Chapter 357:

Chapter 357

With Jo Ki-Jeongs help, Yoo-hyun had connected the factorys landline phone to his cell phone.

Thanks to that, he could answer the calls from the factory even from afar.

Yes, this is Yeontae Business Place.

As soon as Yoo-hyun answered, he heard a furious voice on the other end.

-You crazy bastards! Are you not going to take the goods?

The voice was so loud that Yoo-hyun had to lower the volume of his cell phone.

Then he asked calmly.

Can I get the goods if I go today?

-Get what? Even if you beg on your knees, I might not give them to you.

Okay. I understand.

-What kind of answer is that?

Yoo-hyun lowered the volume even more and replied.

Then Ill go when I can get them.

-Do whatever you want.

The angry voice echoed through the speaker.

Yoo-hyun did exactly as he said.

He didnt go to Mokpo Business Place the next day, or the day after that.

Four days passed in a week without him doing any work.

This was the first time in history that something like this had happened.

Kang Jong-Ho, who was lying on the floor of the break room, expressed his unnecessary worry.

Is this really okay?

Its fine. Dont worry and just read your martial arts novel. I have to read it next.

Yoo-hyun, who was lying next to him, said casually. Kang Jong-Ho got up.

Okay. Just wait a bit.

Then he started to turn the pages of the book with concentration.

The book happened to feature a martial arts master who had hidden his power.

Kang Jong-Ho glanced at Yoo-hyun, who was lying down so casually.

He looked exactly like the character in the book.

Kang Jong-Ho shook his head vigorously and turned the page again.

He had a lot of strange thoughts after going through so many things.

At that moment.

Ma Jong-Hyun, the team leader of Mokpo Business Place, was facing the manager of the assembly business unit.

The manager frowned after hearing Ma Jong-Hyuns report.

Yeontae bastards still havent taken the goods? These crazy.

Yes. I think we have to discipline them all this time.

Thats right. I have to contact the audit team. Yeontae bastards didnt come at all to get the goods, right?

Yes? Well they did come.

Ma Jong-Hyun hesitated to answer the managers question.

The managers eyes sparkled for a moment.

Then what?

They didnt take the goods and left.

Why? Dont tell me we didnt give them. If we get caught for messing up, well be in trouble with the audit team.

Ma Jong-Hyun remembered what the new recruit had said a while ago.

-We clearly requested confirmation and delivery of the goods. You didnt give them. Thats on your side, right?

He swallowed his saliva and stammered.

Uh Ill check again.

Yeah. Make a good decision. Yeontae Business Places performance is our performance. We cant afford to miss a week.

I understand.

Ma Jong-Hyun bit his lower lip and nodded.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun, who was reading a book, went outside because the weather was nice.

He was walking through the woods when his phone rang.

It was Kim Hyun-Min, the team leader who called him whenever he thought of him.

There was nothing more to say, so Yoo-hyun briefly explained the situation here.

Im here right now

Kim Hyun-Min laughed out loud after hearing Yoo-hyuns story.

-Puhahaha. You cruel kid. Youre messing with innocent people there too.

Thats not it. Im just trying to fix some wrong practices here.

-Yeah, thats what it is. Anyway, you have a good habit of turning things upside down wherever you go.

Kim Hyun-Min had already made up his mind without listening or asking any more questions.

There was no reason to argue with him here, so Yoo-hyun said resignedly.

Think whatever you want. Anyway, Im a pacifist.

-Kkkk. Okay. Just wait there. Ill be there as soon as I finish the project.

Yes. There are a lot of fun things here. Its an amazing place.

-You lucky bastard. You sound like youre finally getting some sense.

Really? Thats good to hear.

He said it casually, but it felt more rewarding than any other compliment.

He was exchanging a few words with him when it happened.

His phone rang and he checked the caller ID. It was the Mokpo branch, which had been calling him frequently lately.

Team leader, Ill see you soon.

-All right. Take care.

He wrapped up the call with Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, and answered the incoming call.

Yes, this is Yeontae branch.

A thin voice came from the other side of the phone.

-Hey, rookie, where did Park branch manager go?

It was Min Dal-gi, the foreman who had called him before.

He seemed to have delegated his work to him because he couldnt handle it himself.

He went to the bathroom for a moment.

-Ha. Hurry up and come over. Ill give you the goods.

Yoo-hyun frowned at Min Dal-gis words, which he spat out as if he was doing him a favor.

What do I do? Our truck is broken right now.


Cant you just tell him when he comes for the inspection?

Yoo-hyun pretended not to know and asked, and Min Dal-gi snorted.

-Ha. Are you out of your mind?

Im sorry. Then Ill hang up.

-Hey. Hey, you bastard

Yoo-hyun politely said goodbye and hung up the phone.

He heard the next words, but he thought they could understand each other.

Of course, it was Yoo-hyuns wishful thinking.

A moment later.

Another call came in.

As soon as Yoo-hyun answered the phone, Min Dal-gi yelled angrily.

-Hey. You crazy bastard. Are you the only one there?

The others are cleaning up the warehouse right now.

-Are you really going to do this? You guys who dont take the goods are all losers. I might just flip them over.

