Chapter 393:

Director Kwon Sung-hoe, who had been scraping the floor, ran out of patience.

He looked around and growled in a low voice.

Do you really want to try me?

Why dont you answer the phone before you tell me what the end is?


He turned his head sharply as he belatedly picked up his cell phone.

Yes, yes. Sir. Im on my way. Ill check it right away.

Then he started running again with quick steps.

Director, see you next time.

Would there be another chance to see him?

The outcome was obvious for him who had been demoted to the team leader position.

Yoo-hyun smiled broadly at his receding back.

Jang Jun-sik asked Yoo-hyun cautiously as he returned.

Who is he?

Hes a good person.


Jang Jun-sik tilted his head at Yoo-hyuns words.

The mans expression was not very good during the conversation.

Anyone could see that he was scolding the other person.

But Yoo-hyun didnt lose his smile until the end.

He even said he was a good person after turning around.

Thats how social life should be.

Jang Jun-sik bowed his head with a deep realization.

Deputy, please teach me a lot in the future.

What are you talking about out of the blue?

Yoo-hyun was puzzled when the elevator door opened.

The floor where Yoo-hyun got off was not the 12th floor, but the 13th floor.

The atmosphere was definitely different from before, even though he went up one more floor.

It was not because there were mostly unfamiliar people in the office.

A subtle tension was rising among the people sitting there.

Especially around where Jang Jun-sik stopped walking.

There was a lot of awkwardness among the people sitting sparsely.

<Innovative Product TF>

Jang Jun-sik said to Yoo-hyun, who was touching the stiff nameplate on the partition.

It feels awkward because they gathered people from different groups.

The atmosphere is cold.

Yoo-hyun answered as he watched Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, walk into his seat from afar.

The reaction of the people sitting in their seats was not very warm even when the TF leader greeted them as he came to work.

It was a cross-section that showed Kim Hyun-mins current position.

Kim Hyun-min, who turned the corner, saw Yoo-hyun and ran to him in a stride.

Han Deputy. Youre here.

Yes. Im back.

Hahaha. Welcome back.

Kim Hyun-min opened his arms wide and hugged Yoo-hyun.

Knowing that he was glad, Yoo-hyun also responded quickly.

Congratulations on becoming a team leader.

Congratulations? Its not easy.

He looked tired just by looking at his dark circles under his bright eyes.

Even at this moment, sharp eyes flew and stuck behind his back.

He must have had a hard time so far.

Rather than pity, he felt glad.

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly.

It seems like youre finally doing some leader work. Honestly, youve been too comfortable so far.

Who are you teaching? You should suffer a little now. Let me live.

I dont like suffering, but Ill try to have fun.

Yoo-hyun joked and took in the surrounding scenery.

It seemed like it would be an interesting return to work.

His prediction was confirmed at the TF meeting that opened in the morning.

Yoo-hyun stopped by the 12th floor and greeted briefly and entered the conference room on the 13th floor.

The entire TF staff gathered, but there were not many of them.

It was because each group did not support the necessary personnel for various reasons.

But even with this small number of people, they showed that the meeting atmosphere could be a mess.

Kim Hyun-min, the leader of the project, was speaking, but some people were not paying attention. It was a common sight.

Lee Bon-seok, the TV team leader, raised his caterpillar-like eyebrows and snorted. He had a mocking tone in his voice.

Mr. Kim, didnt we tell you that wont work? If you keep pushing us like that, nothing will get done.

Mr. Lee, this is the group leaders order. Please review it positively since were doing it anyway.

Kim Hyun-min replied politely, ignoring the dismissive attitude. He was nothing like his usual confident self in front of his subordinates or when he was a team leader.

But thats what the mobile group leader thinks. We in the TV side have a different opinion. How can we work together if you dont understand that?

Come on, you cant expect a third-rate mobile group that barely achieved first place in sales to understand the thoughts of groups that have done it many times. Right, Mr. Lee?

Jang Jun-hong, the IT team leader who was sitting next to Lee Bon-seok, chimed in. He had a long nose and a narrow jaw, and he spoke as meanly as he looked.

Heh. Mr. Jang is right.

Haha. Thats why we get along so well.

The two men laughed as if they were in sync. Kim Hyun-min fell silent.

He could only force a smile and swallow his anger in front of the TF members eyes.

Why did it turn out like this?

Yoo-hyun, who was calmly observing the faces of the members, asked Kim Young-gil, the manager who was sitting next to him.

Did Mr. Kim not get the authority to manage the other group members?

Well, the other groups were strongly opposed to it. The group leader is still trying to persuade them, but it seems like its not going well.

The Innovative Product TF was formed to transfer the effect of the Retina Display announcement to all LCD panels in the business unit.

But that was only Vice President Shin Kyung-wooks argument. The other group leaders had different thoughts.

It must be hard. They must feel like theyre being dragged by the mobile group.

Besides, our group leader is an outsider who rolled in here. But at least we got this organization thanks to Vice President Lim Jun-pyo. Even though its half-baked.

I see.

Yoo-hyun nodded.

Even if Vice President Lim Jun-pyo had Vice President Shin Kyung-wooks backing, the situation was different.

He had no reason to stand up against the other group leaders who were already doing well.

Thats why this vague organization was created.

With this situation, the team leaders who had more seniority than Kim Hyun-min acted arrogantly, and their subordinates also ignored him.

How could he lead this sand-like organization and move forward?

It was not an easy task for Kim Hyun-min, even though he had a good reputation.

