Chapter 301:

Chapter 301

That night, Yoo-hyun had a drink with Shin Kyung Wook, the senior manager, at the hotel bar.

He felt different from when he met him a year ago.

Shin Kyung Wook’s eyes were full of trust for Yoo-hyun.

They continued their conversation about Apple from yesterday.

“Apple will be…”

Shin Kyung Wook predicted the future with his usual insight.

With him making his own judgments, Yoo-hyun could also improve.

“Yes, you’re right. And…”

“That’s right. Then…”

Yoo-hyun and Shin Kyung Wook exchanged words without pause.

They looked more like equal colleagues than a boss and a subordinate.

After talking for a while, Shin Kyung Wook held out his glass.

“You and Kim have worked really hard. Thank you.”

“Senior manager, you also worked hard.”

“Yes, I know. I’m sorry for making you struggle so much.”

Yoo-hyun clinked his glass with Shin Kyung Wook’s and said,

“Many people are looking after you, senior manager.”


Shin Kyung Wook quietly emptied his glass.

Then he looked into Yoo-hyun’s eyes.

He opened his mouth as if he was probing his inner thoughts.

“I know. That’s why I’m not going to avoid it anymore.”

“You made a good decision.”

It was the only conclusion that Shin Kyung Wook, who had a strong sense of responsibility, could make.

Once he was determined, Yoo-hyun had no hesitation either.

Glug glug.

Yoo-hyun filled his glass and advised him.

“Senior manager, do you remember what I told you before?”

“The word ‘poison’, right?”

“Did I say that?”

“It must be exactly the same.”

Shin Kyung Wook answered with a smile to Yoo-hyun’s question.

His words were light, but he understood Yoo-hyun’s intention precisely.

He proved it by giving the answer that Yoo-hyun wanted.

“I realized it clearly through this incident. I need to make my own allies.”

“Yes, you’re right. You can’t do it alone, senior manager.”

“So I’m going to persuade Im, the vice president, one by one.”

“That’s a good choice.”

Yoo-hyun nodded his head as he saw Shin Kyung Wook taking the initiative.

The reason why Shin Kyung Wook was pushed back in the past was clear.

It was because of his moderate personality that did not bother to make his own side.

It was impossible to compete with Han Kyung Hwee, who had built a solid line without any organization.

But now it was different from the past.

There was still time, and Shin Kyung Wook had made up his mind.

All that was left was to prepare step by step.

Glug glug.

Yoo-hyun looked at Shin Kyung Wook who filled his glass.

His eyes were full of determination and very reliable.

But he didn’t need to relax too much now.

A boiling pot cools down quickly.

With that in mind, Yoo-hyun advised him.

“Senior manager, you don’t have to rush your decision.”

“Are you saying that because I might become a target?”

“That’s one of the reasons.”

“One of the reasons?”

“Yes. If you want to achieve what you want, you have to prepare a lot behind the scenes. I hope you do that first.”

The success of the Apple negotiation had already created a favorable situation for him.

The LCD business unit could feel his influence from afar.

But that was not enough.

He needed to expand his influence not only in other business units but also in various group affiliates.

To do that, he had to move a lot of people behind the scenes.

He should come forward only after convincing them.

Shin Kyung Wook, who read Yoo-hyun’s thoughts, asked in surprise,

“What are you really?”

“What do you mean?”

“How do you know all that?”

To an obvious question, Yoo-hyun answered clearly,

“As you can see, I’m someone who can read even Steve Jobs’ mind.”

“So I should be grateful that someone like you is on my side?”

“Of course. You’re lucky, senior manager.”

“Hahaha. Yes. You’re right. It’s luck, luck.”

Yoo-hyun’s lips curled up as he saw Shin Kyung Wook looking free.

He didn’t look like he had a lot of burden on his shoulders as he did in the past.

Yoo-hyun gave him timely advice as he saw him like that.

“There is still a year and a half left until the iPhone 4 comes out. Please prepare with ease.”

“Then what about you? You’ll have to work hard, right?”

“Why me?”

When Yoo-hyun reacted as if he didn’t understand, Shin Kyung Wook tilted his head.

“You must be tired of taking care of things behind the scenes.”

“Haha. That’s what you or the others should do.”

Yoo-hyun tried to back off, and Shin Kyung Wook asked incredulously,

“What? Then what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to take a break now.”

Yoo-hyun answered neatly.

There was no reason for him to step in as long as things were on track.

It was enough to just watch over them from a distance.

That was rather beneficial for Shin Kyung Wook to build his organization.

If a young employee was involved in the middle, no matter how good his intention was, there would be rumors.

Shin Kyung Wook, who realized that, shrugged his shoulders.

“Haha. Okay. I hope you can relax more this time.”

“Don’t I look more relaxed than before?”

“You’re better. But you still have some compulsions left.”

“Oh. I still need to work on that.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and Shin Kyung Wook made a playful expression.

He never saw that in the past.

“It’s not easy to change your personality.”

“Then I have to try harder while resting.”

“Haha. Then I’ll help you with your rest.”

Shin Kyung Wook smiled and lifted his glass.

“Thank you for that.”

Yoo-hyun accepted his words with a good humor and held out his glass.


The two glasses collided.

At the same time, their eyes met with affection.

The business trip was over, but Yoo-hyun planned to stay longer in the US by taking a vacation.

