"Huh? What did you say, Kaede? How could Tenku be The Reaper? Don't you know that Tenku and The Reaper use different Phantasmal Objects? So there's no way they're the same person." Setsuka pretended to be confused when she heard that and tried to deny Kaede's words.

"I know about it. At first, I also doubted my assumption because I had never heard of someone being able to possess two different Phantasmal Objects. But after I saw your face when you talked to The Reaper, I became convinced. Your expression is the same as when you were with Tenku. I've known you for a long time, Setsuka.

You can't fall in love with two different people simultaneously. You're not that kind of girl. In other words, The Reaper is Tenku. Are my words wrong, Setsuka?" Kaede said softly and smiled at her best friend.

Setsuka fell silent when she heard that. She couldn't deny Kaede's words because her best friend had the proof. Setsuka regretted that she had shown that expression when chatting with Tenku, and Kaede saw it.

"You don't need to worry. I will not reveal his identity to anyone. I swear. If I leak his secret, then I will die miserably." Kaede patted Setsuka on the shoulder and said with a serious face.

"You don't need to say that. I believe in you. You are right. Tenku is The Reaper. But I was hoping you could hide this secret, even from Tenku. I still haven't told him that I know his true identity." Setsuka smiled weakly.

She had no other choice but to say that to Kaede. Setsuka believes her best friend will not tell anyone about Tenku's secret because she knows her well.

"Huh? So he hasn't realized you already know he's The Reaper?" Kaede was a little surprised when she heard that. She thought Tenku and Setsuka were chatting because they already knew each other's identities. But It turned out that only her best friend recognized Tenku, but the other party didn't know about it. Setsuka nodded in response to Kaede's question.

"When did you know his identity? Did you fall in love with him because of that?" Kaede asked another question. She wanted to know more about Tenku after discovering his other identity.

After all, Kaede also often heard about The Reaper from the people around her. This made her curious because what The Reaper was doing had indirectly saved the people around the space collapse location. Because of that, Kaede searched for information about him in various forums on the internet.

At first, Kaede had little interest in The Reaper. But she hasn't gotten to the point where she has become a fan of him yet. When The Reaper arrived at the entrance of Kumotori Mountain, Kaede only saw him briefly and ignored him because she had to manage the students from Suisei High School.

But after Kaede learned that the Realizer was Tenku, she got excited. Tenku hid his strength and identity to slay the monsters that appeared from space collapse. Kaede thought that what he did was amazing. It looked like the heroes in the novels she often read at home when she had free time.

"I knew about it since he saved me on our mission at Lake Shima. But I didn't fall in love with him because he was strong. I already had feelings for him before that day. After Tenku saved me, my feelings for him grew by leaps and bounds until now." Setsuka answered and smiled sweetly.

"I feel like a fool when I think he's a weak student. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Kaede pouted and complained to Setsuka.

"I can't because I have to keep it a secret. You must understand my position. I didn't even tell my parents about this." Setsuka said helplessly.

"Yes, I understand. I'm just kidding. By the way, how could Tenku awaken multiple Phantasmal Objects?" Kaede drew closer to Setsuka and whispered.

She remembered the monster invasion on the day of the culture festival at Suisei High School. Kaede watched Tenku kill several monsters very easily using the Golden Revolver.

Kaede couldn't imagine how strong he would become after using another Phantasmal Object. No wonder Setsuka didn't look worried about Tenku because she knew that the man she loved was powerful. It made Kaede jealous of her best friend.

"I don't know about it. I can't ask him because he still doesn't realize I know his identity. Even though Tenku already knows, I won't ask him that question because I'm afraid he'll be angry with me." Setsuka frowned when she saw the enthusiasm on Kaede's face, but she answered her question anyway.

"You are right. It is sensitive for a Realizer. It would be best if you didn't ask that. But I still didn't expect the person who was supposed to be the weakest student to be a very strong Realizer.

I heard about Kirika Miyazaki's report to the principal and the representatives of the three official organizations when they came to our school. You should already know about that matter too. Was Tenku the person Kirika Miyazaki was referring to in her report?" Kaede agreed with Setsuka's words and asked.

