Time passed quickly, and the day had turned to evening. The number of visitors at the Sapporo Snow Festival is increasing because the scenery will become even more beautiful after the LEDs and laser projections are turned on. Within the crowd of people, Tenku and Setsuka walked hand in hand. Their faces were red in the light snowfall, and neither spoke.

As they were immersed in their passion and almost crossed the line, the ringing of Setsuka's smartphone interrupted them and brought the two back to their senses. The one who sent her successive messages and called her was Wang Ruyue. She reminded Setsuka that her three hours with Tenku were up and asked her to return now.

Setsuka was annoyed that Wang Ruyue was bothering her at such a time, but she couldn't do anything about it since she had to keep their agreement and return after her three-hour time was up.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I've lost control and can't suppress my desires. You should not make such a request again in the future since doing so is very dangerous." Tenku said to Setsuka worriedly. He thought that she was silent because she was angry with him.

"I'm fine. You don't have to apologize because you weren't wrong. I'm the one who asked you to kiss me. Besides, I also allow you to do what you want to me because we were both under the influence of our passions at that time. Most importantly, I had fun doing it with you and enjoyed it." Setsuka said shyly and blushed. She didn't dare look directly at Tenku. Setsuka gripped his hand tightly like she didn't want to be separated.

Setsuka was indeed annoyed, but not at Tenku but Wang Ruyue. She blamed the girl for suddenly calling and interrupting her fun. Because of that, her current feelings became complicated.

Setsuka was dissatisfied because her kiss with Tenku was suddenly stopped. On the other hand, she felt relieved because she was still not ready to have more intimate body contact with Tenku. But that didn't mean Setsuka refused to do that with him. If Tenku wanted it, Setsuka would gladly give her body and soul to him. Unfortunately, Tenku is not that type of guy.

"I'm glad to hear that. I enjoy it too, and you should already know that." Tenku sighed in relief after hearing Setsuka's words.

"Yes, I know that. I'm glad you enjoyed it too." Setsuka said barely audibly, and her face was red up to her ears when she remembered what Tenku had done to her body. But then, she opened her mouth again.

"Although you still can't give me an answer and status, our relationship now is more than friends. So you can't leave or stay away from me anymore like you did to me before." Setsuka looked at Tenku and said seriously.

"I understand. I will quickly find my sister and return your and Yue'er's feelings properly. I promise that I will not make you both disappointed. So please wait for me." Tenku looked at Setsuka and said with determination.

"I will surely wait for you. But is it just the two of us?" Setsuka asked.

"I was also close to a girl other than Wang Ruyue in Beijing. She has shown affection to me, but I still don't know how I feel about her. I don't want to make her sad. So I thought I had the same feelings for her as I do for you two. I consider her more than a friend." Tenku explained honestly.

"Is that girl Huang Yuxin?" Setsuka posed another question.

"Huh? How do you know about him? Did Yue'er tell you?" Tenku was surprised after he heard Setsuka mention Huang Yuxin's name.

"Ah, yes. She had told me about that girl. Then is the person you are referring to Huang Yuxin?" Setsuka answered awkwardly and quickly returned to the topic of their conversation. She didn't want Tenku to inquire further about it.

Setsuka couldn't tell Tenku that she investigated Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin after she saw them together with him in a video on the Holy Union forum. It would be embarrassing for her, and Tenku might get angry after knowing she was investigating the people around him.

"Yes, you're right. That girl is Huang Yuxin. I'm sorry if I look like a Playboy because I can't give my love to just one person. Honestly, I didn't want to have this feeling before I found my sister.

But then, you three appeared in my life and filled the empty spaces in my heart. So all three of you are essential to me, and I can't choose any of you. If you can't accept that, you can stay away from me after we return to Tokyo. I'm sorry." Tenku smiled sadly. Setsuka felt a pain in her heart when she saw his expression.

"What are you saying!? Do you want to leave me after what you did to me? Even though we haven't had a more intimate relationship, you have kissed me and touched certain parts of my body. Besides, my feelings for you are genuine and won't change just because of that problem.

You should already know that polygamy wasn't outlawed in the Realizer era. So I don't mind about that. But I will try to be the most important person in your heart and life, more than those two girls!" Setsuka showed no less determination than him. Tenku was surprised after hearing her answer, and then he smiled.

