Chapter 381:

You sound like a senior, dont you?

I may not be good at work here, but I can talk a bit.

Yoo-hyun joked without backing down, and Director Yeon Jin-seop laughed heartily.

Hahaha. Thats right. Thanks to you, I had a very impressive tour of the factory. And Ill definitely review what you said.

Thank you.

Click. Click.

Kim Young-tae, the manager who was shaking his shoulders with him, asked.

Director, can I write that in the company magazine?

Sure. Its not a big deal. And write this too. Today, Yeontae factory got the highest audit score ever.

Oh. Thats refreshing.

Kim Young-tae exclaimed, and the magazine writer quickly recorded the content in his notebook.

Yoo-hyun greeted him as the representative.

Thank you for your kind attention. I learned a lot from you.

Youre not only good at talking, but also good at flattering. Haha.

Director Yeon Jin-seop smiled pleasantly.

After the audit was over, the audit team left right away.

Then, the interviews of the workers on the platform continued.

When asked what he did during work hours, Jo Ki-jung spoke without even moistening his lips.

When I finish my work early, I think about how to do the next job first.

Kang Jong-ho, who lost his words and looked at him, added more.

The material warehouse is not easy to organize, so sometimes I come on weekends to sort it out. Thats how I can help the factory.

Yoo-hyun held back his laughter and continued to answer.

Yoo-hyun couldnt tell the truth.

I have a lot of shortcomings, so I learn a lot from my seniors. Especially from Park Cheol-hong, the former manager who was here before.

Is he the manager you mentioned during the audit? What did you learn from him?

Yes. He was very meticulous in writing his work diary, so I learned that part the most. Im still writing it now.

I see.

The magazine writer nodded and recorded the content.

It was a plain and ordinary interview, but it could be enough to attract attention with some adaptation.

The situation of Yeontae factory itself was very special.

Maybe they would appear as three excellent employees in the magazine?

The magazine shooting ended when the food truck of love returned from the village.

They didnt know what happened in the village, but the people who came back looked very encouraged.

Kim Ok-kyung, who praised the changed village, asked Yoo-hyun.

But Han Daeri, what kind of magic did you do in this village? How come everyone says that the village has changed thanks to you?

Thats right.

Yoo-hyun didnt know either.

Soon after, they said goodbye and the cars that filled the front of the vacant lot left.

Then, the vacant lot became empty and quiet.

Jo Ki-jung took a sip of beer on the platform and exhaled his held breath.

Ha. I feel like I can live now.

Thats right. I was so nervous earlier that I thought my stomach was burning.

Kang Jong-ho shivered as if he was still dizzy and Yoo-hyun chuckled.

You did well in the interview earlier, what did you say?

Dont even ask. I dont even remember what I said.

He had no reason to remember.

It was all made up stories.

Jo Ki-jung said bluntly to Yoo-hyun who was laughing quietly.

Han Juim, thank you.


Because you mentioned Park Cheol-hong manager earlier. I felt sorry for him.

Me too. I felt sorry for getting praised only by us.

Kang Jong-ho also nodded along.

Do well when hes there.

Yoo-hyun didnt spit out what came out of his mouth.

Instead, he smiled and emphasized camaraderie.

Why are you like this? Its natural since we suffered together.

Doesnt seem like Han Juim is like that?

Jo Ki-jung tilted his head and Yoo-hyun immediately handed him a beer can.

What does that matter? Come on, cheers.

The cans of three people who exchanged smiles clashed.

As with any other publication, the company newsletter had to be edited and reviewed before being distributed to the employees on a regular basis.

That meant it would take some time to see the final product.

But Yoo-hyun, oddly enough, got to hear some of the content from his fellow trainees who joined the company at the same time.

Oh Min-jae, who worked at the Busan factory as part of the home appliance division, asked Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun, why are you in the company newsletter?

How did you know that? It hasnt been published yet.

My senior is in the PR team. He mentioned your name when we met last time. He remembered it and called me.

Yoo-hyun chuckled at the excited voice of Oh Min-jae through his earphones.

Why are you talking about me?

Anyway. The newsletter is a special feature on your factory this time, right? The draft pages are over 15.

Yeah. They wrote a lot.

It was his first photo shoot with the audit team, and the social contribution team also joined in, so there was a lot of content.

He sent me a picture of you. You look really good.

Im doing well. In a good place.

I see. I didnt know Yeontae factory was that good. It had a bad reputation. I saw it in a new light.

Haha. Then come over here.

No matter how good the village and the factory were, no one would willingly want to come to this remote place.

Oh Min-jae changed the subject as he felt awkward.

Huh? Oh, and it seems like your factory is getting an award too?

An award?

Yeah. The audit team recommended it strongly. They must be planning to put it in the newsletter too. Congratulations in advance.

Thats awesome. Thanks anyway.

Oh Min-jae seemed more pleased for a moment as they were in the same division.