She recalled Kirika Miyazaki's report about the masked person killing the members of Ghost Nebula and the Minotaur. That person's strength is estimated to be at the Star Cluster phase. Kaede was shocked when she heard that a high-level Realizer had come to their culture festival unnoticed. But if that person were Tenku, then it would make sense.

"Yes, that person is him." Setsuka nodded and quickly acknowledged it.

"Doesn't that mean he is as strong as the principal or even your father!?" Kaede said excitedly, her eyes sparkling.

Setsuka felt her heart uneasy when she saw Kaede's behavior. Usually, she had a gentle demeanor, but now she looked very active and enthusiastic, like a curious little girl. This made Setsuka suspicious of her best friend.

"I don't know about it. But we better not talk about it anymore because I'm worried someone might overhear our conversation. After all, this place has many senior Realizers, and one might have keen senses." Setsuka shook her head, reminding Kaede. She didn't want to discuss the matter further because she felt her best friend was a little weird.

"Ah, you're right. We shouldn't talk about that matter here. We will talk about it again after this mission is over." Kaede smiled, and her demeanor returned to her usual, gentle girl.

"Alright." Setsuka agreed reluctantly and looked at Tenku. She still wants to spend time with him. Unfortunately, the situation did not allow it.

Fifteen minutes quickly passed, and the Realizers continued their search for the exact coordinates of the space collapse. Overseers from the official organization led them to explore every corner of the Kumotori mountain area. The strengths of three people were in the planetary phase, so none complained when they gave instructions.

When the Realizers arrived at a certain location on Mount Kumotori, one of the Overseers suddenly said to them.


The Realizers were confused about why the overseer had ordered them to stop. But then they understood after seeing the device ringing loudly in that person's hand.

The faces of the overseers became solemn when they heard the sound and data being displayed from the device. The louder the sound, the higher the threat level from space collapse.

"Space collapse will appear around this area, and the threat level is at least Calamity. So please prepare yourselves as best you can because we will have a great battle here." One of the overseers looked at the Realizers and said seriously.

"We understand." The Realizers replied in unison.

On the other hand, Tenku narrowed his eyes in a specific direction in that area. He used his spiritual sense and saw that the space in that place trembled violently. Tenku felt the same way when the double space collapse occurred in Beijing, but it felt much bigger this time.

Tenku suspected that the same thing would happen to Mount Kumotori, and it might be even more terrifying than the space collapse that had appeared in Beijing. His face darkened as he thought about that. Even though Tenku was indifferent to the others, he couldn't endanger Setsuka and his friends.

"I had to kill as many monsters as possible to reduce their risk of harm. They can survive or not; it depends on their abilities. It is their choice to become a Realizer.

They must have known how dangerous this job was. Besides, I won't be able to protect them forever. So they can only rely on their strength in this mission." Tenku muttered and returned his focus to where the space collapse would appear.

Not long after, the space in that place collapsed like broken glass, and an aura from another world overflowed and enveloped the area.




The Realizers were shocked when they saw the scene. A space collapse had appeared in that area, and the threat level matched the overseer's words. They showed such reactions because the number of space collapses that appeared was three, and the size of the portals was the same.


"The three are space collapse with a threat level of calamity."

"This situation is far worse than what the organization had predicted."

The overseers' faces sank when they saw three gigantic portals at three locations in the area.

After that, monsters started appearing from each portal. The first to come out was a giant rat with sharp teeth. It was a first-level monster, and its name was Mutant Rat. Next to appear were the second-level monsters, Orcs, and third-level monsters, Ogre.

As the Realizers watched the monsters, the ground suddenly shook. What appeared next was a gigantic humanoid creature with a body made of stone. It was a fourth-level monster, and its name was Rock Golem. Then behind them appeared the fifth-level monster, Cactus Golem.

"There are a lot of them." A Realizer said in a trembling voice when he saw the monsters that had emerged from the portal numbering in the thousands.

But not long after, the ground shook again but more intensely. Two gigantic creatures with sizes larger than the other monsters appeared from each portal. Their bodies were made of silver-colored metal and they looked solid and sturdy.

"Those monsters were Mithril Golems..." One of the overseers said in disbelief.

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