expect her to still be alive.” Ye Xuan looked at the fox spirit, feigning surprise. In fact, he had intentionally left this fox spirit alive precisely to allow Qingxue to vent her resentment.

It would have been too tragic if Qingxue, after suffering so much, couldn’t even find someone to seek revenge on. But he couldn’t actually be that enemy, could he?

So, the fox spirit became the best choice. Otherwise, Ye Xuan could have just altered the script to say that the fox spirit was killed by him, right?

The appearance of this fox spirit here also confirmed something. The system’s capabilities were indeed accurate. Whether the past existed before the system’s script is a mystery to Ye Xuan, but the system’s ability to create fate is an undeniable truth.

“My husband… this fox spirit has caused you so much suffering. Now, I’ve captured her for you to deal with.” At this moment, Qingxue’s eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Actually, on the way here, she had almost killed the fox spirit in a fit of rage. Though she had endured much pain because of this fox spirit, she understood that Ye Xuan was the one who suffered the most. Therefore, she wanted to leave this chance for revenge to Ye Xuan.

“My husband?” The fox spirit’s gaze shifted to Ye Xuan, and her expression changed drastically.

“Ye Xuan… you’re still alive—!!!”

“Heh, surprised that I’m still alive?” Ye Xuan looked at the fox spirit with a cold sneer.

Although it was fate that entwined their paths, the harm the fox spirit caused him was undeniable. Naturally, Ye Xuan had no intention of letting her off easily.

However, seeing Qingxue’s eyes filled with unquenched hatred, he said, “Wife, I think it’s best I leave her to you… I understand that unless you kill her yourself, your hatred won’t subside. This will be detrimental to your cultivation.”

“– !!!” Hearing this, the fox spirit panicked. She quickly pleaded with Ye Xuan, “Don’t, Master Ye, I’ve never wronged you, please don’t believe the lies of that old Daoist from Qingyu.”

In her view, Ye Xuan and Mo Qingxue must have heard about her deeds from the Daoist of Qingyu. After all, no mortal could know what she had done. This gave her room to argue her case.

“That old Daoist fabricated reasons just to capture me, aiming to deceive you for money.” As she spoke, she inched closer to Ye Xuan, casting seductive glances his way.

“Heh.” Ye Xuan scoffed coldly, about to say something, but Qingxue, beside him, was already enraged.

She unsheathed her sword and slashed at the fox spirit. “Die, wretched fox! How dare you flirt with my man right in front of me?!!”

“Ah– !!!” The next moment, accompanied by a scream, the fox spirit was cut down. Her soul floated out of her body, appearing lost and confused.

“Hmph, you’ve done so much evil, even hell won’t be kind to you after death.” Having slain the fox spirit, Qingxue felt a surge of satisfaction. She could feel her cultivation beginning to rise rapidly. It seemed that clarity of mind indeed led to swift progress in cultivation.

This feeling, she had not experienced it for a long time. At that moment, a lantern-bearer from the underworld appeared, guiding the way for the departed.

Qingxue glanced at the underworld messenger but said nothing. Ye Xuan, due to his insufficient cultivation, couldn’t perceive these occurrences from the netherworld.

“Fox Huanying, you have perished. Follow me to the underworld,” the underworld walker with the lantern addressed the fox spirit.

“Me… I’m dead?” The fox spirit looked at her hands, feeling her body akin to a mere shadow.

Panic set in.

“To the underworld… No, I don’t want to go to the underworld – !!!” Being a fox spirit, she was aware of what going to the underworld entailed. All her sins in life would be tallied in the court of hell.

She knew how horrifying hell could be, with its eighteen levels, each harboring unspeakable cruelty. The torments were such that the damned neither could live nor die – a fate far worse than soul dispersal.

So, without hesitation, she attempted to flee. However, with a mere shine of his lantern, the underworld walker captured the escaping fox spirit within it.

After capturing her soul, the underworld walker nodded slightly at Qingxue and departed, stepping into the realm of the dead in a single stride.

Ye Xuan, unaware of what had just transpired, missed the entire encounter. This was the efficiency of an underworld walker.

If it had been the traditional Black and White Impermanence or Ox-Head and Horse-Face, they wouldn’t even dare approach, let alone conduct business near the great Immortal Sect of Taihua.

“Whew–!!” Qingxue sighed lightly as she watched the fox spirit being taken away. The painful hatred that had plagued her for so long finally dissolved at that moment. She then turned her gentle gaze towards Ye Xuan.

“My dear…” She stepped forward and plunged into Ye Xuan’s arms. “It’s so good… I’m so glad to be with you again. I feel like my entire life is worth it now–!!!” She nestled her head in his embrace, her voice filled with emotion and relief.

(TL: “Black and White Impermanence” (黑白无常) and “Ox-Head and Horse-Face” (牛头马面) are figures from Chinese folklore, particularly associated with the afterlife and the underworld.

Black and White Impermanence: They are two deities in Chinese folk religion and mythology, responsible for escorting the souls of the dead to the underworld. As their names suggest, one usually wears white (Bai Wuchang) and the other black (Hei Wuchang). They are often depicted as fearsome and ghostly figures, with long, trailing robes and haunting faces. Their role is to ensure that spirits of the deceased go to the underworld to receive judgment for their deeds in life.Ox-Head and Horse-Face: These are two guardians of the underworld, often depicted with the respective animal heads on human bodies. They are tasked with guarding the entrance to the underworld and bringing the souls of the dead to face judgment. In many stories and depictions, Ox-Head and Horse-Face are portrayed as imposing and terrifying figures, meant to instill fear and respect for the afterlife and moral order.

Both sets of characters are integral to the folklore surrounding the Chinese concept of the afterlife and are commonly featured in myths, religious practices, and art. They embody the traditional Chinese beliefs about life after death and the importance of moral conduct.)

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