Chapter 385:

Yoo-hyun looked at the faces of the people sitting around him and opened his mouth with a stern expression.

Ill say it again, theres a group strategy room audit tomorrow.

He gathered the fear that was spreading in the air.

He needed to face the current situation first to solve the problem.

If the results are not good, well all be punished with a pay cut. Not only us, but the entire assembly workshop in Mokpo factory, and even the factory manager will be affected.

Does that mean were completely screwed by Mokpo factory?

Yoo-hyun nodded at Min Dalgis words and went into more details.

Yes. Theres a high chance that well be banned from taking vacations and going out for a while.


And of course, well have to endure constant audits. And well get more work as a penalty.

Yoo-hyuns strong words made the room stir.

Just as another voice of discontent was about to pop out, Yoo-hyun clapped his hands.


Yoo-hyun relaxed his expression and smiled.

A crack appeared in the frozen atmosphere with just the change of his expression.

But theres no need to worry.

Are you saying that now? We look like were dead.

Yoo-hyun said with a nonchalant expression to Ma Jonghyun, who had a gloomy face.

Why would we die? Well pass the audit for sure.


Ma Jonghyuns eyes widened and everyones attention was focused on him.

Mr. Han. Do you have any plan?

Yoo-hyun nodded at Jo Gijeongs question and flipped the document he was holding.

Of course. How do you think I knew about the audit?

Yoo-hyun quickly explained to the bewildered people.

First, Ill tell you the details of the audit. The purpose of the audit is to evaluate the level of Yeontae factory, the evaluator is audit team 1st part, and the passing criterion is to complete 250 reassembled products in 24 hours. And

As Yoo-hyuns words got longer, question marks popped up in peoples heads.

Impossible numbers kept coming up.

But Yoo-hyun spoke so calmly that they couldnt say anything and just listened.

Yoo-hyun knew this very well.

If we knew this tomorrow, it would be absolutely impossible.

Then how?

Why? Because this is much harder than the reassembly workshop of Busan factory, which got the best evaluation last year.

This is crazy.

As they were about to faint, Yoo-hyun followed up his preemptive strike with a twist.

He wanted to imprint the idea that they could do it in their minds.

But we know this today. Theres no reason we cant do it.

Oh, knowing it doesnt change anything.

No. We can do it for sure.

Its not something that can be done with confidence alone.

Yoo-hyun smiled and got up from his seat at Min Dalgis words.

We just need to set everything up in advance. Do you think they wont support us when the necks of the factory manager and the management director are on the line?

What do you mean by that?

Yoo-hyun brushed past Ma Jonghyun, who asked in surprise.

Thud. Thud.

He laid out a concrete plan in a situation where his footsteps were audible enough to show how focused he was.

He looked like Steve Jobs at an Apple presentation.

Lets decide everything in advance. The assembly workshop will decide what products to put out beforehand, and well get all the parts we need in advance. Well get more measuring devices and analyzers from the factory.

Huh. Thats

Why do we have to take a test without looking at the answers when we know them? We just need to look at the answer sheet and do it.

Its still not easy.

As Ma Jonghyun said, it wasnt an easy number.

Even if the environment improved, they still had to reassemble 250 units in one day.

I know. But its not impossible. Now, what if we succeed?

They all fell silent, but Yoo-hyuns eyes became more intense.

Everyone here had to have a strong will to do it in order to succeed in this mission.

Yoo-hyun showed them a hopeful vision instead of a clichd phrase like doing their best.

If we succeed, well officially be recognized as S-class. Yeontae factory will become the best factory where everyone is S-class.

He didnt stop there. He offered them a concrete carrot.

Youll get rewards and support. Your bonus will also increase according to your rank. You might even get promoted from a work team to a work unit.


Everyone gasped at the unbelievable offer.

Yoo-hyun stretched out his index finger forward.

Just one day. You only need to work hard for one day. Where can you find something easier than this?

The people blinked at Yoo-hyuns words that he uttered so naturally.

The water in the cup was only half full, but it changed depending on the thought.

It became half empty or half full depending on the perspective.

The same was true for the 24 hours that approached with pressure.

If they worked hard for one day with the determination to stay up all night, they could achieve more than working for a year.

They knew that very well, and there was no one who would give up.

Yoo-hyuns words planted a hot desire in their hearts.

Yoo-hyun faced the sparkling eyes head-on.

Everyone. Just close your eyes and work hard for one day. Ill write the audit report. Ill make sure it passes, so you just need to do the reassembly work as usual.

Can we do it?

Will you stay and die? Or will you stand up and claim it?

Yoo-hyun raised his clenched fist high in the heated atmosphere.

At the same time, the people rose like a fire.

Right. Lets do it.

Lets set up the factory quickly.

Ill contact my colleagues in the assembly team.

Lets deal with the moving later.

The mood changed in an instant.

They accepted it as a matter of course, and moved on their own.