He had arranged his schedule flexibly, so there was no problem.

Of course, he didn’t intend to stay at this hotel all the time.

It was time for them to part ways.

Kim Young Gil, the manager, checked out at the hotel lobby and said to Yoo-hyun.

He looked full of regret.

“I want to stay longer, but Eileen is waiting for me.”

“Then go and treat her well.”

“Are you okay?”

Yoo-hyun nodded at Kim Young Gil’s question.

“Yes. I’m going to meet some people and go.”

“You did a good job.”

Kim Young Gil said kindly and stretched out both arms.

Yoo-hyun hugged him with a smirk and said,

“Manager, you worked hard.”

“It’s all thanks to you.”

“Then you should buy me a lot of food.”

“Haha. Of course. See you in Korea.”

Kim Young Gil, the manager, laughed and patted Yoo-hyun’s back.

Yeo Tae Sik, the executive director, came over and offered his hand.

“Yoo-hyun, you did a great job.”

“Then is it your turn now, director?”

“Hahaha. Yes, it is.”

Yoo-hyun’s words were not just a joke.

A lot depended on Yeo Tae Sik’s hands.

The more he worked, the easier the future plans would be.

It was natural that Yoo-hyun’s company life would be more comfortable.

It was time to go.

A black sedan was blinking in front of the lobby.

Yeo Tae Sik asked Yoo-hyun,

“Do you really not need a driver, Yoo-hyun?”

“Yes. I don’t want to bother. I’ll drive myself.”

Yoo-hyun’s cool answer made Yeo Tae Sik smile.

“Have a good time and come back.”

“Yes. You too, be careful.”

With Yoo-hyun’s farewell, Yeo Tae Sik turned around.

Kim Young Gil, who had been waving his hand, followed him.

The car that carried them disappeared into the distant road.

A few moments later, a white sports car stopped in front of Yoo-hyun on the roadside.

When Yoo-hyun was wondering if it was possible, the man who got out of the car politely said,

“Hello. Are you Han Yoo-hyun?”

“Yes, I am.”

“This is the car that Richard Shin sent you. Please take the key and…”

The man handed over the car to Yoo-hyun as if it was natural and disappeared.

Yoo-hyun took the key and snorted.

“A sports car doesn’t suit me very well.”

Shin Kyung Wook, the senior manager, seemed to have a prejudice against young people.

Of course, that didn’t mean he was not grateful for his care.

How much did he worry about choosing this car?

He smiled as he imagined that.

Yoo-hyun got into the car with a good mood.


The car slid on the road as he stepped on the accelerator.

The wind that blew in was quite cool.

Yoo-hyun headed to a small building in San Francisco.

There was an Airbnb office in a space without a sign yet.

He parked his car in the parking lot and entered the office on the third floor.


As soon as the door opened,

“Yes. Who are… Oh? Steve.”

Joe Gebbia ran over and reached out his hand.

His kind eyes under his horn-rimmed glasses were still the same.

Yoo-hyun grabbed his friend’s hand whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“Long time no see.”

“You should have contacted me. Then I would have cleaned up a bit.”

Joe Gebbia looked around the office with an embarrassed expression.

As he turned his head, he saw papers and work tools flying everywhere.

It looked more like a factory inspection site after working for several nights than a normal office.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and asked,

“Brian said I could come anytime, right?”

“That guy doesn’t even clean up.”

Joe Gebbia was about to clean up when Brian Chesky came in through the front door and was surprised to see Yoo-hyun.

“Steve. You finally came.”

“Haha. How have you been?”

“Of course. I’m doing very well thanks to you.”

Brian Chesky showed his unique swagger as he saw Yoo-hyun.

His words were like that, but the situation didn’t look so good.

The office was still an office.

It was small but had partitions and a sofa to sit and rest on.

Yoo-hyun sat on the sofa and waited for Brian Chesky’s coffee.

Joe Gebbia had been cleaning up around him since then.

He felt awkward sitting still, so Yoo-hyun stopped him.

“Joe, it’s okay. Sit down.”

“No. I can’t show you such a messy place.”


Joe Gebbia put a pile of papers on the table and started cleaning again.

Yoo-hyun reached out and flipped through the papers he had piled up.

On top of them was feedback from an investment company.

The red letters were eye-catching:

-Reason for investment disqualification: No investment value due to absurd idea


As he turned the page, he saw feedback from other investment companies as well

They all had similar opinions and all failed to attract investment

Yoo-hyun remembered the message Brian Chesky sent him a while ago and gave a bitter smile

-Steve, I’ll have some great news by the time you come

He could tell how hard they had worked just by looking at the stacked papers

But the reality was harder than they thought

Yoo-hyun flipped through their business plans one by one

He saw many flaws

At that moment

Brian Chesky, who came back with coffee in both hands, was startled

“Steve, you can’t look at that yet. Joe, what happened?”

“Sorry, Steve. I accidentally showed you some unnecessary documents while cleaning up.”

Both of them tried not to show their shortcomings to Yoo-hyun.

He appreciated their consideration, but he was not a stranger to them anymore.

Yoo-hyun looked at his two friends and said,

“Brian, Joe, sit down for a moment.”

“Uh, okay.”

The two nodded their heads at Yoo-hyun’s sudden seriousness.

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