Chapter 295:

I’m a licensed teacher now.?? Thanks to galaxytl, translator community and readers for your support.?? You helped me pass my exam with confidence. As a token of gratitude, I’ll give 5 chapters each for my novels today. Enjoy??!

Chapter 295

Everyone looked at the scene with warmth.

The affection in the eyes of the soup lady was evident.

Then, she got up and said something unexpected.

“Well, you probably won’t be able to get a girlfriend even in America.”


Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, flared up and everyone laughed loudly.


Leaving behind the noisy laughter, the soup lady quickly left.

She showed a playful smile through the gap of the sliding door.

“Have a good time, everyone.”

It was her consideration to lighten up the mood.

Thanks to the soup lady’s intervention, the topic of conversation turned to Park Seung-woo’s MBA.

He forgot his momentary embarrassment and spoke with a determined expression.

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I’ll do my best.”

“What are you talking about? You still have time left.”

Kim Hyun-min, the team leader, asked with a puzzled expression. Park Seung-woo replied seriously.

“I’m saying goodbye to Kim and Yoo-hyun before they go on a business trip. I won’t see them after that.”

Choi Min-hee, the deputy manager, immediately interjected.

“You’re not going to die, why are you making such a fuss?”

“I’m sorry. I feel like I’m the only one who got the benefit after all the hard work we did together.”

It was also a talent to make the light atmosphere heavy in an instant.

Yoo-hyun spoke bluntly to his mentor and senior, who looked tense.

“You’re going to suffer, why are you sorry?”

“Hey. Suffer? Do you even know what MBA is…”

Park Seung-woo snapped at him.

Yoo-hyun smiled and answered.

“Do you think I don’t know what I’m talking about?”

“Hmm, you seem to know something.”

Park Seung-woo blinked his eyes and soon nodded.

Kim Hyun-min and Choi Min-hee also agreed.

“Yeah, Yoo-hyun probably knows something.”

“He feels like he’s already been there. He’s so good at his work.”

Kim Young-gil, the manager, praised Yoo-hyun with confidence.

“He’s better than anyone who’s been to MBA.”

Even Lee Chan-ho, who knew nothing, joined in.

“I think Yoo-hyun knows a lot too.”

It was a glimpse of Yoo-hyun’s image that he had built up over time.

Park Seung-woo, who was embarrassed by the reactions of others, opened his mouth.

“Yoo-hyun, anyway, this is a great opportunity and everyone is envious of you.”

“I’m not envious. I feel sorry for you.”

Yoo-hyun made a pitiful expression and Park Seung-woo stuttered.

“Wi-will you not go if you have a chance?”

“No. I’ll never go.”

Yoo-hyun reaffirmed his stance.

It was sincere.

He remembered how hard he had studied when he went to MBA in the past.

He had studied like crazy, but he didn’t get much out of it.

MBA was not a place to study.

He realized too late that it was a place to meet various people and gain experience.

Yoo-hyun hoped that Park Seung-woo would realize that sooner.

“Wow. Really?”

He asked in surprise and Yoo-hyun tried to ease his shoulders.

“You don’t have to study hard there. Just spend a lot of money and have fun.”

Yoo-hyun waved his hands and spoke casually.

Choi Min-hee, who noticed his intention, also added a word.

“Yeah. Have fun. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get paid by the company to play.”

“That’s right. It’s not our money anyway. Enjoy it while you can.”

Kim Hyun-min joined in and Park Seung-woo finally smiled faintly.

“I’m really good at playing if I play.”

“And get a girlfriend too.”

Kim Young-gil held out his glass with a smile.

Park Seung-woo lifted his glass and said loudly.

“Look forward to it. I’ll show you the charm of Korean men.”


In front of the stunned people, he emptied his glass and screamed with an unknown sound above his head.


Watching him, Choi Min-hee shook her head.

“I hope he doesn’t disgrace Korean men.”


Everyone laughed as they had the same thought.

The dinner party that started like that went on to second and third rounds until it ended.

Yoo-hyun, who came back after having a blast for a day, put more effort into preparing for the product review meeting.

He collected data, organized it, made scenarios, and created backup plans.

Kim Young-gil stuck out his tongue as he watched him.

“Yoo-hyun, you’re really amazing. It’s no joke how well you do it.”

“What do you mean?”

“What do I mean? I mean your preparation. I didn’t know you would do this much.”

“This presentation is not just a presentation.”

His sincerity was embedded in his calm answer.

Apple did not reveal what the product review meeting would be like.

They did not even tell the exact location and target of the presentation.

They just asked for a panel and told them to prepare for the presentation.

It was something that had never happened before and would never happen again.

Even Yoo-hyun could not fully predict it, so he had to prepare for all possibilities.

Kim Young-gil nodded as if he agreed.

“That’s true. You might have to present in front of Steve Jobs.”

“That’s very likely. Of course, we have to prepare for that too.”

Yoo-hyun’s words stimulated Kim Young-gil and he asked.

“Should we watch Steve Jobs’ presentation video again?”

“Let’s do that. I’ll play it right away.”

The video that Yoo-hyun played was from last January, when the iPhone first came out.

On the screen, Steve Jobs appeared in a black turtleneck and jeans.

He got on the stage and exchanged a few jokes with the audience.

Then he captivated the auditorium with a few words.

Kim Young-gil admired him.

