Chapter 383:

A few days later, in front of the Yeontae factory site.

Three Yeontae employees in neat work clothes stood in a row, with the factory on their left.

Except for Yoo-hyun, the other two had very excited expressions.

Thump thump thump.

Especially Kang Jong-ho, who was right next to Yoo-hyun, had been shaking his arms and legs since a while ago.

Kang team leader, youre too stiff. The photo wont come out well.

Ah, I know, man. But what can I do about the nerves?

Kang Jong-ho clenched his eyes at Yoo-hyuns whisper.

Click. Click.

Just then, the camera shutter sounded.

Kim Young Tae, the manager who had come for the company magazine shoot a while ago, smiled brightly with a camera in his hand.

The MC next to him shouted in a loud voice.

We will now proceed with the award ceremony.

Following that, the middle-aged man who was facing the three employees walked one step ahead.


His bald head sparkled under the bright sunlight.

The villagers who surrounded them buzzed.

Theyre finally getting the award.

I heard the prize money is five million won.

It was a very unusual atmosphere where the villagers were the audience for the company award ceremony.

In the midst of the buzz, the MC opened his mouth.

Jo Ki Jung, team leader, come forward.


Jo Ki Jung, who had pinned her long hair neatly with a pin, stepped forward and the MC recited the contents of the plaque he was holding.

Plaque. Best Worker Award. Yeontae Factory Jo Ki Jung, team leader. This person has always shown a diligent attitude and

Then the plaque was awarded and applause erupted from everywhere.

Clap clap clap clap clap.

Kang Jong-ho, who was trembling, was also serious when he received the award.

His mouth corners kept rising as he held the plaque.

It was the happiest expression Yoo-hyun had ever seen.

The last turn was Yoo-hyuns.

That concludes the plaque awards.

As soon as the MC finished his speech, the factory manager who had received the plaque walked up to Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun stood upright and faced the factory manager.

Cheers from the villagers erupted everywhere.


Han team leader. Youre awesome.

Then Moon Jung Gus love call burst out.

Han Yoo-hyun. Han Yoo-hyun. Han Yoo-hyun.

The MC was startled by the loud voice that shook the surroundings.

Although it was a situation that would make anyone flustered, the factory manager smiled leisurely and handed over the plaque to Yoo-hyun.

Then he showed a performance of hugging Yoo-hyun.

Click. Click.

The camera shutter sounded and the villagers voices got louder.

The more that happened, the more the factory managers mouth corners rose.

Yoo-hyun snorted at his sight.

As expected, there was a political intention behind the factory managers visit.

He had called in the PR team for no reason.

He had made it possible for the villagers to attend.

He had hugged Yoo-hyun in front of everyone on purpose.

He wanted to firmly raise his spoon in Yeontae Group, which was raising its stock price recently.

Hehehe. I feel so good seeing employees who are recognized by the village and do their jobs well. When I first came to this factory

Even though he had handed over all the plaques, he still kept talking cheerfully with the three employees in front of him.

Meanwhile, the camera shutter sound continued and the villagers cheers went on.

The more that happened, the louder his voice got.

At the point when his speech ended appropriately, Yoo-hyun raised his hand abruptly.

Factory manager, can I ask you a question?

What is it? Just say it. Ill listen to anything.

As the villagers eyes were focused on the situation, the factory manager showed an exaggerated gesture.

Yoo-hyun hid his smile and spoke with a serious expression.

At first, you said that the whole reassembly team would come, but it seems like the scale has shrunk.

Really? No way. Manager Jang, what is this?

As the factory manager turned his head, the assembly workshop management manager who was behind him quickly lowered his head.

What? No, no. I think there was a misunderstanding. Right, Chief Ma?

He quickly passed the question to Ma Jong-hyun, the team leader next to him.

Director, as I told you, the accommodation is too small for the staff.

It was at that moment that Lee Young-nam stepped forward from the crowd and answered loudly.

He was the village head, and everyone here knew it since he had appeared in many newspaper articles and promotional videos lately.

Well solve the accommodation problem right away. How can we not do anything when Hansung Electronics is coming?

The factory manager replied immediately.

You should have reported that problem to me first. Send them up no matter what.

Yes. I understand.

As soon as the director answered, the people cheered.


The factory manager managed his expression and approached Lee Young-nam.

Haha. Thanks to you, Mr. Lee, everything was settled smoothly.

-The factory manager is coming to award you personally. Its a golden opportunity to build a rapport with him, so please treat him well. Then hell give more support to the village.

Yoo-hyun had a good reason to say this much.

Lee Young-nam grabbed the factory managers hand with both hands without hesitation and bowed his head.

Its all thanks to you, sir. Thank you sincerely for your care. If you have a chance, Ill show you around the village.

He was so polite that the factory manager had to bow his head too.

Oh, Mr. Lee, please dont do this. Were on the same boat, arent we?

Thats very kind of you to say. The village and the factory are one and the same.

Hehehe. Thats right. Well support you fully.

Click. Click.

In the middle of it, the factory manager and Lee Young-nam smiled broadly and held hands.

And next to them, Yoo-hyun smiled faintly and was captured by the camera.

After the award ceremony.

Jo Ki-jung leaned his back against the wall of the break room and blinked his eyes.

I cant believe this day has come. Ive always been treated like cold rice.

