Chapter 297:

Chapter 297

Yoo-hyun and Kim Young Gil, the section chief, rode in Vice President Yeo Tae Sik’s car to the airport.

Their luggage was already loaded in the car.

Sitting in the front seat, Vice President Yeo Tae Sik asked Yoo-hyun.

“Did you hear from the vice president?”

“I just got a message of encouragement from him.”

“He must be very concerned about this.”

“Yes. It’s a very important matter.”

“That’s right. It’s important.”

Vice President Yeo Tae Sik looked quite nervous too.

It was understandable, since this matter was very crucial for him.

He had to make it a success for the sake of Shin Kyung Wook, the senior manager’s political career.

Then, Kim Young Gil, who was sitting next to Yoo-hyun, expressed his determination.

“I will do my best to produce results.”

“Good. Kim section chief, just do as you have done.”

“Yes. I understand.”

This matter was also important for Kim Young Gil.

Not only because he was getting everyone’s attention.

He wanted to prove himself through this matter.


Yoo-hyun, who was sitting in the passenger seat and looking out the window, felt the same way.

He had a bigger perspective than the other two, and he had to make this matter a success no matter what.

This success would be the key to resolving countless problems that would arise in the future.


The car carrying the three people who had different reasons for wanting success quietly drove on.

The three people arrived at the airport and boarded the plane after going through immigration.

Thanks to the business manager’s consideration, their seats were in business class.

Kim Young Gil, who stretched out his upper body, whispered to Yoo-hyun who was sitting in the next seat.

“I don’t know if we deserve this treatment.”

“This is all to support you to do well.”

“It’s both flattering and burdensome.”

He seemed more confident than before, and his shoulders were more relaxed.

He didn’t look very nervous, and he even joked around.

Yoo-hyun smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

“You’re doing great.”

“Kid. I’m going to sleep for a bit.”

“Okay. Get some rest.”

He said he was going to sleep, but Kim Young Gil kept mumbling with his mouth closed.

And it took a while before his eyes closed.

After a 12-hour flight, the plane arrived at San Francisco airport.

They looked in good condition thanks to being in business class.

Vice President Yeo Tae Sik, who had just gotten off the plane, said to Yoo-hyun who was following him.

“I’m glad we arrived safely.”

“Me too. Maybe it’s a sign that things will go well.”

Yoo-hyun answered cheerfully, and he smiled lightly.

They found their luggage and followed Vice President Yeo Tae Sik who was pulling his suitcase.

Kim Young Gil asked Yoo-hyun quietly as they walked behind him.

“Do you think nothing will go wrong this time?”

“Do you think there will be another fire at the hotel?”

“Haha. There’s no way that would happen again, right?”

Kim Young Gil laughed but felt a chill.

He remembered that he had said something similar last time.

Yoo-hyun reassured him.

“Don’t worry. Even if there is a fire, the group leader will cover for us.”

“I hope so.”

“Yes. Of course. If there is no hotel, the US branch staff will lend us their places.”

Kim Young Gil recalled his past experience.

He had rented a stranger’s place because of the fire at the hotel.

He slept on an air bed and ate breakfast there too.

It was a very unusual experience.

“Haha. We rented a place last time too, right?”

“Yes. We rested well thanks to that.”

“I wonder how they are doing?”

“You mean Brian and Jo?”

“Yeah. I’m curious.”

“They are doing very well.”

Yoo-hyun answered right away, and Kim Young Gil clapped his hands and asked.

“Oh, do you keep in touch with them?”

“Yes. I’m planning to see them after this matter is over.”

“That’s an amazing connection.”

It was as Kim Young Gil said.

Unlike before, they were able to share their growth process with them.

It was exciting that something they could only imagine became reality.

“That’s right. It’s a wonderful connection.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and smiled softly on his lips.

There were US branch staff waiting for them at the airport.

They didn’t need to rent a car or worry about hotel reservations.

The same went for meals.

Those trivial things were already taken care of behind them.

It was nice to have Vice President Yeo Tae Sik with them in that regard.

Of course, it wasn’t all good either.

On their way to the hotel by car, something happened.

Vice President Yeo Tae Sik checked his message and asked.

“Kim section chief, can you do a pre-presentation right away?”

“To whom?”

Kim Young Gil asked with a bewildered expression, and Vice President Yeo Tae Sik glanced at Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun stepped in tactfully.

“It’s Senior Manager Shin Kyung Wook, right? Kim section chief has met him before.”

“Right. Then you won’t feel too pressured.”

There was no way he wouldn’t feel pressured.

But it was something he had to do.

He swallowed his saliva and answered slowly.

“I understand.”

“Thank you for thinking that way.”

Vice President Yeo Tae Sik smiled lightly.

They drove for about 40 minutes southeast from the airport and arrived at the hotel.

It was located not far from Apple’s headquarters.

The sun had almost set and the surroundings were dark, but the hotel was not.

It shone brightly as if it had spotlights on it.

The letters on the building sparkled like the Milky Way.

Los Altos Hills Hotel.

That’s why the already luxurious hotel looked even more splendid.

Kim Young Gil looked up at the hotel building with a wistful expression.

He wanted to go straight to his room.

Yoo-hyun tapped his shoulder and said.

“Section chief, Vice President Yeo Tae Sik went ahead.”

“Right. Let’s go.”

Even Kim Young Gil, who was always full of energy, looked very tired this time.

Yoo-hyun understood his feelings well.

But they had something to do now.