“He’s amazing. I’m really drawn in just by watching him.”

“He rehearsed for five days straight, talking to the audience.”


“Yes. He spent two weeks preparing for that presentation.”

Yoo-hyun answered and Kim Young-gil swallowed his saliva and asked.

“Is that the person we’re going to present in front of?”


“I see.”

Kim Young-gil trembled but clenched his fists.

He was trying to overcome his fear, but that was not enough.

Yoo-hyun planted a clear vision in him so that he would not lose his way.

“And two years later, Steve Jobs will introduce our panel at that place.”

Kim Young-gil did not doubt Yoo-hyun’s words at all.

He rather asked about the outcome.

“How will he introduce it?”

“As the best panel in the world. Then, the whole world will pay attention to us.”

“The best panel in the world.”

“Yes. And you’ll be there, manager.”

Yoo-hyun was not making empty words.

In the past, Yoo-hyun was invited to Apple’s presentation as a reward for planning the iPhone 4 panel.

He heard the applause of countless audiences on the spot.

He still remembered the joy of that time.

Kim Young-gil, the manager, asked Yoo-hyun.

There was a determination in his eyes.

“Then you should come with me. We worked on this together.”

“Yes. Let’s do that.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and answered. Kim Young-gil got up from his seat.

He exuded a spirit of seeing this through.

“Let’s stop here. We need to start over.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Yoo-hyun nodded right away.

The presentation preparation went on, but there was still an uncertain part.

It was the final demo mockup.

Yoo-hyun, who was in charge of it, had no idea what it looked like.

Not only Yoo-hyun, but no one knew.

It was because of Apple’s strict secrecy.

As long as this part was blank, they would be in trouble no matter how well they prepared for the presentation.

Yoo-hyun tried to solve this problem in another way.

Ziing. Ziing.

Then, he got a call from the person who would see the demo mockup first.

Yoo-hyun left Kim Young-gil, who was practicing, and went outside to answer the phone.

Soon after, he heard the voice of Maeng Ki-yong, the senior engineer, from the other side of the line.

-Yoo-hyun, how are you doing?

“I’m doing well. How about you?”

-I just arrived at the headquarters. The atmosphere here is no joke.

It was already dark in local time.

Going to the headquarters now meant that he would stay there overnight as expected.

“So you’re staying there and testing the mockup?”

-Yeah. It seems like that’s what’s going to happen. I have to hand in my phone too.

“That makes sense. Apple is very thorough about that.”

Yoo-hyun said as if he understood.

Maeng Ki-yong didn’t have much time and got to the point.

-Yoo-hyun, let’s check the part I told you last time.

“Yes. Go ahead.”

-The part I told you to pay attention to when testing the mockup is…

“Yes. That’s right. You can proceed with using the video board.”

Yoo-hyun nodded and Maeng Ki-yong continued.

-What if that’s not the case…

“Then backup would be better. Please tell John Norman.”

-Is that all?

“There’s one more thing. That is…”

Yoo-hyun explained more when it happened.

Maeng Ki-yong clicked his tongue.

-You’re so meticulous. You’re really tough, tough.

“Don’t feel too pressured.”

Yoo-hyun tried to ease his burden by matching his style.

-Hoo. That makes me feel more pressured.

“You don’t have to. I can fix it even if it doesn’t go well. You know that.”

That seemed to be more stimulating to him.

Maeng Ki-yong’s excited voice calmed down.

He could imagine what kind of look he had on his face without seeing it.

-Forget it. I know, so hurry up and come.

“Haha. Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

Yoo-hyun felt relieved and hung up the phone.

As time passed, the presentation preparation became more specific.

The VIP meeting room was now fully decorated as a presentation set.

Kim Young-gil, the manager, practiced his presentation whenever he had a chance.

“This Hanseong’s ultra-high-resolution panel is…”

His voice became clearer as time went by.

It was the result of practicing with less sleep.

While he was working hard, Yoo-hyun was not idle either.

He assisted Kim Young-gil and refined the presentation materials.

While they were preparing, a phone call came in.

Ziing. Ziing.

It was from the gym director.

Kim Young-gil saw the caller and told Yoo-hyun who was about to get up.

“Just answer it here. It’s just us two, what does it matter.”

“Yes. Okay.”

Yoo-hyun answered the phone and heard a cheerful voice.

-Hey, Yoo-hyun, are you still alive?

“Director, hello.”

-You said you came to Seoul? Why don’t you stop by?

“I’ll go after this work is done.”

-Is it that important?

Yoo-hyun answered the director’s question with a good humor.

“Yes. It’s so important that I can’t miss going to the gym.”

-Puhahaha. Okay, stop by when you’re done. I’ll forget your face.

The director laughed heartily as always.

Yoo-hyun also replied with a good mood.

“Okay. Take care.”


Kim Young-gil looked at Yoo-hyun who hung up the phone with an apologetic expression.

“You don’t have to stay here because of me.”

“No. I have to focus on this work.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t stay on purpose.

He had no reason to do that either.

Still, Kim Young-gil looked sorry.

“No. I’m fine by myself.”

“Let’s do more preparation. Come on, let’s start.”

He wanted to comfort him more, but he didn’t have time for that.

Yoo-hyun immediately put his hands on the laptop keyboard.

Kim Young-gil shook his head as he looked at Yoo-hyun.

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