Chapter 401:

The 13th floor conference room.

Jang Junsik told the team leader Choi Min-hee the main points he had summarized.

I have attached the report on the development schedule and details of TV, IT, and laptop products.

Anything else?

I am working on the answers to the expected questions, and I will report them to you as soon as they are organized.

There was nothing on the screen, but the content had already been delivered.

Team leader Choi Min-hee praised Jang Junsik for his meticulous work.

Junsik, you did a good job. I looked at the data and it was neat. It included all the key points.

Thank you. Han Daeri

As Jang Junsik was about to ramble on, Yoo-hyun spoke first.

It was possible because we had prepared thoroughly beforehand. We knew exactly what we needed, so we got it quickly.

Yeah, I know. Junsik and Kwon Daeri, and everyone here, you all worked hard.

Team leader Choi Min-hee lifted up the team members as he took over, and they all looked at each other awkwardly.

Yoo-hyun asked with a playful expression.

Doesnt it seem like theres no one who worked hard since theres no answer?

There are people who worked hard, why not? Kwon Daeri said he bought all these snacks for the team meeting.

What? Oh.

Kwon Se-jung Daeri blinked his eyes at team leader Choi Min-hees words.

Suddenly, thank-you messages came from everywhere.

Thank you, Kwon Daeri. Ill enjoy it.

You bought different kinds. It must have cost a lot.

I didnt know Kwon Daeri had such a big budget.


Kwon Se-jung Daeri smiled awkwardly, and Jang Junsik nodded at him.

The two of them never let out that this was leftover from an internal meeting a few days ago.

Yoo-hyun ate a snack and listened to the presentation of another part.

The atmosphere was quite relaxed, but the necessary content was mentioned without omission.

Lee Chanho Daeri, who had returned from a business trip to a client company, reported on the progress after drinking a glass of soda.

The customers reactions are generally negative. The client company is rather asking us to pay for advertising costs.

They must be saying that because our publicity effect is not easy either.

Team leader Choi Min-hee nodded his head, and Yu Hye-mi Gwajang added while eating chocolate.

Its not easy to display the logo on the mobile screen. And we cant stick it on the back of the phone like a laptop either.

Kwon Se-jung Daeri, who had been quiet at first, raised his hand.

He didnt speak up at the first team meeting, but now he seemed to have gained some confidence and became more active.

What about just showing the logo slightly on posters or ads?

If they recognize the Retina Premium logo clearly, the effect will be certain.

He knew how to point out the core.

Team leader Choi Min-hee nodded his head and smiled with his eyes as he ate a bungeo-ppang (fish-shaped bread).

What do you think, Han Daeri?

That sounds good. And if the logo has value, we dont have to worry about this part. They will try to stick it themselves anyway.

Hmm, thats true. And Apple is important for that, right?

Team leader Choi Min-hee made a chin gesture, and Kim Young-gil Gwajang opened his mouth while peeling off candy wrappers.

We have finished the first consultation with Apple for their presentation.


It all comes down to how much we cut down on the price. This is something we have to report to the group leader and decide.

Yeah. Kim Gwajang, good job.

But Apple was picky about the logo. Well have to be careful about that.

It was a logo that would be displayed on the presentation material that Steve Jobs himself would present. He wouldnt accept any mediocre design.

It was something Yoo-hyun had mentioned earlier, so team leader Choi Min-hee brought it up again.

What about you, Yu Gwajang? Didnt you say you would do it again?

I heard from Han Daeri and contacted the design center of the mobile business division. I think we might be able to get some support from them.

Yu Hye-mi Gwajang glanced at Yoo-hyun after answering, and Yoo-hyun also chimed in.

The design center wont support us easily. But our concept is clear, so they can speed up the schedule for us. And its easy to handle the budget because were in the same company.

I guess so.

Yes. Later when we get the results, we can compare them with other companies and proceed.

Yeah. Lets go with Han Daeris opinion on that part.

Team leader Choi Min-hee nodded his head and ate a snack with a smile.

By the way, is it because of the snacks? The meeting is going smoothly.

Right? Ill always have snacks ready for the meeting from now on. Just give me the card.

Hwang Dongshik Daeri, who was eating chocolate, said with his characteristic exaggerated gesture, and everyone laughed.


The meeting atmosphere was very friendly and pleasant.

At that moment.

Two team leaders from the Innovative Product TF were walking down the hallway of the 13th floor office.

IT Jang Jun-hong team leader sneaked a peek at the mobile team.

By the way, isnt the mobile team too relaxed these days? They should be working all night, but they leave early.

Crazy bastards. They make a mess of their work and expect us to clean it up. What the hell? The more I think about it, the more annoyed I get.

TV Lee Bon-seok team leader crushed the paper cup he was holding and answered, and Jang Jun-hong team leader egged him on.

He thought that Lee Bon-seok team leader taking the lead was the best way to get out of trouble without lifting a finger.

Thats right. Honestly, I was embarrassed to look at the team members.

Theyre like that because they have no roots, no roots. We need to teach them a lesson.

There seems to be a vacancy in the manager position. Should we call them?

Yeah. Lets establish the hierarchy properly this time.

Lee Bon-seok team leader was passing by the conference room as he spoke.

But laughter leaked out from the conference room.


Lee Bon-seok team leader stopped his steps and checked the inside of the conference room through the window gap.