The place they followed Vice President Yeo Tae Sik to was the seminar room on the first floor.

There, a familiar face greeted the three of them.

“You all worked hard to get here.”

“How have you been, senior manager?”

Yoo-hyun greeted Shin Kyung Wook, the senior manager, who reached out his hand.

“Yeah. How about you?”

“Yes. I’ve been well thanks to you.”

Yoo-hyun shook his hand, and Shin Kyung Wook gave him a meaningful smile.

They hadn’t seen each other for a while, but they didn’t feel awkward.

They knew well what each other had been doing during that time.

Yoo-hyun also responded to his smile without backing down.

It was a seminar room with a rather expensive rental fee.

But Shin Kyung-wook, the executive director, didn’t care and opened his lunch box there.

“I don’t know if it suits your taste.”

“It’s delicious.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager who had hurriedly finished his meal, smiled.

His face, which had been gloomy a while ago, was nowhere to be seen.

After all, you need to eat to get your strength up, no matter what you do.

It was after the meal.

Yoo-hyun stepped forward first, instead of Shin Kyung-wook, who had a hard time breaking the ice.

“Director Shin, excuse me, but can we share our presentation materials here?”

“We just arrived, but is that okay?”

Yoo-hyun looked at his side at Shin Kyung-wook’s question.

Kim Young-gil, the manager, nodded right away.

“Yes. I want to check with you once.”

“Hehe. I’m fine with that. I was curious anyway.”

Yoo-hyun connected his laptop to the beam projector and displayed the screen.

Then he took out the mockup and handed it to Shin Kyung-wook while Kim Young-gil was preparing for the presentation.

Of course, it wasn’t the mockup that Apple had made this time.

But it was enough to create the atmosphere of the evaluation meeting.

Shin Kyung-wook, who was touching the mockup, asked Kim Young-gil.

“Then I’ll start the presentation.”

“Just do it lightly. I’m just going to see the flow.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Yoo-hyun nodded at Kim Young-gil’s signal.


The presentation screen filled the screen as he pressed the button.

At that moment, Shin Kyung-wook and Yeo Tae-sik, the vice president, leaned forward.

It was because an unexpected screen popped up.

At the same time, Kim Young-gil’s mouth opened.

“Our panel this time is…”

The presentation material was very simple.

There was almost no text on the main content of only one page.

The other one page added was even more so.

There was only one word in a large image.

The rest was all filled by Kim Young-gil’s words.

And that was very concise too.

Shin Kyung-wook, who had listened to the presentation, seemed unsatisfied and lost his appetite.


Yeo Tae-sik, the vice president, asked in a puzzled tone.

“The content is too different from last time?”

Yoo-hyun answered instead of Kim Young-gil, who received his gaze.

“Yes. The situation changed and we changed it.”

“No matter what, this seems too much.”

“What part bothers you?”

At Yoo-hyun’s question, Yeo Tae-sik glanced at Shin Kyung-wook.

He was usually calm Yeo Tae-sik, but now he had no choice but to watch Shin Kyung-wook’s reaction.

Shin Kyung-wook’s expression didn’t look satisfied, so Yeo Tae-sik took charge.

“First of all, it’s too short. The presentation material looks too flimsy.”

“Too much text can distract attention.”

“No, not that kind of thing. At least if it’s a presentation, you should have a beginning and an end. Is it enough to just say the concept of a high-resolution panel?”

“The mockup has already been delivered. Additional explanations are redundant.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t back down and argued back. Yeo Tae-sik didn’t give up either and said.

“But still…”

Then Shin Kyung-wook stopped his words.

“Yeo vice president, wait a minute.”

“Yes. Director Shin.”

Then he asked Yoo-hyun.

“So this is it?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

Shin Kyung-wook gave a short comment after confirming the answer.

“The content was impactful and good enough. The delivery was also good. As you said, if you had made the mockup in advance, there would be nothing more to hear.”

“Thank you.”

“If it was just a presentation in front of Steve Jobs, this concise one might be good.”

“That’s what I think too.”

As soon as Yoo-hyun answered, Shin Kyung-wook sharply dug in.

“But this time it’s an evaluation meeting. A place where you compare with Ilseong and Sharp.”

“I know that.”

“Then you should also know that in a place where you have to prove that you are better than your competitors, this kind of concise presentation doesn’t fit.”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Yoo-hyun at Shin Kyung-wook’s words.

They all seemed to have the same thought and were curious about Yoo-hyun’s answer.

Yoo-hyun asked back instead.

“What do you think the evaluation meeting will be like, Director Shin?”

There had already been several articles about Apple’s evaluation meeting in the media.

They even pointed out that they would compare the panels of Hansung, Ilseong, and Sharp.

It was an interview that Philip Schiller, Apple’s marketing director, had done himself.

People who saw it naturally imagined the scene of the three companies competing in the evaluation meeting.

Shin Kyung-wook was no exception.

“Well, they announced it to the media, so of course…”

Shin Kyung-wook, who was continuing his words, made a surprised expression.

He had a sudden feeling that he was missing something.

Then Yoo-hyun said with a confident tone.

“There will be no evaluation meeting in the form that you think, Director Shin.”

“There is no evaluation meeting?”

“To be precise, it will be a completely closed and small-scale evaluation meeting. You may not even have a chance to speak.”

“What’s the basis for saying that?”

Shin Kyung-wook seemed to have already caught on to some extent.

But Yeo Tae-sik and Kim Young-gil were still in the dark.

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