Chapter 329:

Chapter 329

Laura Parker nodded her head after listening to the details carefully.

“It doesn’t sound bad. I think we should proceed like this.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Jo Sung, who was listening, quickly nodded his head and checked his notes on the table.

Meanwhile, Yoo-hyun brought up the words that no one else here could utter and had been struggling with.

There was a problem that was clear to Yoo-hyun’s eyes.

“Laura, I’m sorry to say this, but I think we need to postpone the schedule a little more.”

“Why? You said you could make it like this.”

Laura Parker, who was sensitive about the schedule, challenged Yoo-hyun’s opinion this time.

With that one word, the air in the conference room became cold at once.

At this point, anyone would back off, but Yoo-hyun rather spoke bluntly.

He looked different from the past, when he used to adjust the atmosphere by looking at Laura Parker’s expression.

“It’s not my responsibility, but the schedule of the items on the screen is too aggressive. If we do this, we will only repeat the failure of Channel Phone 2.”


“Yes. The probability of failure is high if we follow this schedule. To get a premium image, the first image is more important than anything else. We need to be prepared for sure.”

Yoo-hyun spoke with confidence and without hesitation.

“Of course, you have an alternative, right?”

“Yes. Of course. Do you think I would just say it’s impossible in front of anyone?”

He even teased her in front of the stiff Laura Parker.

The people who were watching were shocked.

At that moment, Laura Parker, who was looking at Yoo-hyun’s eyes, smiled and gestured.

“Then tell me.”

“The concept is enough as it is. However, we need an absolute guideline. For the minimum weight and thickness, battery life, visibility, etc.”

“That’s not a wrong thing to say.”

“For this, we need to change some parts from the concept. What parts are they…”

“Then if we apply OLED panel as Steve said…”

The conversation progressed quickly and at the same time, it changed to German, which was familiar to Laura Parker.

The people who were sitting in the conference room had nothing they could do.

They could only look around.

That’s when it happened.

Yoo-hyun paused for a moment and poked Jang Joon-sik’s side.

“Joon-sik, tell me the schedule of OLED panel prototype and the new development for watch.”

“Huh? Oh, yes.”

Jang Joon-sik opened his mouth as he thought of anything.

His English was not very fluent, but it was mostly data-based, so it was not a problem.

“The OLED panel prototype that we are developing now…”

As he spoke smoothly from his mouth, Jang Joon-sik was dumbfounded.

He had been working on Yoo-hyun’s proposal all night long and the content stuck to his mouth completely.

Yoo-hyun took over the conversation at the right time.

“I think this is how you should proceed.”

“Good. I understand.”

Laura Parker nodded her head and spoke in English.

The target was everyone in the conference room.

“I’ll tell you the changes. We’ll keep the design as it is and push back the schedule by one year.”

“Ah, really?”

Jo Sung frowned and Laura Parker said in a stern voice.

“But please meet the conditions we talked about exactly.”

“Yes! I understand.”

Jo Sung answered at once.

Seeing that, Laura Parker gestured to Yoo-hyun with her chin.

“Steve, can I talk to you for a bit?”


Yoo-hyun smiled and gestured with his hand.

The two left their seats for a while and Jo Sung took a deep breath that he had been holding back.

“Ahh, that was really lucky. I got a lot of flak from the development team for setting up the schedule.”

“It worked out well. It was time to cut it off. Channel Phone 2 also failed because it dragged on too long.”

Kim Sung-deok nodded his head and Jo Sung pointed to the closed door and said.

“Mr. Kim, but that friend Han Yoo-hyun, he said he was an assistant manager? He’s amazing.”

“Yes. He’s a talented guy. There’s a reason why Laura Parker is looking for him.”

“Yeah. Thanks to him, it went well. I should buy him a meal sometime.”

“You won’t be able to do it with just a meal. He’s a guy who doesn’t fall for anything even if I try hard.”

“Hahaha! No wonder he looked so confident when he spoke earlier.”

Jang Joon-sik, who was listening to their conversation, was still stunned.

He remembered what his seniors had said before.

-Why is Joon-sik speaking up when the boss is right in front of him? What do you think the other team members will think of our team? They’ll think we’re a bean flour organization.

Usually in this case, one would get scolded for saying a word.

But this time it was different.

What was different?

Jang Joon-sik wondered and Kim Sung-deok asked him.

“You said you were Han’s junior, right?”

“Ah, yes. I’m Jang Joon-sik.”

“You’re lucky to have a cool senior.”


Jang Joon-sik was speechless for a moment.

At that time.

Yoo-hyun was with Laura Parker at the VIP lounge on the 15th floor.

They were facing each other at a distance of only 1 meter, but there was no awkwardness.

Laura Parker took a sip of coffee and said to Yoo-hyun.

“Steve seems to have changed a bit.”

“In what way?”

“I don’t know, he looks more relaxed. He also looks more confident.”

“He has no reason to be not confident when Laura is looking for him personally.”

“Hoho! He even has a sense of humor now.”

Laura Parker laughed and Yoo-hyun smiled with her.

A pleasant smile and a friendly heart came from her.

He couldn’t tell before, but it was her hidden side.

Yoo-hyun gladly accepted the changed relationship.

“Laura, this time…”

“What I think is…”

Laura Parker was the same.