"Thank You. Once I have enough strength, I will go to Arcadia to find my sister, and it won't take long. Afterward, I will properly answer your feelings." Tenku stroked Setsuka's hair gently. He no longer restrained himself from touching her after what they did.

"Yes, you should solve the problem ASAP and give us the answer. But the most important thing is to take care of your safety. You must prepare yourself properly before you go to that world." Setsuka said with great concern, and her eyes were full of love for him.

"I will listen to your words." Tenku smiled and nodded.

"By the way, were you only close to Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin in Beijing? Are there any other girls? What about Kirika Miyazaki? Apart from her, I also remember that you were also close with the first-year student named Akina." Setsuka was still curious about the girls close to Tenku that she didn't know about.

"No, I was only close to Yue'er and Xin'er in Beijing. There are no other girls besides them. About Kirika, I only consider her as a friend because I like one of her songs. If you know about Akina, then you should also know that her parents were the ones who raised me after I lost my family.

So I'm indebted to them, and I only think of Akina as a little sister since we lived under the same roof for a few years." Tenku explained.

"Are you sure no other girl has been close to you lately?" Setsuka wanted to know if Tenku knew Kaede's feelings for him.

"Hmm... I'm sure there are no other girls besides them. I have some female acquaintances and friends, but I'm sure they don't have that feeling towards me. You should know that I'm the weakest student at Suisei High School. So there's no way they want to be close to me." Tenki shook his head. He was confused about why Setsuka asked in such detail, but he still answered patiently.

"What is the weakest student at Suisei High School? If you are the weakest Realizer, then all of us are powerless mortals. You might catch the attention of many girls in the school if you show your true strength." Setsuka pouted in response to his words. But she felt sorry for Kaede after discovering that Tenku didn't realize her feelings.

(She must express her feelings more if she wants Tenku to realize it. But I won't interfere with that. Let her figure it out herself because we are rivals in this matter!)

Even though Setsuka and Kaede were best friends, they are love rivals now. So they have to try their way to win Tenku's heart.

"I would never deliberately attract women's attention by showing off my true strength because that would be troublesome for me." Tenku poked Setsuka's tiny nose.

"Yeah, you can't do that! We are enough for you, and you must not attract attention from other women." Setsuka looked at Tenku and said seriously.

"I understand. I would never do it." Tenku said helplessly. He felt Setsuka was starting to act like his lover, but he didn't mind. Then Tenku opened his mouth again before the girl could reply.

"Please keep what we've been doing a secret from the others and Kohana. I don't want them to find out before I can give you a proper response to your feelings and formalize our status." Tenku added. He didn't want Wang Ruyue to say the same request as Setsuka after she found out about it.

"You don't need to worry about that. I will never tell about that matter to anyone." Setsuka said embarrassedly, and her face was as red as an apple.

"That's good. Then, we'd better speed up our footsteps because we're already very late from the three-hour time we have set. Yue'er might get mad at you." Tenku reminded Setsuka. When Tenku was about to quicken his footsteps, Setsuka suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

"What's wrong, Setsuka?" Tenku looked at Setsuka in confusion.

"Can we do that again?" Setsuka mustered up her courage and squeezed the words out of her mouth to ask that question.

"We can talk about that later. The most important thing now is to return to Yue'er's place." Tenku didn't know how he should respond to her words. He knew what Setsuka's question meant. Although Tenku also wanted to do that again, he couldn't agree with her immediately. He was worried that they would cross the line if they kissed again.

"No! I want you to answer now. Otherwise, I will hold your sleeve, and it will be too late for us to return to Ruyue." Setsuka said stubbornly.

"I understand. We can do that again if the time and conditions are favorable. So let's go back now." Tenku sighed and answered according to what he thought. If the time and circumstances allow it, Tenku won't be able to refuse if Setsuka requests that again.

"Thank You! Then, let's return to Kaede's place as soon as possible!" Setsuka smiled and said excitedly. Then she dragged his hand, and Tenku could only let her do it.

They didn't take long to reach Kaede and Wang Ruyue's location. When the two girls saw Setsuka, they got suspicious because her face was red and her behavior was a little weird.

"What have you done with Tenku?" Wang Ruyue glared at Setsuka and asked.

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