Chapter 431


He was so startled that He fell backwards from his chair.


The leather chair had a headrest, so he didn’t get hurt, but he looked ridiculous, so Hamugon made a show of being in pain.


Yoo-hyun didn’t say anything, thinking he would be embarrassed.

Then Jeong Saetbyeol ran over and shook Hamugon, shouting loudly.

“Oh my. Are you okay, sir?”

“Uh, uh. I’m f-fine…”

This time, Yang Yoonsoo helped him up by supporting his shoulder.

He then offered his back and said.

“Sir, please get on. It’s serious if you get hurt. Let’s go to the infirmary right away.”

“No, I’m fine. I’m fine.”

“You can get on. Yoonsoo oppa is strong.”

I didn’t know why she said he was strong in this situation, but Hamugon got on Yang Yoonsoo’s back without thinking.

To be precise, Hamugon kept saying he was fine, but Yang Yoonsoo exaggerated and carried him away.

It was after the three of them left the conference room.

Yoo-hyun turned his body sideways and snickered.

“Junsik, isn’t this hilarious?”

Jang Junsik was startled by Yoo-hyun’s face suddenly coming close.


“Hey, what’s wrong with you since earlier?”

“S-sorry. I’ve been nervous since I saw your match video, senior.”

Jang Junsik bowed his waist like he did the next day after he spoke rudely to Yoo-hyun at the tripe restaurant.

He still spat out the words to the end.

Yoo-hyun asked with a dumbfounded expression.

“What? Why?”

“I can’t look you in the eye because I remember you getting angry at Lee Jang-woo.”


You got scared because of the video?

The Jang Junsik of all people?

Yoo-hyun was speechless for a moment.

People only see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.

Once they put on colored glasses, they adjust all the results to their glasses.

The same was true for the eyes toward Yoo-hyun.

Seeing Yoo-hyun act boldly despite his young age, people put on their negative colored glasses.

They dismissed Yoo-hyun’s achievements as coincidences and his rumors as pretense.

But those colored glasses were taken off for a really ridiculous reason.

Because of the fighting video and news that appeared on the internet.

-All the managers and deputy managers were afraid of you.

It was as Kwon Se-jung said.

Now people put on completely different colored glasses.

They avoided Yoo-hyun like they would avoid a man with a dragon wrapped around his body in a bathhouse.

The exaggerated rumors related to the resignation of Go Jae-yoon and Song Hochan were decisive.

Don’t mess with him or you’ll end up with nothing left.

Before Yoo-hyun could explain, that phrase was automatically engraved in many people’s minds.

Outdoor terrace on the 20th floor.

Kim Hyun-min laughed out loud at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“Puhahaha. If someone who doesn’t know you hears that, they’ll be scared. Is hitting a champion something ordinary people can do?”

“Well, it’s easier thanks to that, but I feel sorry for deceiving them somehow.”

“What deception?”

He blinked and asked. Yoo-hyun confessed his own worries.

“They’ll feel cheated when they find out later that I’m not all good and righteous.”

“Do you kick young punks who bother your son and make headlines, and make high school bullies tremble with fear?”

“That’s an exaggeration. And Hyesung’s friends were just verbally abused. You saw it.”

Yoo-hyun shamelessly defended himself. Kim Hyun-min tilted his head.

“That’s true, but…”

“See? You’re misunderstanding something right now.”

“Ugh. I can’t say anything because I owe you a lot.”

“You don’t have to. Just help me keep this atmosphere going. It’s easier to live like this.”

Yoo-hyun said that and Kim Hyun-min’s eyes changed.

“People will think you’re having a hard time if they hear you?”

“I did work hard to help you, sir.”


Kim Hyun-min coughed at Yoo-hyun’s words.

He then changed the subject for no reason.

“Oh, Hyesung said yesterday that he calls your palm the miracle palm.”

“What miracle palm?”

“You raised a dying champion with your palm, huh? Did you see that on the internet and say that?”

“Haha. That’s funny.”

Yoo-hyun spoke as if it was someone else’s business, and Kim Hyun-min, the chief editor, chuckled.

He wondered how thick-skinned this junior colleague was, who always seemed relaxed in this situation.

How could he do that?

Kim Hyun-min asked with a serious expression.

“Aren’t you nervous about becoming famous?”

“I’m not the one who became the champion. It will pass soon, so there’s no reason to be nervous.”

“True. Come to think of it, your previous articles were buried too.”

“Yes. People are animals of forgetfulness. Just like you, chief editor, have lost your original passion.”

“What did you say? Hahaha.”

Kim Hyun-min laughed and shook his shoulders at Yoo-hyun’s sharp words.

If things went as Yoo-hyun expected, it should have died down by now.

Yoo-hyun didn’t fight and bleed, nor did he lift the champion belt.


The story was expanding and developing in an unexpected direction.

It started with a post on an internet community.

The content was nothing special.

In one photo, Lee Jang-woo’s back was captured as he headed to the final round.

On Lee Jang-woo’s back, a clear palm print was visible.

Maybe because of Lee Jang-woo’s interview, the palm photo had a resonance.

Under the touching photo, there was a line of text.

It was an adaptation of a famous comic quote that was popular on the internet.

The palm print on his back was meant to give him a boost.

This trivial post became famous as it received replies.

The replies contained the same comment, but with different pictures.

In the same pose, Iron Man was pushing Ee Jang-woo’s back with his palm.