Mr. Lee, please dont be like that and look at the report again. We considered the TV sides schedule as well.

Choi Min-hee, the team leader who supported Kim Hyun-min, quickly intervened, but it was useless.

The other team leaders did not respond, and instead their deputy managers stepped up.

Ms. Choi, were also saying this after reviewing it thoroughly. Arent you thinking too much about the mobile side?

You think youre so confident because you got a new factory in Ulsan, but it takes ages to set up a factory. We know because weve done it countless times.

The meeting lost its direction and turned into a brawl.

It was the first thing he saw after coming to work in the morning.

He must have lived like this all along.

Was it because he only dealt with naive people in Yeontae-ri?

Yoo-hyun found these small quarrels quite amusing.

He lifted his lips and smiled. Kim Young-gil covered his mouth with one hand and whispered to him.

Do you find this funny?

Its interesting. Anyway, thanks to this, Mr. Kim became a TF leader out of nowhere.

Although it was sloppy, the Innovative Product TF was a large organization with three team leaders.

It was unusual for a novice team leader who had just become a manager to lead such an organization.

It was also true for Jang Jun-hong becoming a team leader and Kim Young-gil becoming a part leader.

Well, no one wanted to do it, so they reluctantly gave it to him. Haha.

Kim Young-gil shrugged his shoulders at Yoo-hyuns words.

At that moment, a loud voice shouted.

Hey, you there. You all know, right?

They looked up and saw Lee Bon-seok pointing his finger at Kim Young-gil.

Im sorry.

Mr. Kim, dont be sorry. Tell me what you were talking about.

Lee Bon-seok glared at him with a low voice.

It was a blatant attempt to intimidate him.

Kim Young-gil was in trouble in this situation.

No matter what he said, he would get angry.

Before Kim Young-gil could open his mouth, Yoo-hyun stepped in.

He said something that caught everyones ears.

We were discussing solutions because we saw a lot of problems in the project progress.

What? Solutions?

It seems like a simple problem, but youre being too stubborn about it.

The employee who looked difficult suddenly raised his hand and said something absurd.

He even smiled leisurely while looking straight at him.

Team leader Lee Bon-seok was so dumbfounded that he let out a sarcastic laugh, then furrowed his brows.

Just as he was about to growl, Han Yoo-hyun stole his timing.

Han Yoo-hyun didnt just deflect the words, he wanted to change the game.

He didnt like to take the long way around when there was a straight line.

Its simple. Dont waste your energy here and decide who will make the integration plan. If the person in charge takes responsibility and brings the plan, we can just judge it then.

His fast and confident tone had the power to draw peoples attention.

As everyones eyes were on him, team leader Lee Bon-seok had no choice but to answer.

Who the hell is going to take care of the other groups plan as well?

Yeah. If that was possible, we wouldnt have dragged this work on for so long.

Team leader Jang Jun-hong chimed in as if they had agreed beforehand.

It wasnt a wrong statement, but that was before Han Yoo-hyun came.

Han Yoo-hyun raised his hand again.

Ill be the person in charge.


Then he added one more thing.

But theres a condition.

Han Yoo-hyun smiled slyly at the dumbfounded people.

His words caused a huge ripple in the TF.

The people from TV and IT teams didnt even need to say anything, even within the same team, some people were flustered.

Of course, they werent the ones who had worked with Han Yoo-hyun before.

The man who thought he knew Han Yoo-hyun better than anyone else, even though he had never worked with him.

Kwon Se-jung, who got promoted this year.

On the 20th floor of Hansung Tower, on the outdoor terrace.

He looked at Han Yoo-hyun with a blank expression, overlooking the Gangnam skyline.

Whats so special about being the person in charge? Just decide quickly, whats the big deal?

If that was possible, I wouldnt have suffered so much.

As Kwon Se-jung hid his surging emotions, Kim Young-gil answered him.

Han will do it. The team leader agreed right away.

As expected of you. The work will be done quickly.

Jang Jun-sik also complimented him with a smile.

Everyone accepted Han Yoo-hyuns actions as natural.

How can they act like nothing happened?

Kwon Se-jung couldnt understand and cautiously opened his mouth.

Since Kim Young-gil was in front of him, he used honorifics for Han Yoo-hyun, who was younger than him.

Mr. Han, do you know anything about the TV development progress or the situation in Gimpo factory?

Then Han Yoo-hyun laughed out loud.

Hahaha. Se-jung, why are you acting so unlike yourself? Are you trying to treat me like a senior?

Thats not it.

And Kim Young-gil joined in as well.

Yeah, Kwon. You two are classmates. I dont care about honorifics, so just be comfortable.

Kwon Se-jungs face turned red as he didnt know what to do.

Unable to overcome his embarrassment, he blurted out his first casual words since he moved to TF.

Hey, Han Yoo-hyun, dont you know?

Haha. Thats better. Of course I dont know.

You dont? Then how can you be the person in charge?

So what? The other teams agreed to support us with staff.

Han Yoo-hyuns demand for becoming the person in charge of the integration plan was to get workers who would negotiate the plan with him.

Since they belonged to the same TF, neither team leader had any reason to refuse and they both approved.

Kwon Se-jung was worried about that point.

Didnt you see them sneering earlier? Theyre just saying that, but theyll actually make sure the work doesnt go well.

Dont worry. Youve done everything already.


Yeah. You had a good idea. You made good materials. Ill just use them as they are.

Kwon Se-jung couldnt understand what Han Yoo-hyun was saying at all.

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