Chapter 364:

Chapter 364

While Yoo-hyun was worrying about something trivial, the world kept moving on.

Yoo-hyun sat on a bench in front of the factory site and received a phone call. He felt how fast time had flown by.

He heard the voice of Ijangwoo, who sounded tense, from the other end of the line.

-Senior, please watch the match today.

Sure. Ive been waiting for it. Of course Ill watch it.

-Thank you.

He had missed the fact that the match day was already here, but he didnt need to tell him that.

Instead, Yoo-hyun encouraged him more.

You dont need to be nervous at all. Just do what youve been doing and youll do well.

-Thank you. I wont forget your teachings, and Ill win todays match for sure.

Yoo-hyun could feel his determination from his voice.

It was quite different from when he called him a while ago, when he was shaking with nervousness.

He was overdoing it as usual, but Yoo-hyun knew that was his style, so he deliberately pushed him further.

Yeah. Win for sure. Win and let me see your big smile.

-Yes, sir. Please look forward to it.

Good luck, Jangwoo.

Yoo-hyun hung up the phone with a good feeling after hearing his strong voice.

It was lunchtime, but Yoo-hyun went inside the factory.

Usually, people were stuck somewhere during work hours, but now they were all inside the factory.

They were not just standing there, but they were lined up in front of the conveyor belt with some distance between them.

It was when Yoo-hyun took his place at the left corner.

Park Chulhong, the team leader who had finished the maintenance, said.

Ill turn on the power.

Yes. The computer is ready.

As Kang Jongho nodded his head, the conveyor belt started moving.

A TV that they had received as a reassembled defective product yesterday and deliberately left unworked popped out from the belt.

Park Chulhong, who was at the far right, received the first defective product.

The first step was visual inspection and defect confirmation.

The detailed steps were displayed on the monitor that was newly installed on the line.

The data was made by Kang Jongho himself. It was crude, but there was no problem in checking it.

TV power is okay, screen output part is abnormal.

Park Chulhong, who followed the steps, checked the abnormal part and clicked on the expected defect item with his mouse.


Then the conveyor belt turned and the defect item appeared on another monitor installed at Kang Jonghos position.

At the same time, a list of actions for it came out one after another.

Kang Jongho, who was in charge of the second step of disassembly and precise inspection, moved his hands quickly and disassembled it.

Meanwhile, Park Chulhong received the next TV and proceeded with the first step again.

They chose to divide the work for efficiency.

They did it this way because there were many people, but the line was configured so that they could combine steps if there were few people.

Soon after finishing the precise inspection, Kang Jongho took care of the parts and moved on to the next step.


The conveyor belt turned again and the disassembled TV went to Joki Jung next to him.

Joki Jung said to Yoo-hyun who was standing blankly.

Han team leader, watch carefully. Ill do it slowly on purpose.

Yes. I can do it too.

No. I want to check it myself.

Yoo-hyun didnt stop him since he insisted on doing it.

Joki Jung took the parts from Kang Jongho and performed the third step of action and assembly himself.

He could do it with his eyes closed, but he deliberately followed the detailed steps that appeared on the monitor.

Yoo-hyun admired their actions inwardly.

It wasnt because they had achieved amazing results in a short time.

To be honest, this level was hardly automation.

It was still a job that people had to do after all.

But what surprised him was that people who used to work roughly with experience followed their own steps to do their work.

Even if the manual was well written, people tended to do their work as they pleased out of habit, but these people were different.

They systematized their manual so that anyone could easily follow it.

This kind of achievement could be published in external textbooks as well.


The conveyor belt turned again and the reassembled TV came in front of Yoo-hyun

Yoo-hyun was in charge of the fourth step of verification

There wasnt much to do

He connected the power supply connected to the line to the TV and inserted the test board into the coaxial cable part.


The screen came back to normal.

Yoo-hyun moved the mouse button and clicked on the final confirmation box.

On the screen, a tiny assembly completed 1 unit sign appeared.

Clap clap clap clap clap.

As Yoo-hyun clapped his hands, Jo Ki-jeong shook his head.

Its not time to celebrate yet. There are many things to fix.

I agree. I thought it would be easy to see when I made the data, but its not.

Kang Jong-ho agreed, and Park Chul-hong, the team leader, chimed in.

It would be better to make the workspace a bit wider, right? Its uncomfortable to do it continuously because the TV size is big.

They said that, but they all looked quite amused.

Anyway, they used a conveyor belt and checked the operation of three computers and monitors connected to the line, and also checked the information transfer between each computer.

It was a work of turning on an unused factory line and collecting all the unused parts.

It was never easy.

What if it was another factory?

It would have been impossible for a factory with dozens or hundreds of workers to tear everything apart and fix it like this.

It was questionable whether they could do it even if they paid a lot of money to external experts.

Ironically, it was the workers of Yeontae-ri who were notorious for being bad at their jobs who did this.

And they enjoyed it.

Chiiing. Chiiing.

The conveyor belt moved faster as it turned.

After repeating it a few more times, 14 TV reassemblies were finished.

It took less than three hours to finish everything.

Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up.

Youre amazing. At this rate, even if one or two people are missing, it will be faster than before.

Ha ha. One supervisor was already gone.

Thats true.

Yoo-hyun shrugged his shoulders at Jo Ki-jeongs words.