It matched perfectly with the words that said it gave him a boost.

The witty photo editing team was joined by talented netizens.

Various heroes such as Superman and Batman pushed Ee Jang-woo’s back, and animation characters were also edited onto the palm print on his back.

Later, palm amulets came out.

This online phenomenon affected offline as well.

Yoo-hyun, who was receiving a phone call in the office hallway, was dumbfounded by his friend Ha Jun-seok’s words.

“Why would I hit your back?”

-I’m preparing to change jobs. I think I’ll get a boost if I get hit by your palm.

“Stop talking nonsense about a boost.”

-Hey, you know how crazy the palm amulets are these days. There’s even someone who passed the civil service exam. Can’t you really hit me once?

He was getting more and more ridiculous.

Yoo-hyun snorted at Ha Jun-seok, who was throwing a tantrum.

“Stop it, just stop it. You’ll die if I hit you.”

-What? You don’t know that I’ve been learning boxing for three months? Even that little champion Mr. Palm survived my hit, why can’t I?

“Who’s Mr. Palm?”

-Geez. You’re slow, so slow. It’s Ee Jang-woo’s nickname. You don’t know about mixed martial arts, but you should know Mr. Palm.

There are all kinds of things in the world.

Looking at how Ee Jang-woo, who had no color and was troubled, suddenly got a nickname of palm out of nowhere.

Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh.

“Fine. I’ll let you meet that little champion. Come to the gym when you have time. Let me see your skills after three months of learning.”

-Hahaha. Ha. Ha. Ha.𝚏r𝗲ewe𝚋𝐧𝚘vel.𝚌𝚘m

He heard Ha Jun-seok’s voice getting smaller over the phone.

After Ha Jun-seok, Jo Eun-ah from the PR team also made an unnecessary request.

-Brother, can you please appear in our company magazine? We need a cover model for the hot employee section, and there’s no one more popular than you.

“What do you mean popular? My phone is about to catch fire right now.”

He also got a call from Jung Ye-seul, who was in college.

-Brother, we need to interview a senior we admire for our ‘College Tomorrow’ magazine.

“Yeah. No.”

Yoo-hyun rejected all requests in one go.

He couldn’t do unnecessary things for them even if they were close friends.

Of course, there were some requests that were hard to refuse.

A few days later.

Yoo-hyun, who was sitting on the sofa in the manager’s office of Number One Gym, widened his eyes.

“You’re making palm T-shirts?”

“Yeah. They said they’d pay for the license fee and collaborate with us. Look at this.”

The manager took out a white T-shirt from a paper bag on the floor and showed it to him.

On the front chest, there was a silhouette of Ee Jang-woo’s back, and on the back, there was a large palm print.

The Number One Gym logo was attached to the bottom of the back.

Yoo-hyun looked at the T-shirt and nodded his head.

“The design is not bad. But is there a demand for this?”

Park Young-hoon, who was sitting next to the manager, answered.

It seems that there are many people who want to buy the amulets for passing exams. It’s still a trend on the internet.

Wow, people are amazing. Well, then we should make them.

Yoo-hyun gave a hollow laugh, and Park Young-hoon nodded his head and said something out of the blue.

That’s right. If they sell well, you’ll get a nice royalty in your pocket.

Royalty? Why would I get that? The gym should take it, or Jang-woo should get it.

Jang-woo said you should take it all. The manager thinks so too.

That was nonsense.

Yoo-hyun was not so shameless to take all the share of the people who worked hard without doing anything.

Yoo-hyun made his refusal clear to the manager.

I won’t take it. If you really want to give me something, just consider it as the fee for using the gym for free.

Geez, you don’t even want it when I give it to you. Young-hoon, what should we do?

Just split it into three? If we make some money, you can give me some commission.

What do you think, Yoo-hyun?

The manager winked at him, and Yoo-hyun finally agreed.

He didn’t want to make a fuss over a small amount of money.

Whatever. I don’t care either way.

Okay. I’ll finish the trademark registration process and meet with the company.

Park Young-hoon wrapped up the situation in an instant.

He was fierce when he exercised, but his eyes sparkled when money was involved.

Yoo-hyun laughed at him.

These days, fund managers do T-shirt contracts too.

It’s not just contracts. I’m also mediating Jang-woo’s overseas interviews. Wait, now that I think about it, it’s unfair.

The manager, who was startled, poked Park Young-hoon’s side.

Young-hoon, you’re the only one who can speak English here.

Yoo-hyun is better at it.

Yoo-hyun is busy.

What about me?

You are… I like you. Can you help me a little? Huh?

The manager hesitated for a moment and then coaxed Park Young-hoon sweetly.

It was a completely different attitude from before, when he only scolded him.

Was this also an aftermath of hitting his back once?

He had experienced so many absurd situations that he could only laugh now.

Yoo-hyun expressed his feelings in one word.

There are all kinds of things in the world.

A few days later, inside a comic cafe near Hansung Tower.

Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director who listened to Yoo-hyun’s story with interest, laughed.

Haha. Yeah. There are really all kinds of things in the world.

You’re right. I learned a lot from this incident.

What did you learn?

That the world is much bigger and wider than what I know.

Yoo-hyun once thought that he knew everything.

He realized how arrogant that thought was after he walked the same path again.

He started to see what he had missed by looking around him late, and he learned what he didn’t know by having new experiences.

He thought that his view had widened enough by then, but it was still lacking.

That was what Yoo-hyun felt through this incident.

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