Me too. The company finally praised me.

Kang Jong-ho, who was sitting next to him, showed him the plaque he had touched dozens of times.

Yoo-hyun put down paper cups filled with coffee in front of them and asked.

Are you that happy?

Thank you. Of course. I even got a bonus.

Jo Ki-jung picked up the paper cup and lifted his lips, and Kang Jong-ho chimed in.

Thanks to that, I can change teams and return. I dont know if Ill do well though.

Youll do well, sir. I guarantee it.

What guarantee? I almost messed up again.

No way. This time will be different. Its not for nothing that the audit team praised you.

Yoo-hyun said confidently, and Kang Jong-ho scratched his head awkwardly.

Still, he kept smiling.

It was worth it because he didnt just return, but changed his organization with the recommendation of the audit team.

Kang Jong-ho was going to use his strength in organizing and move to the material management team.

Jo Ki-jung was recognized for his ability to handle electronic products and moved to the development team respectively.

They both found their aptitude late.

They didnt know what would happen in front of people, but at least it was better than before?

Jo Ki-jung leaned his head against the wall and looked at the ceiling.

Its weird that only good days keep coming.

I know. This is all a lie. Someone will shout that.

Kang Jong-ho muttered in the same posture as Yoo-hyun said sharply.

Theres a saying that words become seeds.

Come on. Unless something goes wrong, theres no way that will happen. Its not like lightning will strike out of a clear sky.

Well, I guess so.

Yoo-hyun nodded his head and leaned his head against the wall like two people who were blankly there.

When he thought about it, things really went too well.

He even got an unexpected award from the factory manager.

What would Kwon Sung-hoe, the director, have reacted if he saw this?

He might have collapsed from high blood pressure when he heard that they were doing better after being sent away.

That would be fun.

Yoo-hyun laughed with a ridiculous thought.

It was a pretty funny imagination, but the chances of him knowing this were very low.

The first reason was that he was too proud to care about this rural matter.

The second reason was that he would have blocked them from getting any rewards if he knew.

It was reasonable to think that he had lost interest now.

He felt sorry at that moment.

Crash bang bang.

It was a clear sky when a sudden thunderbolt struck.


Then, a heavy rain started to pour.

What? Why is this happening?

Jo Ki-jung looked out the window with a dumbfounded expression.

Kang Jong-ho covered his mouth with his palm.

Wow. Is this really the case of words becoming seeds?

No way.

Yoo-hyun shook his head.

The rain continued until the next day, even though it was not the rainy season.

Trucks and vans broke through the fierce raindrops and lined up to enter.


They parked in front of the Yeontae factory, and the workers from the Mokpo reassembly team got out.

Those who had umbrellas started to move the luggage that was loaded on the truck trunks.

They had put up tents on the trunks, but some of the luggage got wet from the leaking rainwater.

Irritated voices burst out from everywhere.

The most venomous one was Ma Jong-hyun, the team leader who had just gotten off the trucks passenger seat.

He had opened his umbrella wrong, and his already sparse hair got soaked.

Damn. Im so pissed off by this rain. Where is everyone?

The Yeontae factory had become a dedicated reassembly plant.

He was the team leader here, so the team members should have come to greet him.

But what the hell?

He had honked the truck horn loudly, but not even an ant was in sight.

Ma Jong-hyun stormed into the factory with a swagger.


As he entered the break room, he saw Yoo-hyun sitting on the floor and answering a phone call.

You bastard.

He was about to roar, but Yoo-hyun stretched out his palm and stole his timing.

Then he put his index finger on his mouth and shook his head while holding his phone.

Suddenly, Ma Jong-hyun flinched at the mood killer.

As he was about to rush in again, Yoo-hyun opened his mouth with his phone in his hand.

They sent an audit team along with you for the last magazine shoot.

-Why would I care about that?

Well, I thought they wouldnt do that unless they had nothing else to do. They wouldnt have enough leeway to give me a reward and send an audit team.


A brief pause conveyed his irritation.

He didnt have to say how much he had been scolded by the higher-ups.

Why did he call him out of the blue?

Yoo-hyun scratched his inner thoughts and tried to dig up his intentions.

I was just wondering.

-Dont delude yourself that you can return just because you got a reward.

Of course not. Im planning to stay here.

-Dont bluff. Who do you think doesnt know your mind? Ill make sure you never dream of coming up.

Finally, Kwon Sung-hae, the director, spat out the anger he had been holding back.

At the same time, he revealed the card he should have hidden.

He wanted to nail Yoo-hyun down in Yeontae-ri with all his might.

He couldnt afford to take risks since he had received a reward from the audit team.

What was the best way for him to get both justification and benefit?

Yoo-hyun quickly racked his brain and made a preemptive move.

"Whats your gift for me this time? Are you thinking of sending a large-scale audit using the audit teams evaluation as an excuse?


As expected, it was as he guessed.

He confirmed what he had suspected from the momentary silence and went further.

If he couldnt defend everything, it was best to limit the range of attack.

Please hurry up if youre going to give me something. You must be busy with work.

-Will you be able to laugh after being stuck there forever?

Of course. I have to laugh when you care so much for me. Thank you always.

-Lets see about that.

Yes. Come visit sometime. Its very nice here


Kwon Sung-hae hung up before Yoo-hyun finished his sentence.

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