Among them was Ma Jong Hyun, the team leader who had clashed with Yoo-hyun.


Ma Jong Hyun came over and grabbed Yoo-hyuns hand.

His eyes were full of apology and gratitude.

Writing an audit report must be really hard, are you okay?

I have to do that much. The others will suffer more by doing the reassembly.

I was too harsh on you, wasnt I?

We dont have time for this now. Team leader, please request support from the manager as soon as possible. Secure the trucks from Mokpo factory right away.

Yeah, I have to do that. Lets just do it.

Ma Jong Hyun turned his head and clenched his fist.

Then he dragged Min Dal-gi next to him and said.

If you have any trouble writing the audit report, ask Min chief. He helped another team with it before.

Yes. That would be nice.

Yoo-hyun nodded, and Min Dal-gi bowed his head.

Ill let you know the updated items right away. It must be really hard, thank you.

The two men who left a request to Yoo-hyun joined the line and did their roles.

Yoo-hyun looked at them with a smile.

It was then that Jo Ki Jung, who had come over, poked Yoo-hyuns side.

Han supervisor, isnt the audit report already done?

What are you talking about?

Dont I know you? I know all your tricks.

How did he not know that such a nice person was making him do his work?

Yoo-hyun chuckled and grabbed his hand.

What does that matter? The result is important. I trust you, supervisor.

Hmm. I guess I have to show off a bit.

Of course. Show off your skills that got you into the development team.

Then Ill go warm up a bit.

Jo Ki Jungs lips curled up at Yoo-hyuns words.

He was such an easy person to handle.

The factory lights didnt go out until late that night.

In front of the construction site, trucks from Mokpo factory were parked for a while.

The spare parts that came down from the trucks went into the warehouse under Kang Jong-hos command.

The reassembly product history was in Jo Ki Jungs hand, who had tied his head tightly with a rubber band.

He drew tomorrows work situation in his head and discussed it with Min Dal-gi chief.

The people who were like oil and water in Jolji got along and melted together.

Yoo-hyun smiled warmly and returned to his quarters.

He had something else to do now.



Yoo-hyun opened his laptop in his room and checked the audit report for the new factory in Ulsan that he received from Yetaesik, the executive director.

The report followed the group strategy office format, and the pre-questions were detailed enough to copy as they were.

But that was not all.

Yoo-hyun also checked the report that Yeonjinseop, the deputy manager, sent him.

It was written during the audit evaluation of the reassembly work team in Busan last year.

The audit team was in charge of the format, so it could be different.

But since the purpose was the same, the outline, goals, timetable, etc. were well organized and could be used as they were.

The comments on the hundred or so audit items were also well organized.

He could reuse this part by just changing the date and item.

Of course, there were parts that he had to write anew.

He had to update in real time the detailed reassembly item quantity, type, defect history, repair history, etc. during the work period.

Mindaegi agreed to help him with this tedious part.

I wonder if hell send it well organized.

It was when Yoo-hyun glanced at his watch.


He received a message from Mindaegi at a good timing.

-I sent you an email with the items I sorted out from the Mokpo factory. Ill also send you the updated content in real time tomorrow. So dont worry and just focus on writing the report in your room.

He checked the email and it contained the expected item list that he would receive from the assembly team tomorrow.

It was not neatly organized, but it was easy to use as it listed the defect history for each item.

He didnt miss much because he had audit experience.

Thats enough. I dont need to do anything more.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and flopped down on his bed.

It seemed like it would be a fun audit.

The people worked hard until dawn because Yoo-hyun tightened them up.

Thanks to that, they created a perfect environment where they could start working as soon as the items arrived.

He even prepared replacement parts that matched exactly with the item history.

It would be nice to work harder here, but there was a limit to endure with mental strength.

As a leader, he had to create an environment where his members could do their best.

The next morning.

It was why Yoo-hyun suggested a break to Majonghyeon, the team leader, in front of the members who gathered at the site.

Team leader. The members seem to lack sleep. Why dont you let them rest instead of making them come to work?

No way. What if we get audited?

The Mokpo factory hasnt arrived yet. It will take a while for them to check the items and send them here. We wont start until afternoon.

But they might come here first.

After thinking for a moment, Yoo-hyun suggested a backup plan in case of a rare possibility.

Then lets do this.


When they come from above, they have to cross the bridge at the end of the mountain that surrounds Yeontae-ri. If we guard there, we can buy at least 20 minutes.

It would be nice to use CCTV, but it was useless since there was a big road open.

There were many people and they only had to endure for a few hours, so guarding was the easiest and most reliable way.

Mindaegi who was listening brightened up.

That sounds good. Two people can take turns sleeping in the car.

Yes. Thats not bad either.

No, how can you think of such a thing?

Majonghyeon stuck out his tongue completely.

He didnt seem to know that he had been tricked by the same method before.


Jogi-jeong and Kang Jong-ho who were listening next to him stepped back one step each.

They both had faces with something on their minds.

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