The two exchanged personal stories beyond work.

They chatted happily as if they were old friends.

Maybe that’s why?

After a while, Laura Parker reached out her hand to Yoo-hyun again.

“You did well to come and find me. It was nice to see you.”

“It doesn’t have to be at the office. Call me anytime.”

Laura Parker smiled at Yoo-hyun’s words.

A little later.

Yoo-hyun, who had finished his meeting with Laura Parker, returned to the office with Jang Jun-sik.

Jang Jun-sik kept glancing at him as they walked, as if he had something to say.

He even stared at Yoo-hyun from behind in the elevator.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he saw Jang Jun-sik’s reflection on the door.


Yoo-hyun got off the elevator and said to him, who was following him.

“Jun-sik, if you have something to say, say it.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then don’t.”

“Why did you take me with you?”

Yoo-hyun stopped at Jang Jun-sik’s question.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you showed me your connection with Laura Parker…”

Yoo-hyun let out a hollow laugh. He was too dumbfounded.

He could clearly see what Jang Jun-sik was thinking.

“You’re kidding. I took you with me because you were memorizing the data.”


“Don’t talk nonsense and do your job well. I can’t give you any more time.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jang Jun-sik nodded his head with a stiff expression.

That evening.

The end-of-work song rang, but Jang Jun-sik was still working on the data.

Today’s event was a stimulus for him, and he was even more diligent.

Of course, that didn’t mean he realized anything.

Rather, he was moving in the opposite direction of what Yoo-hyun had in mind.

This too was a process, Yoo-hyun thought, and picked up his bag with a light heart.

“I’m going first.”

“Yes. Go ahead.”

Jang Jun-sik answered with a serious expression and focused on the monitor.

It was a scene that had been repeated for a while.

Yoo-hyun, who had left work, headed to the gym as usual.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, a loud greeting came.

“Senior! You’re here!”

“Jang-woo, I’m glad to see you, but don’t overdo it.”

Yoo-hyun waved his hand at Lee Jang-woo, who greeted him with a firm posture, but Lee Jang-woo didn’t back off.

“No, sir. It’s not enough compared to what you did for me.”

“What did I do for you?”

“Thanks to your advice, I was able to become a pro.”

A while ago, Yoo-hyun had only said one thing to Lee Jang-woo, who had his pro debut match.

Relax and just enjoy it.

That ordinary phrase seemed to be a great help for Lee Jang-woo, who was nervous.

Since then, he had been saying the same thing every time he saw Yoo-hyun.

“What are you talking about? Jang-woo, you were a pro material from the start.”

“No, sir. It’s thanks to you. Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head as he saw Lee Jang-woo bowing his waist again.

Then Park Young-hoon came over and whispered to Yoo-hyun.

“Just let it go.”

“What can I do? It’s burdensome.”

As soon as Yoo-hyun finished his sentence, Lee Jang-woo’s eyes sparkled.

He seemed to want to continue the conversation more strongly.


Yoo-hyun lost his words for a moment as he looked at him.

He had a character that was completely opposite to Jang Jun-sik right in front of him.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Lee Jang-woo followed Yoo-hyun even when he skipped rope.

“Huff. Huff.”

He followed him when he shadowboxed.

Thwack! Thwack!

He followed him when he hit the sandbag.

He wanted to learn everything from Yoo-hyun.

When Yoo-hyun looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, Lee Jang-woo gave him a round-eyed look instead.

It was hard to say anything bad to him when he looked at him like that.

Instead, Yoo-hyun asked Park Young-hoon for his understanding.

“Hyung, let’s skip sparring today.”

“Why? Because of Jang-woo?”

“Yeah. If I mess with him, I might end up sparring with him too.”

“Hehe! Okay. I’m feeling a bit heavy today too.”

When Yoo-hyun took off his gloves, Lee Jang-woo ran over in surprise.

“Senior, are you not sparring today?”

“Yeah. My arm hurts a bit.”

“Where is it? I’ll get you some medicine right away.”

Park Young-hoon giggled as he saw Lee Jang-woo being so proactive.

Yoo-hyun calmly calmed him down.

“No, no. I’m fine. Just do me a favor and do my share too. Got it?”

“Yes! I got it!”

At Yoo-hyun’s request, Lee Jang-woo lit up his eyes and climbed onto the ring.

Yoo-hyun sat down in the corner and Park Young-hoon spoke to him.

“Jang-woo’s sparring partner today is going to die.”

“What can I do? I have to live too.”

“Hehe! Anyway, he’s a funny guy.”

Yoo-hyun also sat down next to him.

He saw Lee Jang-woo climbing onto the ring in front of him.

Yoo-hyun unraveled the question he had always had.

“Why does Jang-woo act like that to me?”

“He said he lost to you. It was the first time he got beaten like that.”


“They say a bird that hatches from an egg thinks the first thing it sees is its mother. Maybe it’s something like that.”

“You’re talking nonsense.”

Yoo-hyun said as if he was dumbfounded, and Park Young-hoon poked his side.

“Hehehe! Anyway, it’s similar, right? Why? Don’t you like it?”

“No. I don’t dislike it, but there’s a character at work who’s the exact opposite of Jang-woo.”

“What kind of character is that?”


Yoo-hyun briefly told him about Jang Jun-sik, who came to his mind.

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