Chapter 377:

Chapter 377


The rolling ball stopped at someones feet.

Yoo-hyun followed the ball with his eyes and saw a pair of neat womens shoes.

He could tell that she was a foreigner, so he raised his head and greeted her politely.

Im sorry

Black shoes on black tights.

A mustard-colored long coat and a thin silver watch on her wrist.

A scarf over a purple turtleneck shirt.

She looked familiar from her posture and handbag, so Yoo-hyun paused.


A familiar voice pierced through the winter wind.

Yoo-hyun got up and smiled brightly.

Its been a while.

From Seoul, to San Francisco, to Yeontae-ri now.

The two met again and exchanged a brief glance.


The wind blew and their hair fluttered.

It was like a scene from a movie for a brief moment.

Until a clueless kid broke the silence.

Bro. Pass, pass.

Just a second.

Yoo-hyun took the ball from Jeong Dahyes feet and kicked it far into the woods.

He felt a heavy thud on his back. He hit it right this time.

Ah, bro. Why did you kick it so far?

Minsu, I have something to do, so I have to go back. Bye.

Yoo-hyun waved his hand to Jeong Minsu and turned to look at Jeong Dahye.

He was mumbling to himself, trying to think of an excuse for why he was here, so Yoo-hyun took the initiative.

You came to look around the village, right?

Huh? Oh, yes. Thats right.

Im going in the same direction as you.

Yoo-hyun stretched his arm in the direction that Jeong Dahye was walking, and she tilted her head.

Right. But you were going the opposite way

What are you doing? Hurry up.

Yoo-hyun walked ahead and gestured cheekily.

Jeong Dahye followed him hesitantly.

It was hard to refuse since he was going in the same direction as her.

Trudge trudge.

Yoo-hyun slowed down his pace and matched his steps with Jeong Dahyes.

An awkward silence swept between them for a moment.

The first one to open her mouth was Jeong Dahye.

Im traveling around various domestic tourist spots because of my current job. I stopped by Yeosu and heard that this village is getting attention these days

I see.

Yoo-hyun listened to her words and smiled faintly.

She looked very innocent and cute as she rattled off her excuses.

Jeong Dahye didnt like his attitude and pouted her lips.

Do you not believe me?

Of course I do. Youre the one who got a major project.

It feels like youre mocking me.

No way. You misunderstood. I really think youre amazing.

How many people in Korea could cross over to America with blood and sweat, and build such an impressive career at a young age?

Yoo-hyun sincerely thought that Jeong Dahye was amazing.

She felt his sincerity and softened her voice.

I was lucky. I worked for a good company, and I was the only Korean there at the time.

Luck is also a skill, they say.

Yes. So Im trying to seize this opportunity that I got lucky with.

He gave her a meaningful answer.

He hoped that her wish that didnt come true in the past would come true this time.

Thats awesome. It will definitely work out.

Jeong Dahye turned her head awkwardly.

Why did he keep saying unnecessary things when he was next to her?

She felt like she only talked about herself, so she asked him something she was curious about.

By the way, why are you here?

-He only went on a temporary assignment. He wasnt demoted or anything like that. He was famous for being good at his job.

Jeong Dahye guessed the reason why he came here through her cousin Jeong Dabin.

She should have felt depressed by the loss, but Yuhyeon looked too happy on TV.

Her curiosity led her to this place.


Yuhyeon was about to answer when it happened.


Jeong Dahye turned her head at the presence she felt in the woods.

She saw a head peeking out from behind a big tree.

She smirked when she realized the reason for the gaze she had felt earlier.

The villagers seem to be very interested in you, Mr. Yuhyeon.

Maybe its because a beauty came with me.

Youre still good at making silly jokes.

Thank you for recognizing my talent.

Jeong Dahye shook her head at Yuhyeons playful tone.

Why do you seem to get more cheeky as time goes by?

I appreciate your excessive attention.


In the end, Jeong Dahye lowered her head as if she had lost.

Then she realized that they had walked quite a lot and opened her mouth.

Where are you going?

Im going to the fishing spot too.


You said you came here to look around the village. Then its natural that you should see the fishing spot that we developed as a tourist attraction. It would be meaningless to come here without seeing it.

Jeong Dahye closed her mouth tightly.

She felt like she was being nagged.

He smiled brightly at her.

-Ive never fished before. I dont understand why people waste their time fishing. Do you understand, boss?

In the past, Jeong Dahye refused his offer to go fishing together with an excuse.

What did she say then?

She couldnt remember exactly, but she seemed to have answered something like why would he waste his time doing such a stupid thing.

Thats why he wanted to fish with her when she came.

Fortunately, this place was enough for that.

At that moment.

