Chapter 360:

Chapter 360

When he drank with his friends without any worries.

When Park Seung-woo, his junior, received an award on the stage and called his name.

When he saw his colleagues grow up splendidly.

When he was with his mothers happy smile.

When he tasted the thrilling sensation of victory in martial arts.

When he poured out his skills in front of Steve Jobs.

When he had coffee with Jeong Da-hye.

He felt the same as when he enjoyed those moments fully with joy.


Yoo-hyun put his hand on his chest that was tingling.

When he pretended to be relaxed at work,

Or when he emptied his mind while fishing.

He could never feel the palpitation that he felt in his chest at those times when he tried and worked hard consciously.

So thats it.

Yoo-hyun felt like he had found a little answer to his worries.

-Lets enjoy this moment as it is.

That realization made Yoo-hyun more free.

Then, Jeon Il-ho, who was riding on the cart, called Yoo-hyun.

Pro. Come on. Lets go to the next course.


Yoo-hyun smiled pleasantly and ran.

After finishing all 18 holes, Yoo-hyun sweated in the bathhouse attached to the entrance building.

It was when Yoo-hyun got up from the hot water.

Jeon Il-ho, who had been praising Yoo-hyuns body all along, exclaimed unknowingly.

Wow. Pro is


No, no. I have some pride too.

He then went into the deep water quickly.

It was a matter of time before they became close after playing golf and taking a bath together.

The subtle sense of competition that they felt at first was gone now.

Choi Jeong-bok, who got on the car and grabbed the steering wheel, said.

Today was so much fun.

Yeah. The members were so good.

Nam Hee-woong smiled happily at Jeon Il-hos words.

Haha. Lets do it again next time.

Well, Id love to do it every day if Pro allows me?

Jeon Il-ho turned his head to the back seat and raised his eyebrows at Yoo-hyun.

Puhahaha. Thats right. Lets go for a cool one.


Then everyone laughed loudly, including Jeon Il-ho.

They all looked like they were enjoying this moment very much.

The good atmosphere continued at the raw fish restaurant.

Jeon Il-ho and Choi Jeong-bok, who lost the bet, prepared a huge feast for them.

Clang. Clang.

The raw fish that they ate while listening to the sound of waves was so delicious.

Yoo-hyun picked up a thick piece of raw fish and admired it.

Wow, awesome. This is really delicious.

How is it? Pro, do you think youll come again?

Not just next time? Ill go anytime if you call me.

Yoo-hyun said coolly, and Jeon Il-ho shrugged his shoulders.

Hahaha. This guy. But I dont like being called boss. It makes me look old.

I dont like being called Pro either.

Choi Jeong-bok came up with a perfect compromise for Yoo-hyuns answer.

Why dont you just call each other brother? Honestly, if we go by skill, Pro is older than me.

Then Jeon Il-ho asked Yoo-hyun for agreement.

Puhahaha. Thats good. How about it, Pro? Can I call you brother?

Nam Hee-woong and Choi Jeong-bok also joined in subtly.

Im the same age as you, so why not?

Im the youngest among us three, so I guess its possible for me?

Yoo-hyun chuckled at the eyes directed at him.

This place was not a company.

It was more like a friendly atmosphere with people who shared the same hobby rather than colleagues.

Yoo-hyun acted as he pleased without caring about others eyes or measuring himself in this pleasant atmosphere.

Come on, brothers, lets have a drink together.

Sounds good, little brother.

Clank. Clank. Clank.

The four glasses of the spirited men collided pleasantly.

Yoo-hyun swallowed his drink, feeling the cool sea breeze.


The taste of the liquor was superb as he drank it with the sea breeze.

It was nice to experience this kind of life.

The trivial things brought him great joy.

Going to the golf course was a good opportunity.

After that day, Yoo-hyun did not just spend his days in a daze.

He did not work hard on anything, but he tried to enjoy the moment more.

Working at the factory, resting at the dormitory, mingling with the villagers.

Fishing or playing golf.

Or lying on the factory floor like this.

His daily life, which was not much different from before, felt gradually different.

The present moment, which he might never return to, seemed more special.

That change made a smile appear on Yoo-hyuns lips.


Park Chul-hong, who sat next to him on the floor, asked.

Why are you smiling like that?

Just because Im happy.

Thats lame.

Yoo-hyun got up from his seat and shrugged his shoulders. Park Chul-hong put something down on the floor with a thud.

Huh? Whats this?

What do you mean, its bread.

Wow. Maple bread? It looks expensive.

Just. I bought it on my way back from my hometown. I thought it would be good to eat.

Ill enjoy it.

Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up and Park Chul-hong, who was scratching his head, awkwardly changed the subject.

Nothing happened while I was away, right?

Yes. The Mokpo staff are quiet. No phone calls.

Geez, thats amazing. This time when I went on vacation, they just told me to go and do whatever I want, and they even said I could use the corporate card if I wanted to.

Whats so strange about that? Just do as they say.

Thats true, but its too different from before.

Park Chul-hong still looked uncomfortable.

It was understandable that he felt strange when the practices he had taken for granted for a year and a half disappeared in an instant.

He might think he was getting something for nothing.

Yoo-hyun suppressed his laughter and said.

But you seem happy about it, right? Youve been smiling since earlier.

Did I? Well, this is what I mean, its nice.

Park Chul-hong, who had been rubbing his hands together, smiled faintly.