Thanks to him, Yoo-hyun had a long conversation before he could end the call.

Yoo-hyun snickered as he looked at his phone that hung up.

This is something. I wonder if I deserve an award.

He felt a little guilty as he had too much fun.

The news of the award soon reached the factory.

At that moment, when the Yeontae factory workers were surprised.

There was someone who was shocked by the same news at the Gangwon branch far away.

An award?

Park Cheolhong blinked his eyes at the managers words.

He had returned to the Gangwon branch after losing his team leader badge, and he was in a position where he had to watch his juniors who became his superiors.

So he couldnt help but be more surprised by the sudden news of the award.

Thats right. Its an award for managing Yeontae factory well.

Where did you hear that?

Where else? It came from the audit teams recommendation. The factory manager will give you the award himself.

The factory manager?

Park Cheolhong team leader was so stunned that he couldnt understand what the manager was saying.

Thats right. I didnt know you had such talent.

What kind of

You were so meticulous and principled? I heard you even ran all the conveyor belts that werent being used. Youll be a team leader again soon. And

The managers words went on for a while before he understood them little by little.

There was only one person who could create this situation.

Han Jooim.

That name lingered in Park Cheolhongs mouth for a long time.

The award was not the end.

A few days later.

Ring ring ring.

When the phone rang in the break room, Jo Gijeong and Kang Jong-ho leaned back.

It was obvious that it was a troublesome call.

This was when the youngest had to do his job.

Yoo-hyun picked up the phone and a rough voice came out.

How dare you send our entire team to Yeontae factory?

After Mindaegi team leader called him a while ago, this time it was Majonghyeon team leader.

What are you talking about?

Geez. What did you say to the audit team?

Majonghyeon team leader couldnt calm down at Yoo-hyuns pretending question.

He was very quiet until recently, but now he showed a different side.

It was good that he had energy, but it was troublesome if he crossed the line.

Yoo-hyun silenced him with one word.

By the way, I forgot to tell the audit team that Mokpo factory hasnt sent any team leader-level staff for a long time. Should I do it now?

Then he scratched Majonghyeon team leader as if he didnt know.

Oh, never mind then. The team leader will be here soon anyway.

-Lets go see.

A voice filled with suppressed anger echoed along with the sound of a door slamming.

Yoo-hyun answered with a smile on his face.

Yes. Ill be ready and waiting.


The phone was abruptly hung up, and the two people who heard the conversation stuck out their tongues.

Han, are you crazy?

Well, what can I do? Hes the kind of person who gets angry no matter what.

Yoo-hyun smiled at the two dumbfounded people.

The audit team had decided to merge the reassembly teams.

As he learned from the call with team leader Ma Jong Hyun, it was in the form of being integrated into the Yeontae factory.

This was decided quickly after a thorough audit of the Mokpo reassembly team.

There was no disagreement because the environment difference between the Yeontae and Mokpo factories was too big.

The newly opened road also contributed to this fast decision.

Now, at least there would be no problem of not being able to move goods because of traffic jams.

Lee Young Nam ran over as soon as he heard the news.

Yoo-hyun, who had received a call in advance, greeted him at the empty lot in front of the factory.

Han, is that true? That 30 people are coming here?

Well, thats what they decided for now. Ill have to see the final document to know for sure.

It was a matter of moving the whole organization.

It would take quite some time to check various factors such as accommodation, placement, logistics, etc.

And it wouldnt be easy to coordinate the opinions of the team members either.

Wouldnt it take more than a month to move?

Haha. Anyway, isnt it good that the factory is growing? Of course, Hansung Electronics will support us more.

Of course. As the reassembly team comes in as a whole, well put more effort into this place.

As soon as Yoo-hyun answered, Lee Young Nam grabbed his hand.

His expression was full of emotion, just like when the big road was decided to be opened.

He could tell what he was going to say, so Yoo-hyun took the initiative.

Sir, its thanks to these two seniors here that the audit team could make a quick decision.

Huh, really?

As Yoo-hyun turned the spotlight on them, Jo Ki Jung and Kang Jong-ho came up awkwardly from behind.

They would have backed off in this situation before, but they seemed to have gained some confidence as things went well.

Jo Ki Jung greeted him first, and Kang Jong-ho also bowed his head.

Its thanks to your support, sir.

Thats right. You gave us strength by taking care of us in the village.

Did they even know how to say such humble words?

Lee Young Nams forehead wrinkled as he didnt expect this reaction.

You guys

He stopped mid-sentence and quickly lowered his head before getting up from his seat.

Then he left a cryptic remark and turned away.

No way. I cant just let this go. Well, I got it. You worked hard.

Then he left a cryptic remark and turned away.

Sir. Please go ahead.

He didnt even look back at Yoo-hyuns farewell and just raised his hand.

He seemed to be in a hurry for some reason.

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