It wasnt wrong, because Yoo-hyun hadnt done much assembly since he came here.

No, he didnt have the skills to do it.

Fortunately, they did everything without Yoo-hyun having to do anything.

Kang Jong-ho glanced at Yoo-hyun and said bluntly.

Since one supervisor is resting, go to the hardware store and buy some parts. Ill write them down for you.

He rarely asked him to do anything, but he suggested it to Yoo-hyun for the first time in a long time.

Yoo-hyun had to do that much, of course, but the timing was awkward.

Cant I go after resting a little? Ill buy them in the evening.

Why? Dont you like this either?

No, its not that. A friend of mine is having a match soon.

He was not someone who wouldnt understand, so Yoo-hyun told him honestly.

But Kang Jong-ho showed his disappointment.

You should at least do this much. Honestly, I didnt ask you anything from one supervisor.

One supervisor went once. Its quick if you ride a bike.

Park Chul-hong, the team leader, also backed up Kang Jong-ho this time.

Apart from the rationality of the work, Yoo-hyun understood Kang Jong-hos feelings well enough.

It was right to step back when it came to this point.

Okay. Ill be back soon.

Yoo-hyun smiled and nodded his head.

As soon as he went outside, Yoo-hyun checked the time.

20 minutes left.

By then, Lee Jang-woo, his junior in the gymnasium, would start his match.

He couldnt just pass it by because he got a call from Lee Jang-woo himself asking him to watch it.

It seemed like he had enough time if he included the commercial time.

Yoo-hyun jumped on his bike and pedaled fast.

He arrived at the hardware store and quickly bought the parts.

A 5mm hex wrench and a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, and

He had been there several times before, so he had no problem finding the items.

However, since the parts were scattered around, it took time to take them out one by one.

The hardware store owner did the calculation himself.

Where did Jeong-gu go? Supervisor Han, do you know?

No. I dont know.

He was definitely here a while ago.

He was sorry that his son suddenly disappeared, but Yoo-hyun didnt have time to worry about him.

Yoo-hyun paid quickly and ran out.

5 minutes left.

He might be a little late, but he thought he could watch the game enough.


It was when Yoo-hyun opened the door and came out.

His bicycle, which should have been there, was gone.

Instead, there was a burly man with short hair in its place.

It was Moon Jung-gu, the son of the hardware store owner.

He waved his hand at Yoo-hyun and said,

Hey, bro.

Did you take my bike?

Yoo-hyun knew he was younger, but he asked politely.

But the answer he got was absurd.

Yeah. I have it. If you want it back, follow me.

He turned his head sharply and walked away, flapping his white shirt.

On both sides of him, men who looked like his gang followed him.

They all had large Chinese characters on the back of their matching white shirts.

They looked like a line of thugs that would only appear in comics.

He couldnt help but laugh at the ridiculous situation.

The men glared at him.

Is he crazy?

Yoo-hyun heard a rough voice in his ear and checked his watch.

He followed them for now.

He needed his bike badly.

The place where Moon Jung-gu went was a deserted lot behind the hardware store.

There was a half-built two-story building that looked hideous, and the ground around it was not paved, so it was all mud.

There, Moon Jung-gu and his four gang members stood in a wide line across the lot.

Moon Jung-gu was in the middle, and behind him was Yoo-hyuns yellow bike.

It had mud all over its wheels from rolling around several times.

That was why he felt slightly annoyed from the start.


Yoo-hyun put down his paper bag full of parts on the cement road on the lot and loosened his hands lightly.

Im running out of time for my junior match. Come at me all at once.

Then Moon Jung-gu held out his palm and shouted loudly.

It was a line that would only come out in a cheap gangster movie.

Wait. You seem to be mistaken. This is a one-on-one fight between you and me. These guys are just witnesses of todays outcome.

Sigh. Then just come on.

Yoo-hyun sighed, and he held out his palm again.

The guy who came to fight had a very long tongue.

Wait. Dont you want to know why youre getting hit?

Just do it.

Yoo-hyun checked his watch again.

The match had already started.

The reason why youre getting hit is, first of all, our Hyun-ji sisters

I dont have time.


Yoo-hyun started running as he was pressed for time.

Then he jumped up right away.

Huh. What, what is that?


Moon Jung-gu raised his guard, but it was not enough to block Yoo-hyuns flying kick.

The moment Yoo-hyuns foot hit Moon Jung-gus chest, he rolled on the mud floor.

He rolled over and over several times, covering his whole body with mud.


Yoo-hyun shook his hands and grabbed his bike right away, warning the remaining men.

If you waste any more time, youll all die.

Was it because of Yoo-hyuns fierce eyes?

They all looked frozen stiff.

Yoo-hyun got out of the mud and hung his paper bag on the right handlebar and stepped on the pedal.

Moon Jung-gu, who was still lying on the mud floor, reached out his hand and said,

Its not over yet Cough. Cough cough.

He looked very pitiful.

But Yoo-hyun didnt care and stepped on the pedal.

It was when Yoo-hyun came back on his bike.

Jo Ki-jung, who was sitting in the break room, asked Kang Jong-ho,

What is this junior match that Han Joo-im is talking about? The TV is only showing MMA right now?

Do you think its MMA? Its just a figure of speech.

Kang Jong-ho said calmly and looked at the TV screen.

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