Min Dal-gi seemed determined to be more aggressive.

He acted as if he was the branch manager himself.

Yoo-hyun calmly listened to his words and explained the situation.

Ma branch manager told me to just go. The other branch managers heard it clearly, and it was recorded.

-What, what? Recorded?

Yes. It happened to be recorded.

-You crazy bastard. Stay there. Ill send a car.

Min Dal-gi hung up with a bang, as if a fire had fallen on his feet.

He could tell what was going on from his last word alone.

There must have been a fight inside already.

You should have listened to me in the first place.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he looked at his phone that had ended the call.

The word recorded was fatal.

He remembered the conversation with the director and loaded the goods onto the truck reluctantly.

It took him two hours to sort and load the reassembled products that would be sent to Yeontae branch.


A little later, Min Dal-gi stepped on the accelerator as he grabbed the steering wheel.

Ma Jong-hyun, the branch manager who sat in the passenger seat, cursed as he thought about it.

Ha. Recorded. Bullshit. What is he?

Min Dal-gi swallowed his saliva and told him everything he had heard from Park Chul-hong, the branch manager, a few weeks ago.

I heard hes an office worker. And hes a pretty promising talent, they say. His backer is from Group Strategy Office

What? Group Strategy Office? Why are you telling me this now?

Anyone who belonged to Hanseong Electronics knew how scary Group Strategy Office was.

Ma Jong-hyun shouted and Min Dal-gi bowed his head low.

Im sorry. I thought it was just a bluff back then.

I cant believe this. Why would such a talent come to a dump like Yeontae?

Min Dal-gi, who had been watching Ma Jong-hyuns reaction, cautiously voiced his opinion.

Maybe hes trying to push us down and grow Yeontae branch.

Huh. No way.

Hes meticulous enough to record everything. I think it would be better to cooperate with him a little bit as long as he doesnt take our quantity.

Min Dal-gis words made Ma Jong-hyun scratch his head hard.

Damn it. Its totally messed up.

It was almost time to finish the work.

Yoo-hyun, who was sitting in the break room of the Yeontae workplace, muttered as he looked at the clock.

I have to go play golf

Hey, how can you say that in this situation?

Jo Ki-jeong, who was sitting in the same posture, asked with a dumbfounded expression. Yoo-hyun replied nonchalantly.

So what? Work and life should be separated.


Park Cheol-hong, the team leader who was listening next to him, let out a sigh.

At that moment, the alarm in the break room rang perfectly.

Beep beep beep beep beep.

The CCTV showed a truck coming up.

Okay, the goods are being delivered. Lets go get them.

Are they really bringing them themselves?

Yoo-hyun pointed to the TV screen at Kang Jong-hos question.

Yes. They said for sure. Look. Its not a van, its a truck.


Come on, lets go.

Yoo-hyun smiled brightly and dragged the team members, but they couldnt smile.

No matter how much they didnt understand the situation, they had an idea of what was going to happen from experience.

Besides, the other party was Psycho Ma Jong-hyun, the team leader.

It was obvious that they would get into a fight.

Kang Jong-ho, who remembered the village leaders feat a while ago, briefly wondered if he should pull out the big mop handle that was leaning against the break room wall.

The team members who came out to the site naturally moved to the platform.

This was now an automatic reflexive action.

Yoo-hyun sat on the platform and asked the team members who were looking around nervously.

You dont need to shrink your shoulders. Theyre here to give us something.

They wont just give it to us.

Well, yeah.

Yoo-hyun nodded obediently at Jo Ki-jeongs words.

Then sighs came out from here and there.

They hadnt fully accepted this situation yet.

They were too used to the wrong practices.

If it had been before, they would have just left it alone because they didnt want to get involved in annoying things, but this time it was different.

They decided that it would be better to change it quickly.

Yoo-hyun insisted more actively on his opinion.

We are receiving a request for reassembly. Its natural for them to come.

Thats what Han Joo-im thinks. Ma team leader wont just sit still.

Park Cheol-hong, the team leader, still looked worried.

Yoo-hyun conveyed his strong will to him.

Even if they come out strong, we have to confront them this time. If we dont tie up here, well always be bullied.

What if we get disciplined?

Everyones eyes gathered at Park Cheol-hongs question.

This part was their biggest Achilles heel.

Dont worry. When you see a mad dog, you avoid it, not catch it. Ma team leader will have no choice either.

Ha. So youre saying were mad dogs.

Thats just an expression.

Yoo-hyun smiled and Park Cheol-hong shook his head helplessly.

Kang Jong-ho and Jo Ki-jeong laughed hollowly as if they couldnt believe it.

Big changes are usually accompanied by pain.

He said it easily, but Yoo-hyun knew that the upcoming negotiation with Ma Jong-hyun wouldnt be easy.

It wasnt just because he was a psycho.

As much as there were mutual interests between organizations, they wouldnt back down easily either.

So Yoo-hyun made up his mind for once.

He decided that he would endure a little trouble for a comfortable life in the future.

It was then.


A truck came up the narrow road.

The team members all lined up on the site.

Yoo-hyun also stood next to them.

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