He snickered for a moment and then gritted his teeth.

Damn. Were working our asses off because of them, and they dare to have fun?

Theyre mocking us. They must think were funny.

Jang Jun-hong team leaders words changed Lee Bon-seok team leaders eyes.


The conference room door opened suddenly, and everyones eyes turned to the entrance.

They blinked their eyes as they saw the two people coming in.

Team leader, what brings you here?

Team leader Choi Min-hee stood up, and Lee Bon-seok team leader sneered.

Mobile seems to have a lot of free time. Good for you?

Lee team leader, were having a meeting right now.

Team leader Choi Min-hee tried to stand his ground, but Jang Jun-hong team leader gestured him.

Hey, Choi team leader, dont be so uptight. Were in the same division, we can join in a little bit.

No, but there are situations.

Ignoring Choi Min-hees words, Jang Jun-hong team leader sat down comfortably and even pulled out Lee Bon-seok team leaders chair.

Team leader, sit down too. We need to have some mental education in a comfortable atmosphere.

Huh. Yeah. Choi team leader, sit down. I have something to say.

Without any hesitation, he sat down and Choi Min-hee had nothing more to say.

He couldnt fight either, so Choi Min-hee swallowed his anger and sat down.

Thats when Lee Bon-seok team leaders nagging began.

When I moved to TV division, I slept at the company

Choi Min-hee clenched his fist at the story that went back more than 10 years ago, and the team members bowed their heads.

What was he talking about? Yoo-hyun chuckled to himself.

He had been working at the company for a long time, but this was his first time seeing something like this.

Why did it seem like the team members were used to this scene?

Yoo-hyun whispered to Kim Young-gil Gwajang who was sitting next to him.

Did this happen before?

Not during a meeting, but he called us separately before.


Something like mental education. This team leader is a bit nosy.

It meant that he acted like a manager.

Yoo-hyun felt like he knew why the team had been depressed all this time.

Doesnt the manager know about this?

Yeah. If he knew, he would have gone crazy.

Kim Young-gil Gwajang was right.

Kim Hyun-min manager was very calm, but he wouldnt tolerate this situation.

So Choi Min-hee covered it up by himself, and the more he did, the more arrogant the other team leaders became.

The fool makes trouble for himself.

No matter how much he sacrificed himself for the sake of the division, he shouldnt sell his pride.

And there was no reason why things wouldnt work out if he fought a little bit.

Rather, it was necessary to draw a clear line for the sake of the future.

Yoo-hyun picked up his phone right away, and Kim Young-gil Gwajang was startled.

Dont tell me youre going to inform the manager?

Of course.

Yoo-hyun sent a message without hesitation and put a candy in his mouth.

Chomp chomp.

Lee Bon-seok team leaders nagging continued while Yoo-hyun sucked on the candy in his mouth.

Im not saying this because I hate mobile division. You have to know at least the basics to work together or not.

Team leader, are you saying that we dont even have the basics right now?

Choi Min-hee flared up at him, but Jang Jun-hong team leader cut him off.

Hey, Choi team leader, its just an example.

What example?

Hes trying to teach you something, why are you so angry? Do you want to flip the table?


Yoo-hyun looked at Choi Min-hee team leader who was rubbing his head and laughed inwardly.

He could see that he was burning with anger inside, but he was holding it back.

Yeah. It would have been nice if he had endured a little longer.

He should have waited until Kim Hyun-min became the director to blow up the situation.

But Yoo-hyuns plan was foiled by an unexpected problem that erupted elsewhere.

Its not something else, its the basics. Was there anyone here who stayed until 10 pm yesterday? Everyone on TV did. Thats where the difference in skills shows.

Youre right. Its not a rule to leave as soon as the closing song plays.

Team leader Lee Bon-seok agreed with team leader Jang Jun-hongs nonsense.

As soon as the word rule came up, Jang Jun-sik clenched his teeth and muttered.

Overtime is not a rule. Leaving on time is a rule.

If you work hard during work hours, Ill acknowledge you. But whats so great about the mobile team that they slack off like this? I cant see them sitting at their desks most of the time.

Theyre always at the coffee shop. Thats against the rules too.

The two team leaders didnt stop provoking him.

Jang Jun-sik raised his voice as they kept talking about rules.

No, its not. Its allowed as long as its not during focused work hours. The company also recommends a 30-minute tea time a day.

Okay, Jun-sik, I get it, just calm down a bit.

Before Yoo-hyun could finish his sentence, team leader Lee Bon-seok attacked again.

Its also against the rules to sit around in the conference room and eat snacks like this.

Jang Jun-sik, who had been clenching his fist, couldnt stand it anymore and retorted.

No, its not. Its a rule that you can eat food that doesnt smell during meetings.

His voice was quite loud, so team leader Lee Bon-seoks caterpillar eyebrows twitched.

What did you say? What kind of rule is that?


Jang Jun-sik realized the situation too late and his face turned pale.

Just as team leader Lee Bon-seok was about to explode, Yoo-hyun jumped up from his seat.

Thump thump.

He walked towards team leader Lee Bon-seok.

Everyones eyes were drawn to his sudden action.

Deputy Kwon Se-jung, who had seen Yoo-hyuns erratic behavior a lot lately, closed his eyes tightly.


Team leader Lee Bon-seok flinched as he walked over so confidently.

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