Then Jo Ki-jeong, who had gone out for a while, came back with Kang Jong-ho.

He parked his car behind the factory and came over to Yoo-hyun and said.

Thank you, Han Joo-im. Is it done?

What are you talking about?

Yoo-hyun asked in disbelief and Kang Jong-ho added an explanation.

Its a message from the owner of the cell phone shop in Yeonseung-ri.

Oh, Jeong-bok hyung went to his shop?

Theres nowhere else around here. I didnt know, but it was really cheap.

Jo Joo-im, you should say it right. Its thanks to Han Joo-im that you bought it cheaply.

It made sense when he heard it.

Choi Jeong-bok, who had become acquainted through golf, had treated Yoo-hyuns colleague very generously.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and Jo Ki-jeong said with an embarrassed expression.

Ahem. Yeah. Thats true. I looked all over Mokpo city and there was no price like this.

Jo Joo-im, dont be like that and show me once.

Kang Jong-ho poked his side and Jo Ki-jeong, who sat on the floor, reluctantly handed over his cell phone.

It was a pink full-touch phone that Yoo-hyun was quite familiar with.

Its nothing special, really. Here.

He said casually but his mouth kept curling up.

He fiddled with his phone and said.

This is the new Colorphone 2. Unlike the previous one, it shows web sites in full browsing mode like a PC so you can easily access the internet

As an electronics enthusiast, he explained with technical terms.

He reminded Yoo-hyun of how passionate he was when he first installed CCTV.

However, because his explanation was too long, Team Leader Park Chul-hong left his seat for a while, and Yoo-hyun ate the maple bread he had left behind.

He also peeled off pieces and fed them to Jo Ki-jungs mouth.

Especially the LCD panels have changed a lot. Oh, thank you.

Kang Jong-ho, who received the maple bread as well, joined in.

Ah, you must know well since youre in the LCD business unit, right?

Yoo-hyun just shrugged his shoulders, feeling that if he said anything here, he would have to debate with Jo Ki-jung for 100 minutes.

I dont know.

Well, the LCD business unit is big, after all.

Jo Ki-jung, who was munching on the bread while listening to the conversation, asked Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun, are you going to play golf today?

Yes. I have to.

Please say thank you to the cellphone store owner for me.

He must have been grateful for getting a discount on the cellphone.

Jo Ki-jung was usually stingy with compliments or thanks, so it was obvious from the way he spoke.

Yoo-hyun smiled pleasantly and said.

Haha. Dont say that and come to the practice range sometime. Its fun.

No. Im not into golf.

Jo Ki-jung shook his head, and Kang Jong-ho also clearly expressed his refusal.

I dont like hitting things with sticks either.

Many things had changed, but they were still shy around strangers.

After finishing his work, Yoo-hyun headed to the golf practice range behind the Chinese restaurant as usual.

There was someone who had arrived earlier than him.

It was Choi Jeong-bok, whom he had met at the golf course last time and had been playing with every day since then.

The cellphone store owner was relatively young and had worked at a medium-sized electronics company in Seoul, so he had a lot in common with Yoo-hyun.

He raised his hand and greeted Yoo-hyun.

Hey, brother. Come on and have some.

Brother, what is all this?

What do you mean? You have to eat well when you eat.


Choi Jeong-bok was grilling pork belly on a large grill that reached up to his chest.

The savory smell filled the forest.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and looked around.

The shade cloth he had set up last time blocked the sunlight, and on the platform he had brought the day before yesterday, there were all kinds of dishes.

It felt like he had come to an outdoor camping site rather than a golf practice range.

His style of eating well and resting well when exercising was evident.

But is this okay for everyone?

Yoo-hyun was coming after finishing his work, but these people were all self-employed.

Even if there were no customers, it was rare for the owners to leave their seats like this.

Yoo-hyun, who was sitting on the platform drinking a soda, voiced his question.

But brother, when do you guys work?

Then Jeon Il-ho, who had unloaded the last load from the truck, said bluntly.

Whats so important about work?

Thats right. We should all live a fun life.

The other two nodded as if they agreed.

It was exactly what Yoo-hyun had realized recently.

He gave them a thumbs up as a sign of appreciation.

Thats a wise saying.

After they finished their preparations, they all stretched their bodies.

They had a tacit agreement to rest when they ate pork belly, and to swing their clubs when they finished.

As the sun set, Nam Hee-woong turned on the lights he had installed a while ago.


The golf practice range was brightly lit.

Jeon Il-ho looked around the practice range and felt a bit regretful.

This place is great, but it doesnt have the feel of a real field. I heard theres something like screen golf. Should we buy that?

He always bought something the next day when he said something like that, so Yoo-hyun stopped him.

No, no. You have to install a screen in front of it. And the sensors are not accurate either. Its much better to have a wide view like this.

I tried it in Mokpo downtown last time, and it was not good.

Choi Jeong-bok added his opinion, and Nam Hee-woong, who made the golf practice range his second job, joined in.

Well, its more fun to hit the ball while walking. Should we just make the net bigger?

Hey, why dont we just turn this place into a golf course?

Jeon Il-ho shook his head.

Thats impossible here. The slope is not right, and more importantly, theres not enough space for a course.

And Choi Jeong-bok disagreed with him again.

Isnt there any way?

The question that followed was back to square one.

They all gave up their favorite drinks and fell into thought.

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