The restaurant owner who was hiding in the woods scolded Mun Jeonggu who was following her.

Jeonggu, be quiet. You almost blew our cover.

Auntie, its not me, its you who stuck your head out too much.

Behind them, Shim Hyunji held up a camera.


Its like a pictorial. No wonder he didnt pay attention to me when he had such a beautiful girlfriend.

Mun Jeonggu glared at Shim Hyunji who was talking to herself.

Sister, this man Mun Jeonggu is for you

The restaurant owner slapped Mun Jeonggus back who was about to continue.

Now is not the time. We have to go to the fishing spot. Call Mr. Bae right away.

Okay. But what should I say?

Mun Jeonggu blinked his eyes and the restaurant owner pounded her chest in frustration.

You have to help him with fishing. I cant do it. Hyunji, you help Jeonggu set up what we need for the fishing spot. Ill put a boiler in the lodging and go to the fishing spot.

Lodging? They look like they havent even held hands yet, what are you talking about?

Sigh. Thats why kids cant do anything. You have to help them get there. Hurry up and get ready.

She left those words and walked quickly through the woods.

The sun set quickly because it was winter.

The reservoir below the stairs was dyed red by the sunset.

The bright street lights shining around and the dark mountains made a strange contrast.

Trudge trudge.

The fishing spot next to the reservoir came into Jeong Dahyes eyes as she walked down the stairs.

A wooden house with a fishing spot sign, and a wooden board stretching over the water.

A flat surface next to the reservoir and people sitting sparsely on the waters edge.

And a tent pitched in a perfect spot.

The scenery looked very picturesque.


Jeong Dahye asked with a curious mind.

Theres a tent in winter. They must be fishing maniacs.

I guess so. They must be amazing.

Yoo-hyun walked away with a snicker, and Jeong Dahye followed him with a puzzled look.

She was shocked to see him enter the tent.

Is this yours, Yoo-hyun?

Yes, it is. Just a moment.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he looked inside the tent.

He was planning to get some lights and a heater, but they were already set up neatly.

There was even a thermos that the restaurant lady used to bring warm coffee from time to time.

They were really thoughtful people.


Yoo-hyun took out a box that he had piled up in the corner.

What is this?

You cant go fishing with your shoes on. These are new, so you can wear them.

They were fur boots that Iyeongnam had given him to use for fishing.

Jeong Dahye asked with a dumbfounded expression.

Im not going to fish. Ive never done it before.

Dont worry. Everything is ready, so you just have to cast the rod.



Yoo-hyun turned on the light next to the tent, and the scenery in front of the reservoir came into view.

There were already two fishing rods and two chairs placed in front of them.

You havent tried it, so you should try it more. You dont get this chance often.

Are you afraid that you cant do it?

Yoo-hyun smiled and pushed his shoes forward.

Jeong Dahye took the shoes and shook her head.

Of course not.

Then she showed her usual competitive spirit.

She was still the same as when she was young.

Yoo-hyun smiled at her.


Use this too.

A blanket was placed on Jeong Dahyes knees as she sat on the fishing chair.

Thank you.

Dont mention it.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders and sat on the chair.

Between them was a bonfire, and in their hands were warm coffee cups.

The strong coffee that he had brewed himself had a faint aroma.

She took a sip of the coffee and picked up the fishing rod.

Ill put the bait on for you.

No, just tell me how. I can do it.

You have to put a worm on it. Are you sure youre okay with that?


Jeong Dahye answered confidently and opened the container that Yoo-hyun had handed her.

There were worms that had stiffened in the winter packed inside.

She glanced at Yoo-hyun and closed her eyes as she grabbed a worm.

She was wearing gloves that Yoo-hyun had given her, but she couldnt help feeling slimy at her fingertips.

Suddenly, her hand slipped and the bait container fell.

Oh my.

Jeong Dahye reached out to catch the falling bait container.

But Yoo-hyuns hand was faster.

As a result, her two hands wrapped around Yoo-hyuns one hand that held the bait container.

Im, Im sorry.

Jeong Dahye pulled her hand away in surprise.

Yoo-hyun smiled and hooked the worm for her.

Dont be sorry. Ill do it for you.

She turned her head as she watched Yoo-hyun pull the fishing line.

She couldnt bear to look at him because he kept bothering her.

She wanted to get out of this situation somehow and tried to do something.

I just have to throw the rod, right?

Yes. Give it a try.


The float flew awkwardly and landed right in front of her.

She had to throw it several times before she could send the float far enough.

After that, Jeong Dahye was very diligent.

She said she didnt want to do it at first, but soon she was changing the bait herself.

It was because Yoo-hyun was fishing well without any bait next to her.

The more she did, the more she lit up her eyes and tried to catch a fish.

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